Siebel Public Sector Guide > Administering Siebel Public Sector > Disabling Automatic Serialization >

Adding Serial Number Buttons to the User Interface

Using Serial Number buttons, you can give the users the option to serialize items (for example, leads) in the user interface. To view an example of a Serial Number button, navigate to the Evidence screen, Evidence List, and then the Attachments view. For more information about editing applet layouts, views, and screens, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

To add a Serial Number button to the Leads screen, perform the following tasks:

  1. Checking Configuration on PUB Lead Business component
  2. Creating and Configuring New Serialization Applet
  3. Defining Business User Properties

These tasks assume that you disabled automatic serialization on leads. For more information, see Disabling Automatic Serialization.

Checking Configuration on PUB Lead Business component

First, check the configuration on the PUB Lead business component.

To check the configuration on the PUB Lead business component

  1. Log into Siebel Tools as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Object Explorer, then Business Component.
  3. Query for PUB Lead.
  4. Navigate to Business Component, then Field.
  5. Check to make sure that the Serial Number field is present.

Creating and Configuring New Serialization Applet

You must create and configure the new serialization applet.

To create and configure the new serialization applet

  1. Navigate to Object Explorer, then Applet and query for the PUB Lead Form Applet.
  2. Copy the applet record and rename it with the suffix (Serialization) to PUB Lead Form Applet (Serialization).
  3. Right-click the applet record, and select Edit Web Layout.
  4. In the Mode field of the Web Controls toolbar, select the Edit List applet mode.
  5. On the Web Controls window, click the MiniButton icon.
  6. Click the position in Applet Layout where you want the button to appear.
  7. Define the properties for the control in the Properties Window using the following values.


    Serial Number

    HTML Display Mode


    HTML Only


    HTML Row Sensitive


    HTML Type




    Method Invoked




    Parent Name

    PUB Lead Form Applet



    Read Only




    Show Popup




    Text Alignment




    Visible Language Override


  8. Select File and then Save.

Defining Business User Properties

You must also define the business user properties to invoke the serialization business service.

To define business user properties to invoke the serialization business service

  1. Log in to Seibel Tools or Web Tools as an Administrator and create a new workspace.
  2. Navigate to Object Explorer, then Business Component and query for PUB Lead.
  3. Navigate to Business Component, then Business Component User Prop.
  4. Create three new user property records with the following values and expressions.

    Named Method 1

    "SerialNumber", "INVOKE", "PUB Lead", "WriteRecord"

    Named Method 2

    "SerialNumber", "INVOKESVC", "PUB LEAD", "PUB Case Serialization Service", "SetSerialNumber", "Operation", "Generate", "BO Name", "HLS Case", "BC Name", "PUB LEAD", "Id", "[Id]", "Parent BC Name", "HLS Case", "Parent Id", "ParentFieldValue('Id')"

    Named Method 3

    "SerialNumber", "INVOKE", "PUB LEAD", "RefreshRecord"

    Named Method 1 forces a WriteRecord, Named Method 2 invokes the Serialization Service business service to set the Serial Number field in the PUB Lead business component, and Named Method 3 refreshes the user interface.

    NOTE:  If additional named methods are already configured on the business component, then name the serialization user properties using the next available numbers. For example, if Named Methods 1, 2, and 3 exist, then you can add Named Methods 4, 5, and 6 for the purposes of serialization.

  5. Replace the PUB Lead Form Applet in the PUB Leads List View with the new PUB Lead Form Applet (Serialization).
  6. Deliver the changes to the Integration Branch.
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