
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  


  • access route requirements 2.2.1
  • acoustic levels 2.1
  • ACSLS servers 5.22
  • add
    • racli Command A.1
  • add acfs
    • racli Command A.2
  • add cloud_storage
    • racli Command A.3
  • add credential
    • racli Command A.4
  • add credential_wallet
    • racli Command A.5
  • adding
    • Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 switch 8.3
  • add keystore
    • racli Command A.6
  • add nfs
    • racli Command A.7
  • add storage_cells
    • racli Command A.8
  • add storage_disks
    • racli Command A.9
  • add vpc_user
    • racli Command A.10
  • administration network configuration 5.7
  • Africa power requirements
  • airflow 2.5, 2.6
  • alert messages
    • battery learn cycle 12.10.6
    • HALRT-00002 to HALRT-00500 C.2
    • HALRT-00513 to HALRT-00600 C.3
    • HALRT-00616 to HALRT-00700 C.4
    • HALRT-00717 to HALRT-00800 C.5
    • HALRT-00912 to HALRT-01000 C.6
    • HALRT-01015 to HALRT-01100 C.7
    • HALRT-01209 to HALRT-01300 C.8
    • HALRT-01301 to HALRT-01400 C.9
    • HALRT-02001 to HALRT-02008 C.11
    • HALRT-02101 to HALRT-02200 C.12
    • HALRT-10001 to HALRT-10500 C.13
    • HALRT-10503 to HALRT-11000 C.14
    • HALRT-11001 to HALRT-11100 C.15
    • hardware C
  • alter
    • racli Command A.11
  • alter cloud_storage
    • racli Command A.12
  • alter credential_wallet
    • racli Command A.13
  • alter keystore
    • racli Command A.14
  • alter passphrase
    • racli Command A.15
  • alter rasys_user
    • racli Command A.16
  • alter vpc_user
    • racli Command A.17
  • altitude requirements 2.5
  • ambient conditions 2.5
  • ambient relative humidity range 2.5
  • ambient temperature ranges 2.5
  • Asia Pacific power requirements
  • ASR
    • about 4.1
    • configuration 4.2
    • troubleshooting 4.6
  • ASR Manager
    • configuration 5.20
    • installation 4.3
  • ASR network connections 4.2
  • ASR trap destinations 4.5
  • Auto Service Request 4.1
    • See also: ASR
    • configuration 5.20



  • cable management arm 7.2.4
  • cable management arms
    • replacement part D.9
  • cables
    • color coding E.1, F
    • replacement D.9
  • cabling
  • cabling requirements
  • cell alert configuration 5.17
  • CELLBOOT USB flash drive 12.13
  • channel adapter 1.2
  • checking
    • cell configuration 7.1.2
    • cell disk configuration 7.1.2
    • firmware version 7.1.2
    • flash logs 7.1.2
    • HugePages memory configuration 7.1.2
    • image history 7.1.2
    • InfiniBand switch information 7.1.2
    • IORM plans 7.1.2
    • IP addresses 7.1.2
  • checkip script 5.2, 5.3, 11.2
  • checklist postinstallation 6.6.1
  • circuit breakers 2.4.3
  • circuit breakers for PDU 6.6.3
  • Cisco switch
  • cloning Oracle Database homes
  • cloning Oracle Grid infrastructure
  • Cloud Control agent 5.21
  • Cloud Control discovery 11.4
  • cluster configuration 5.14.1
  • cluster verification utility 12.8.2
  • CMA guidelines 7.2.4
  • compute servers
  • configuration 5
  • configuration files
    • descriptions 5.3
    • generating 5.2
    • revising 5.2
  • Configuration Manager configuration 5.19
  • configuring
  • configuring ASR 4.2
  • connecting power cords 6.6
  • cooling 2.6
  • cord connections, power 6.6
  • CSI 7.3.2
  • Customer Support Identifier 7.3.2


  • database configuration 5.14.5
    • Oracle Database
  • default IP addresses 3.3
  • default passwords B
  • default serial port speed
  • DELTA disk group 5.14.4
  • Deployment Assistant 5
  • dimensions 2.2.1
  • disable
    • racli Command A.18
  • disable cloud_storage
    • racli Command A.19
  • disable keystore
    • racli Command A.20
  • disable nfs
    • racli Command A.21
  • disk controller battery BBUs 12.12
  • disk controllers 12.7
  • disk drives
    • server status indicators D.3.1
  • disk failures
  • disk groups 5.14.4
  • DNS 3.2
  • domain name system 3.2


  • earth ground cable 6.3.3
  • electrostatic discharge 2.5
  • email accounts, My Oracle Support (ASR) 4.1
  • enable
    • racli Command A.22
  • enable cloud_storage
    • racli Command A.23
  • enable keystore
    • racli Command A.24
  • enable nfs
    • racli Command A.25
  • Enterprise Manager agent 5.21
  • environmental requirements 2.1
  • error messages
    • contacting Oracle Support Services C.1
  • Ethernet cabling connections E.4, F.3
  • Ethernet card configuration 5.6.1
  • Ethernet switch
    • model 1.2
    • replacement part D.7
  • exachk utility 7.1.2
  • Exadata Deployment Assistant 5
  • Exadata software installation 11.4
  • export
    • racli Command A.26
  • export appliance
    • racli Command A.27




  • HALRT-00002 to HALRT-00500 alert messages C.2
  • HALRT-00513 to HALRT-00600 alert messages C.3
  • HALRT-00616 to HALRT-00700 alert messages C.4
  • HALRT-00717 to HALRT-00800 alert messages C.5
  • HALRT-00912 to HALRT-01000 alert messages C.6
  • HALRT-01015 to HALRT-01100 alert messages C.7
  • HALRT-01209 to HALRT-01300 alert messages C.8
  • HALRT-01301 to HALRT-01400 alert messages C.9
  • HALRT-02001 to HALRT-02008 alert messages C.11
  • HALRT-02101 to HALRT-02200 alert messages C.12
  • HALRT-10001 to HALRT-10500 alert messages C.13
  • HALRT-10503 to HALRT-11000 alert messages C.14
  • HALRT-11001 to HALRT-11100 alert messages C.15
  • hardware alert messages C
  • hardware components 1.2
  • hardware configuration 5.5
  • hardware failures, automatic reporting 4.1
  • hardware installation 6
  • hardware modifications 1.7
  • help
    • racli Command A.28
  • high-voltage PDUs, Europe power requirements
  • humidity range 2.5
  • humidity requirements 2.5


  • identifying
    • predictive failure flash disk 12.11.3
  • ILOM cabling connections E.3, F.2
  • ILOM configuration 5.7
  • InfiniBand
    • private network 3.1.2
    • switch time zone 13.3.2
    • using for ingest 9
  • InfiniBand cables
  • InfiniBand cabling E.7, F.6
  • InfiniBand network configuration 5.9
  • InfiniBand switch cabling E.8, F.7
  • InfiniBand switches
  • ingest network 3.1.2
  • ingest network configuration 5.8, 5.14.6
  • ingest over InfiniBand 9
  • inspecting the rack 6.6.1
  • install
    • racli Command A.29
  • install appliance
    • racli Command A.30
  • installation
    • safety guidelines 7.2.1
  • installation directory 11.2
  • InstallationTemplate file 5.3
  • installing software 11.4
  • installing Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 switch 8.3
  • install okv_endpoint
    • racli Command A.31
  • install utility
  • IP address configuration 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.14.6
  • IP addresses
    • factory default IP addresses 3.3
    • Recovery Appliance totals 2.1
  • ipconf utility 12.13.2
  • IPMItool
    • resetting the Service Processor 12.6.3




  • maintenance access requirements 2.2.2
  • management network 3.1.2
  • media managers
    • installation of third-party 1.7
  • Middle East power requirements
  • model numbers 1.2
  • moving drives 12.10.10
  • multirack cabling
    • cable requirements G.1.2
  • My Oracle Support email account 4.1



  • OneCommand download 5.2
  • OneCommand platforms 5.2
  • operating requirements 2.5
  • Oracle Configuration Manager configuration 5.19
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control discovery 11.4
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager installation 1.7
  • Oracle Management Server 5.21, 11.2
  • Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture 12.10
  • Oracle Secure Backup 1.7
  • Oracle Server X5-2
    • replacement parts D.4.2
  • Oracle Server X5-2L
    • replacement parts D.5.2
  • Oracle Server X6-2
    • replacement parts D.4.2
  • Oracle Server X6-2L
    • replacement parts D.5.2
  • Oracle Support Services
    • contacting C.1



  • QLogic card 1.3
  • QLogic fiber channel adapters 6.4


  • rack component prefix 5.4
  • rack components 1.2
  • rack configuration 5
  • rack dimensions 2.2.1
  • rack installation 6
  • rack layout
    • X4 full rack F.1
    • X4 minimum configuration F.1
    • X7, X6, or X5 full rack E.2
    • X7, X6, or X5 minimum configuration E.2
  • rack weight 2.2.1
  • racli Commands
  • Recovery Appliance software installation 11.4
  • recreating
  • reenabling a rejected disk 12.10.12
  • relative humidity 2.5, 2.6
  • relocating voting disks
  • remove
    • racli Command A.38
  • remove acfs
    • racli Command A.39
  • remove cloud_storage
    • racli Command A.40
  • remove keystore
    • racli Command A.41
  • remove nfs
    • racli Command A.42
  • remove vpc_user
    • racli Command A.43
  • removing a disk in error 12.10.11
  • repair categories D.2
  • replacement parts D
  • replacing
  • replication network 3.1.2
    • SCAN configuration 5.16
    • VIP configuration 5.16
  • replication network configuration 5.10, 5.14.7
  • rescue flash drive 12.13
  • resetting


  • safety guidelines 6.1
  • SAN network 3.1.2
  • SCAN addresses 3.1.2, 3.2
  • SCAN configuration 5.15
  • server name prefix 5.4
  • servers
  • setting
  • shipping brackets 6.2
  • shipping kit 6.2, 6.2.1
  • shipping weights 2.2.1
  • single-phase PDUs,
  • SMTP alerts 4.1
  • SNMP alerts 4.1
  • software installation 11.4
  • software modifications 1.7
  • South America power requirements
  • spares kit 1.5
  • spine switches
  • stabilizing rack
  • stabilizing ZDLRA Rack
  • start
    • racli Command A.44
  • start nfs
    • racli Command A.45
  • status
  • status appliance
    • racli Command A.47
  • status cloud_storage
    • racli Command A.48
  • status disk_group
    • racli Command A.49
  • status keystore
    • racli Command A.50
  • status nfs
    • racli Command A.51
  • status okv_endpoint
    • racli Command A.52
  • stop
    • racli Command A.53
  • stop nfs
    • racli Command A.54
  • storage servers
    • adding to a rack 7
    • components 1.4
    • increasing storage location size 7.4
    • model 1.2
    • replacement parts D.5.2, D.5.3
  • Subnet Manager Master 10.4.5
  • Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36
  • Sun Server X4-2
    • replacement parts D.4.3
  • Sun Server X4-2L
    • replacement parts D.5.3
  • support accounts 4.2
  • Support Hub 5.19
  • support policies 5.19
  • switch name prefix 5.4
  • switch-to-server cabling E.8, F.7
  • switch-to-switch cabling E.7, F.6


  • Taiwan power requirements
  • tape backup
    • network connections 3.1.5
    • Oracle red stack 1.6.1
    • third-party restrictions 1.6.2
  • tape library
    • configuration for Oracle red stack 5.22
  • tape network 3.1.2
  • temperature ranges 2.5
  • temperature requirements 2.5
  • temporary_config.xml 5.3
  • three-phase PDUs,
  • tile flooring 2.6
  • time zones 10.5.6
  • trap destinations (ASR) 4.5


  • underfloor ventilation 2.6
  • uninstall
    • racli Command A.55
  • uninstall appliance
    • racli Command A.56
  • uninstall okv_endpoint
    • racli Command A.57
  • update
    • racli Command A.58
  • update storage_location
    • racli Command A.59
  • update support_tools
    • racli Command A.60
  • upgrade
    • racli Command A.61
  • upgrade appliance
    • racli Command A.62
  • USB devices 1.7
  • USB flash drive 12.13
  • users
  • utilities



  • warranty restrictions 1.7
  • weight 2.2.1
  • WorkDir subdirectory 11.2