Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing the Siebel Database on the RDBMS >

Installing the Siebel Database

This topic describes how to install the Siebel database on the RDBMS. This task is a step in Roadmap for Installing and Configuring Siebel Business Applications for a New Deployment. (Also perform all of the other applicable tasks in this chapter.)

NOTE:  As of Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, installing a new database creates an ODBC data source name that allows you to use database authentication when you run Siebel Management Console, as described in Configuring Siebel Business Applications Server Modules.

To install Siebel database components

  1. Review About Installing the Siebel Database and Starting the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard.
  2. Before you run the Database Configuration Wizard for the first time, run the CreateDbSrvrEnvScript script to generate the environment setup files dbenv.csh and

    CreateDbSrvrEnvScript is located in the directory $SIEBSRVR_ROOT/install_script/install. Run CreateDbSrvrEnvScript from this location by using the following command:

    ./CreateDbSrvrEnvScript Siebel_Root_Parent_Directory LANG DB_Platform


    • Siebel_Root_Parent_Directory is the top-level Siebel Enterprise Server installation directory.
    • LANG is the three-letter code for the primary language for the Siebel database that you will install; for example, ITA for Italian.
    • DB_Platform is Oracle, Db2Udb, or Db2.390.

      For example:

    ./CreateDbSrvrEnvScript /siebel ITA Oracle

    The dbenv.csh and environment setup files are created in the Siebel Server installation directory.

  3. Open a shell window.
  4. Navigate to the $SIEBSRVR_ROOT directory and source the environment file by using one of the following commands, depending on the type of shell that you use. Perform this step each time that you run the Database Configuration Wizard. You must have created this file first, by using the script CreateDbSrvrEnvScript, as described in Step 2.

    C shell

    source dbenv.csh

    Bourne or Korn shell

    . ./

    TIP:   Make sure that there is a space between the initial period and ./

    In this path, $SIEBSRVR_ROOT is the location of the Siebel Server root directory. For example, the directory might be /export/home/Siebel/siebsrvr.

  5. Verify whether the values for SIEBEL_ROOT and LANGUAGE are correctly set or are empty by entering:


    If the variables are incorrect or missing, then reset them using one of the following commands, as appropriate to the shell that you use.

    For example, the SIEBEL_ROOT value might resemble /export/home/Siebel/siebsrvr, while the value for LANGUAGE might be ENU, FRA, JPN, CHS, or another code representing the language in which you are running the Database Configuration Wizard.

    C shell

    setenv SIEBEL_ROOT New_Value

    setenv LANGUAGE New_Value

    Bourne or Korn shell

    export SIEBEL_ROOT=New_Value

    export LANGUAGE=New_Value

  6. Navigate to the config subdirectory of the $SIEBEL_ROOT directory. For example, navigate to a location like /Siebel/config.
  7. Start the Database Configuration Wizard, as described in Starting the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard. Enter a command similar to the following:

    install_path/config/config -mode dbsrvr

    In this path, install_path is the installation path for the installed Siebel Enterprise Server software.

    The Database Configuration Wizard validates the existence of the $SIEBEL_ROOT directory.

  8. Specify the following, and click Next:

    Siebel Server Directory. Specify the existing installation location of Siebel Server. This location is also referred to as the $SIEBSRVR_ROOT directory. For example, this directory might be /export/home/Siebel/siebsrvr.

    Siebel Database Server Directory. Specify the existing installation location of Siebel Database Configuration Utilities. This location is also referred to as the DBSRVR_ROOT directory. For example, this directory might be /export/home/Siebel/dbsrvr.

  9. On the RDBMS Platform screen, select one of the following platforms, and click Next:

    IBM DB2 UDB for Linux UNIX Windows
    IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS
    Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

  10. On the Siebel Database Operation screen, select Install Database from the list, and click Next.
  11. On the Select Installation Operation screen, select Install Siebel Database to install a new Siebel database, or select Add a Language to an Existing Siebel Database, and then click Next.

    The Install Siebel Database option creates the Siebel schema and inserts seed data and Siebel Repository data for the primary language at the end of the Configuration Wizard session.

    If you instead selected Add a Language to an Existing Siebel Database, then go to Step 20. You must have included the language when you installed the Siebel Server and Database Configuration Utilities. For more information, see Installing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications with Multiple Languages.

  12. On the next screen, confirm that you want to install a new Siebel database, or indicate that you already have a Siebel database.
  13. On the Siebel User/Role Creation screen, confirm that you (or a database administrator) have already run the grantusr.sql script to set up table owner and administrator accounts.

    NOTE:  The table owner and administrator accounts must be in place or you will not be able to complete the installation of the tables, indexes, and seed data in the Siebel database. For more information, see Creating Table Owner and Administrator Accounts.

    • If you already ran grantusr.sql, then select the corresponding option, and click Next.
    • If you did not already run grantusr.sql, then exit the Database Configuration Wizard, and run the script now. When the script has finished executing, restart the Database Configuration Wizard.
  14. (Oracle Database only) Specify the following, and click Next:

    Siebel Database Table Owner. Type the name of the Siebel database table owner or the account that will own the Siebel objects.

    Oracle SQLNet Connect String. Provide the name of the Oracle schema qualifier or table owner name and the SQLNet connect string for Oracle Database.

  15. (Microsoft SQL Server only) Specify the following, and click Next:

    Microsoft SQL Server Host Name. Provide the host name of the computer running Microsoft SQL Server. This value must not be left empty.

    Microsoft SQL Server Database Name. Provide the name of the Microsoft SQL Server database.

  16. (IBM DB2 or IBM DB2 for z/OS only) Specify the following, and click Next:

    DB2 Instance Path. Provide the IBM DB2 client installation path, such as /home/sblqa1, where sblqa1 contains the sqllib subdirectory.

  17. (IBM DB2 only) Specify the following, and click Next:

    Siebel Database Table Owner. Type the name of the Siebel database table owner or the account that will own the Siebel objects.

    IBM DB2 Database Alias. Provide the name of the IBM DB2 UDB schema qualifier or table owner name and the database alias for IBM DB2.

  18. (IBM DB2 for z/OS only) Specify the following, and click Next:

    Siebel Database Table Owner. Type the name of the Siebel database table owner or the account that will own the Siebel objects.

    IBM DB2 Database Alias. Provide the name of the IBM DB2 UDB schema qualifier or table owner name and the database alias for IBM DB2.

    Current IBM DB2 SQL ID / Group Name. Provide the name of the IBM DB2 UDB SQL ID or group name.

  19. On the Database Encoding screen, identify the appropriate database encoding method, and click Next:

    UNICODE Database
    Non-UNICODE Database

    CAUTION:  Choose the correct option for your database to prevent installing the wrong data types. The database cannot create Unicode data types on a non-Unicode page setting, so check this setting carefully before choosing this option.

    NOTE:  Before you select languages in the next two steps, review the information about code pages in Planning RDBMS Installation and Configuration.

  20. On the Base Language screen, specify which language serves as the primary language (base language) for the Siebel database.

    NOTE:  If you installed a single Siebel language pack on the Siebel Server where you also installed Database Configuration Utilities, then that language is assumed for a new database installation. Neither the Base Language nor the Language Selection screen appears. Go to Step 22.

    The languages listed in this screen are those for which you previously installed Siebel language packs on the Siebel Server where you also installed Database Configuration Utilities. Do one of the following, and click Next:

    • If you are installing a new Siebel database, then specify the language that will be the primary language. Seed data and Siebel Repository data will be installed for this language. Go to Step 22. (The Language Selection screen does not appear in this case.)
    • If you are adding a language to an existing Siebel database, then specify the language that you already installed as the primary language. Go to the next step to specify the additional language to install, from the Language Selection screen.
  21. (Add Language case only) On the Language Selection screen, select the language that you want to install in the Siebel database, for an Add Language operation.

    NOTE:  This screen does not appear for a new database install case. Go to the next step.

    The languages listed in this screen are those for which you previously installed Siebel language packs on the Siebel Server where you also installed Database Configuration Utilities.

    Select the language that you want to add. Seed data will be installed for this language. You must import the Siebel Repository for this language separately (using the Add Language to an Existing Repository task), as described in Importing a Siebel Repository Manually into the Siebel Database.

    Some of the remaining screens do not apply for an add-language operation. Go to the next applicable step.

  22. Specify the following, and click Next:

    Database User Name. Type the user name of the Siebel administrator; for example, sadmin.

    Database Password. Type the password for the Siebel administrator.

    Database Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.

  23. Specify the following, and click Next:

    Database Table Owner. Type the name of the Siebel database table owner or the account that will own the Siebel objects.

    Database Table Owner Password. Type the password for the Siebel database table owner.

    Database Table Owner Password (confirm). Retype the password to confirm it.

  24. (Oracle Database only) On the Register External Oracle DB ODBC Driver screen, specify this option if you will use the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications to exchange data with your back office system, and your back office system stores data in an Oracle Database.
  25. (IBM DB2 only) Specify the following, and click Next:

    Index Table Space Name. Type the name for your index tablespace; for example, SBL_INDX. (Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)

    4K Table Space Name. Type the name for your 4-KB tablespace; for example, TBS_4K. (Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)

    16K Table Space Name. Type the name for your 16-KB tablespace; for example, TBS_16K. (Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)

    32K Table Space Name. Type the name for your 32-KB tablespace; for example, TBS_32K. (Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)

  26. (Oracle Database only) Specify the following, and click Next:

    Index Table Space Name. Type the name for your index tablespace; for example, INDEX01. (Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)

    Table Space Name. Type the name for your tablespace; for example, DATA01. (Tablespace names must not contain spaces; underscores are allowed.)

  27. (Oracle Database only) On the Siebel License Key Option screen, specify that you will provide the license key data later, and click Next.

    In the current release, the license keys for Siebel CRM base applications must be activated using the License Key Activation utility, as described in Activating License Keys.

  28. (Oracle Database only) On the Oracle Parallel Index screen, specify the statement describing your database environment, and click Next:
    • Does not use the Oracle Parallel Indexing option
    • Uses the Oracle Parallel Indexing option

      If you have a single-CPU environment, then choose the first option. If you have a multiple-CPU environment, then choose the first or second option, depending on whether you are running your Oracle Database with parallel indexing on.

  29. Specify the following, and click Next:

    Security Group ID / Grantee. Type the name for your security group. Specify SSE_ROLE.

  30. On the Log Output Directory screen, accept the default log directory or enter a new directory name, and click Next.

    By default, logging occurs in the $SIEBSRVR_ROOT/log/operation/output directory. In this path, operation corresponds to the operation that you are performing, such as install for an Install Database operation or install_lang for an Add Language operation.

    Click Help to view the following message, which asks if you are ready to apply configuration changes to the Siebel database now, using the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, or will do so later:

    Configuration is complete: your output will be saved under $SiebelRoot/siebsrvr/bin/master_<process>.ucf. Would you like to deploy the process you configured to the database now or later?

    NOTE:  Check the Siebel Release Notes on My Oracle Support for the current release. If this document describes any tasks that you must perform to modify the generated SQL files, then modify the generated SQL files as necessary before you execute the SQL in the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

  31. Choose one of the following, and click Next:
    • Yes apply configuration changes now. Choose this option if you want the generated SQL files to be executed in the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.
    • No I will apply configuration changes later. Choose this option if you do not want the generated SQL files to be executed in the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. In this case, you must run the Upgrade Wizard manually at a later time in order to execute the generated SQL files.

      If you choose to apply configuration changes later, then the command line to apply the configuration later is:

    $SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/bin/srvrupgwiz /m master_operation.ucf

    For the purposes of this procedure, operation is either install or install_lang.

  32. Review the values that you entered on the previous screens in the Database Configuration Wizard:
    • If you have to change any values, then click Back and Next to access the screens on which to change entries, and then to return to this screen.
    • Alternatively, you can click Cancel to cancel the Database Configuration Wizard session, then restart the wizard and enter different values.
    • When you have verified your input, click Next. Doing so generates SQL files that you will then apply to the database. When all of the SQL files have been generated, a message appears, stating The configuration changes were applied successfully. Click OK.

      If you chose No in Step 31, then the Siebel Upgrade Wizard does not appear. You must run it manually, after reviewing the generated SQL files.

      If you chose Yes in Step 31, then the Siebel Upgrade Wizard appears.

      NOTE:  When you run the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, if a program or system error occurs, then you can rerun the wizard, starting at the point at which the wizard failed. For more information, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

      When the Siebel Upgrade Wizard finishes running, the Siebel Upgrade Wizard Complete screen appears. You have now finished installing the Siebel database components.

  33. After the Siebel Upgrade Wizard has finished running, click Exit to exit the Database Configuration Wizard.
Related Topics

About Installing the Siebel Database

Verifying Installation for the Siebel Database

Troubleshooting Installation for the Siebel Database

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