Siebel Email Administration Guide > Configuring User Interface Elements > Configuring Recipient Groups for Requests and Advanced Templates >

Configuring Substitution Fields for Recipient Groups

For the business components in a recipient group, all business component fields are generally listed as available substitutions. (System fields, hidden fields, and fields that have a dot in the name are not listed.) Fields are listed from both the recipient group business component and recipient source business component, if the fields are different.

Note the following examples:

  • For the Contacts recipient group, the available substitution fields are from the Contact business component in the form [Field Name].
  • For the Account Contacts recipient group, the available substitution fields are from both the Contact business component in the form [Field Name] and the Account business component in the form [Account.Field Name].

Although it is usually unnecessary, you can use Siebel Tools to explicitly specify the substitution fields to list for any business component.

To configure a substitution field for a recipient group

  1. Start Siebel Tools, then select the business component on which the recipient group is based.
  2. In the Object Explorer, select Business Component User Prop.

    The Business Component User Properties applet appears.

  3. Select Edit, then New Record.
  4. Enter details for the new record as shown in the following table.
In this field


Substitution Field #

Replace # with the next number in the list of substitution fields. For example, if the name of the last created substitution field is Substitution Field 17, then the name of the new field is Substitution Field 18.


The name of the business component field.

  1. Step off the record to save your changes.

NOTE:  If you add one or more Substitution Field user properties, then only those business component fields that the user properties identify are listed as available substitution fields in the All Templates or My Templates view. No other fields are listed for the business component. For more information about specifying user properties, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Siebel Developer's Reference.

For the Account Contacts recipient group, any Substitution Field user properties defined on the Accounts or the Contacts business component affect the substitution fields for only that business component.

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