Siebel Email Administration Guide > Managing Workflows for Siebel Email Response > eMail Response - Process Message Workflow >

Route Message Subprocess

Email messages usually are routed to agents by setting the Owned By field in the activity record, enabling an agent to see the message in the Communications List view. New email messages and follow-up email messages are routed differently. The routing and queueing methods that you use to identify the correct agent also determine how messages are routed.

  • New Message Routing. New messages do not have thread IDs. Therefore, new messages are identified by the absence of a thread ID in the message. When a new message is found, the workflow determines the routing process that is employed (Assignment Manager, custom routing and queueing, or manual routing) on the Enable Assignment Manager process property.
    • Assignment Manager. If the Enable Assignment Manager process property is True, then Siebel Assignment Manager assigns messages to the appropriate agent. Using assignment rules and criteria, Assignment Manager assigns specific activities to employees by using their skills, competencies, and other email assignment attributes. Assignment Manager can assign email to employees dynamically or interactively, and can assign a batch of email to an agent.
    • Manual routing. If the Enable Assignment Manager process property is False, then agents manually route each message to the appropriate agent. The default value for this process property is False.
  • Follow-up message routing. A follow-up message is an incoming email message containing a thread ID. By default, a follow-up message is routed to the agent who handled the original email message. For example, if Casey Cheng is routed the initial email message, then the follow-up message is routed to Casey Cheng if the thread ID is detected in the response from the customer. However, if the agent escalates the email message to a service request and assigns the service request to a different person, then the message is routed to the service request owner, not to the original email owner.
    • Assignment Manager. If the initial agent is not available, then Assignment Manager can route the email to another agent who, because of defined assignment criteria, can handle the message.
    • Manual routing. Agents manually route each follow-up message to the appropriate agent.
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