Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Workflows for Promotion Groups > Workflows That Process Promotion Group Assets >

ISS Promotion Group Disconnect Process Workflow

This workflow is used to disconnect a promotion group and all its memberships. It is called when the user selects a promotion group in the Installed Assets screen and clicks the Disconnect button.

Figure 149 shows this workflow.

Figure 149. ISS Promotion Group Disconnect Process Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Load Prom Group Related Assets. This step gets the list of promotion group memberships and rewards.
  2. Get Next PG Item. This step iterates through the list of promotion group items.
  3. IS Reward? This step checks whether the promotion group item is a reward.
  4. Get Delete Member Flag. This step checks whether the Delete Member flag is selected for the membership.
  5. Is Delete Member? This step checks the Delete Member flag value of the membership product.
  6. Get Associated Memberships. This step gets all the associated memberships for this asset if the Delete Member flag has a Y value.
  7. Associated to > 1 Membership. This step checks whether the asset is associated with more than one membership.
  8. Build - Cannot Delete Member Message. This step creates a message to indicate that the asset cannot be disconnected if the asset is associated with more than one membership.
  9. Load Message. This step loads the message from Step 8 in the UMF applet.
  10. Wait for response. This step waits for the user response to the warning message.
  11. Get Product Type of Member Asset 2. This step gets the Product Type value of the asset associated with the membership.
  12. Is Member Promotion? This step checks for the product type of the member asset.
  13. Calculate Promotion Penalty. This step calculates the penalty if the member asset is a promotion.
  14. Add to Membership Penalty. This step adds the promotion penalty charge to the total penalty charge.
  15. Calculate Membership Penalty. This step calculates the penalty for membership
  16. Add Penalty. This step adds all the penalties for disconnecting the membership.
  17. Add Prom Group Penalty. This step adds the penalty to the promotion group.
  18. Penalty > 0. This step checks whether the penalty is greater than zero.
  19. Load Penalty Message. This step loads the penalty message in the UMF applet.
  20. Wait For Message Response. This step waits for the user response to the penalty warning message.
  21. Get Response. This step gets the accept or reject response for the penalty message.
  22. Accept Penalty? This step checks the Total Penalty Charge value.
  23. Is PG Item Count > 0. This step determines whether the number of Promotion Group items is greater than 0.
  24. Delete Promotion Group Item. This step deletes the membership or reward Promotion Group item.
  25. Get Next Promotion Group Item. This step gets the next Promotion Group item, either a membership or reward from the list.
  26. Is End Of Promotion Group Item List? This step checks whether the Promotion Group Item list is empty.
  27. Is Reward Product? This step checks whether the Promotion Group item is a reward.
  28. Any Associated Member? This step checks whether the membership has associated member assets.
  29. Get Delete Member Asset Flag. This step checks whether the Delete Member flag is selected for a membership.
  30. Get Product Type of Member Asset. This step gets the Product Type value of the asset associated with the membership.
  31. Delete Member? This step checks whether the Delete Member flag is selected for a membership.
  32. Is Member Promotion? This step checks whether the associated member asset is a promotion.
  33. Disconnect Member Product. This step disconnects the member asset.
  34. Load Promotion Related Assets. This step loads the promotion related assets if the promotion is the member asset.
  35. Load the Promotion Asset. This step loads the promotion asset if the promotion is the member asset.
  36. Filter Promotion Related Asset By Active Doc. This step filters the asset list from Step 34 with the current quote or order. If the asset is found in the current quote or order, then it is removed from the list.
  37. Disconnect Promotion and Promotion related Assets. This step disconnects the promotion and its related assets.
  38. Get Validate Member Asset Flag. This step verifies if the Validate Member flag is selected for the membership.
  39. Validate Member? This step verifies if the Validate Member flag is selected.
  40. Edit Member Asset. This step edits the member asset.
  41. Is Asset a Promotion? This step checks whether the member asset is a promotion.
  42. Load Prom Related Assets. This step loads the promotion related assets if the promotion is the member asset.
  43. Filter Prom Related Asset By Active Doc. This step filters the asset list from Step 42 with the current quote or order. If the asset is found in the current quote or order, then it is removed from the list.
  44. Is Size > 0? This step checks the size of the filtered asset list.
  45. Edit Promotion Related Assets. This step brings the promotion related assets to the quote or order.
  46. Is Penalty Charge Amount > 0? This step checks the total penalty charge value.
  47. Go to Order? This step checks the value of the target quote or order. This step is called if the value of the total penalty charge is greater than zero.
  48. Query Order. This step gets the active order.
  49. Query Quote. This step gets the active quote.
  50. Add Penalty to Order. This step adds the penalty item to an order.
  51. Add Penalty to Quote. This step adds the penalty item to a quote.

Table 116 shows the steps in this workflow that call business service methods.

Table 116. Associated Business Service Methods
Workflow Step
Method Called
In Business Service

Load Prom Group Related Assets


ISS Promotion Group Management Service

Get Next PG Item


ISS Promotion Group Management Service

Add Penalty


Workflow Utilities

Add to Membership Penalty


Workflow Utilities

Add Prom Group Penalty


Workflow Utilities

Get Delete Member Flag


ISS Promotion Group Management Service

Delete Prom Group Item

Iterate Process For Selected Rows

SIS OM PMT Service

Get Next Prom Group Item


ISS Promotion Group Management Service

Get Associated Memberships


ISS Promotion Group Management Service

Build - Cannot Delete Member Message


Workflow Utilities

Load Message


Unified Messaging Service

Load Penalty Message


ISS Promotion Management Service

Edit Promotion Related Assets

Iterate Process For Selected Rows

SIS OM PMT Service

Get Response


ISS Promotion Management Service

Get Delete Member Asset Flag


ISS Promotion Group Management Service

Get Validate Member Asset Flag


ISS Promotion Group Management Service

Filter Prom Related Asset By Active Doc


ISS Promotion Management Service

Load Prom Related Assets


ISS Promotion Management Service

Load Promotion Related Assets


ISS Promotion Management Service

Load Promotion Asset


ISS Promotion Management Service

Filter Promotion Related Asset By Active Doc


ISS Promotion Management Service

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