Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications > Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering > Workflows to Edit Quote Line Items >

SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item Workflow

The workflow prevents the new line items that are created for a deleted action code. It is called when the user clicks Customize in the Quote Detail view. This workflow applies active and unprocessed orders to the asset associated with the chosen line item and displays the asset in the Product Configurator view. The user makes changes to define the newly requested state, then clicks Done. The workflow writes the delta of the current and requested states of the asset to the current quote as one or more line items.

Figure 19 illustrates the SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item workflow.

Figure 19. SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Clears the business service cache of existing product instances and loads the quote line item.
  2. Checks the action code of the first-level component of the quote line item. If the action code is Add, then the workflow proceeds to Step 8.
  3. If the action code is not Add, then the workflow recursively loops through the input property set and gets the integration IDs for the line items. The input property set includes the quote line items in the active document.
  4. Reads the asset that is associated with the chosen quote line item from the Siebel database, excluding components that contain an Inactive status.
  5. Retrieves all prior active and unprocessed orders that relate to the asset and applies them to generate the requested future state of the asset.
  6. Removes the asset components whose Track As Asset flag is not set.
  7. If one of the active and unprocessed orders disconnects the first-level component, or if the Track As Asset flag is not set for any asset components, then the resulting asset is empty, and the workflow displays the following error message: A request has already been made to disconnect this service item. The workflow stops.
  8. Applies the current quote line item to the asset.
  9. Stores the quote header so that line items can be added to it.
  10. Corrects the asset so that the asset structure matches the product definition. If any changes are made to the asset, then the workflow displays a warning message.
  11. Displays the currently requested state of the asset in the Product Configurator view. The user makes the required changes and clicks Done or Cancel.
  12. If the user clicks Cancel, then the workflow terminates. If the user clicks Done, then the workflow retrieves the newly requested state from the Configurator.
  13. If the action code of the root item is not Add, then the workflow caches the newly requested state of the asset to use as an input to delta.
  14. Generates the delta of the following as one or more quote line items:
    • The requested state of the asset before the current order line item is applied.
    • The state of the asset after the user reconfigures it.
  15. If the system preference Enable AIA Comms is set to True, then the Integration Ids of the deleted line item from 'Quote Line Item' process property are copied, avoiding creating new line items by retaining the existing Integration Ids.
  16. Generates a unique asset integration ID for all line items that contain an Add action code.
  17. Performs one of the following:
    • If the Enable AIA Comms system preference is set to True, then the workflow creates a one-time service charge item for the quote. For more information, see SIS OM Add Service Charge Quote Sub-Process Workflow.
    • If the Enable AIA Comms system preference is set to False, then the workflow proceeds to Step 18 without creating a one-time service charge item.
  18. Saves the document to the Siebel database.
  19. Navigates to the Quote Line Item view.

Table 21 shows the steps in this workflow that call business service methods.

Table 21. Associated Business Service Methods
Workflow Step
Method Called
In Business Service

Get Deleted Integration Id


SIS OM PMT Service

Refresh Business Component

Refresh Business Component

SIS OM PMT Service

Ensure New Line Item

Set Field Value

SIS OM PMT Service

Set Product Instance (EAI Op)

Set Product Instance

SIS OM PMT Service

Prepare Sync Input (Set EAI_OPERATION codes)

Compute EAI Operation

SIS OM PMT Service

Copy Integration Id


SIS OM PMT Service

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