Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Configuring Siebel Business Applications Server Modules > Running the Siebel Management Console >

Overview of Siebel Management Console

Siebel Management Console is a Web-based application that runs on the Siebel Application Interface. The tasks that you perform in this program use the graphical user interface shown in the figures. This topic is part of Running the Siebel Management Console.

NOTE:  Where possible, it is strongly recommended to explore this user interface as much as possible before performing important configuration tasks for any Siebel environment. For many tasks, multiple ways of performing those tasks are provided.

The Siebel Management Console, which displays this name in its title bar, includes user interface features such as menus, icons, lists and forms, and a hierarchical display of your Siebel deployment. The options and defaults that the Management Console displays depend on which module you are configuring and on prior selections. For each profile configuration task, the settings you see are also displayed in a table.

The Siebel Management Console performs validation on the input that you provide. For example, you cannot proceed to the next screen unless you have provided values for all required fields. Pointing to items displayed in the console displays tooltips for many of the selections, which supplement the information provided in this guide.

Sample configurations are provided for most types of configuration profiles. As a shortcut for creating profiles, you can select these sample profiles and review their settings. As appropriate, you can copy and modify these profiles for your own use.

Click each section to review its options. When you are creating a new profile, you must specify settings for all required options, clicking Next where necessary to display options in subsequent sections. When you are reviewing an existing profile, the Next button is not available. However, for applicable profile types, you can view additional sections by clicking the next segment of the multipart horizontal bar.

The Siebel Management Console, which you run in the browser from the Siebel Application Interface installation, uses RESTful services and application containers to communicate with the physical Siebel modules that you are configuring or that participate in the configuration process.

The Siebel Management Console primarily supports the initial configuration of Siebel Business Applications. In addition to creating profiles and deploying them to your initial Siebel deployment, you can configure newly installed modules to add to your existing deployment. You can also modify profiles (subject to limitations), clone profiles, compare profiles, and delete profiles.

You can modify the configuration of existing deployment items in Siebel Management Console, as follows:

  • For Siebel Application Interface, the profile is in a read-write state after you deploy it. You can update configuration settings and save the profile to propagate the updates to the deployed Siebel Application Interface.
  • For all other deployment items, the profile that you had used to configure the entity is in a read-only state after deployment. To modify the deployment item, you must remove it, modify the applicable profile, and then redeploy the profile to a new deployment item. For more information about deleting a deployment item, see Process of Removing Configuration Data.
  • Deployment items in the Saved or Staging states can be modified. For other than Siebel Application Interface, deployments in any other state are not editable and cannot be modified other than as described in the previous paragraph.

Also note the following about the display of configuration data in Siebel Management Console:

  • Restarting the Siebel Application Interface refreshes all profile data.
  • If the deployment is migrated successfully by the Siebel Migration application, then, when you refresh the configuration, the state changes to Migrated.

Siebel Management Console Screens

Figure 5 shows the Siebel Deployment screen in Siebel Management Console. Use this screen to deploy new items, using profiles that you have created, or to review or update settings for existing deployed items, where possible. When you select a deployment item that you have added, the icons at the top change to include those that correspond to actions you can perform on this deployment item.

Figure 5. Siebel Deployment Screen in Siebel Management Console

Figure 6 shows the Profiles screen in Siebel Management Console. Use this screen to create new profiles or to review or update settings for existing profiles.

Figure 6. Profiles Screen in Siebel Management Console
Related Topics

About Configuring Siebel Business Applications

Starting the Siebel Management Console

Supported Activities in Siebel Management Console

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