Siebel Email Administration Guide > Using Communications Operations > Using Send Commands to Send Messages >

Sending Wireless Messages

You can send a wireless message to any recipient whose mobile device and device address information is stored in the Siebel database. Optionally, you can include Siebel application content in the wireless message.

Whether the Pick Recipient dialog box appears after Step 2 in the following procedure depends on the kind of data that currently has the focus when you choose the Send Wireless Message command. Note the following points:

  • If the current record is a person, such as a contact or employee, then the Pick Recipient dialog box does not appear. The Send Wireless Message window appears.
  • If the current record is an element, such as a service request or account, then the Pick Recipient dialog box appears if generic recipients are configured. Choose generic recipients, such as the contacts associated with the current service request.

To send a wireless message

  1. Optionally, select one or more records for contacts, employees, or other persons for whom mobile device information is defined in the Siebel database.
  2. Perform one of the following steps:
    • From the application-level menu, choose File, then Send Wireless Message.
    • Press Alt+F9.
    • Click to the right of Initiate Work Item on the communications toolbar, then click Send Wireless Message, or click Initiate Work Item when Send Wireless Message is the displayed ToolTip text. For more information about initiating work items, see Siebel CTI Administration Guide.

      If you do not specify recipients in Step 1, then the Pick Recipient dialog box appears. If you specify recipients before invoking the command, then the Send Wireless Message window appears. If the Send Wireless Message window appears, then go to Step 4.

  3. In the Pick Recipient dialog box, specify the recipient or specify no recipient yet.

    The available recipients to choose from depend on the application context. For example, if Send Wireless Message is invoked from a Service Requests list, then the choices are Service Request Contact and Service Request Owner.

    The Send Wireless Message window appears.

  4. For the To field, perform one or more of the following steps:
    • Verify any recipients that were automatically inserted in previous steps. (No more than one recipient appears in the To line, but all specified recipients receive the message.)
    • Click the select button to the right of the To field, and explicitly specify individual persons from the Siebel database for the To field.
  5. Optionally, from the Body drop-down list, choose the name of a communications template (with a Body type) to insert into the message body.

    Field substitution applies to template text when you insert the text into a message. Substitution functions correctly if the fields exist in the current list or form (containing focus) in the Siebel application.

    You can insert more than one template. Any template you choose is appended to the existing text.

    The listed templates are subject to filtering that is based on several factors, including channel, language, and locale. For more information, see Visibility and Access for Templates.

  6. Optionally, enter free-form text to modify or add to the template text.

    NOTE:  Wireless network operators and wireless messaging protocols impose limits of message text length. Customers must consult their network operators to find out the limits that apply, and then observe the limits.

  7. Optionally, check the spelling for your message.
  8. Click Send, or click Cancel if you decide not to send the wireless message.

    NOTE:  If you cancel the wireless message, then the corresponding Siebel activity record (created to track the send operation) is deleted.

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