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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 4

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022



bltocolor, bltocolor_r - get character-coded color name of label


cc [flag...] file... -ltsol [library...]
#include <tsol/label.h>

char *bltocolor(const m_label_t *label);
char *bltocolor_r(const m_label_t *label, const int size,
     char *color_name);


The bltocolor() and bltocolor_r() functions get the character-coded color name associated with the binary label label.

The calling process must have PRIV_SYS_TRANS_LABEL in its set of effective privileges to get color names of labels that dominate the current process's sensitivity label.

Return Values

The bltocolor() function returns a pointer to a statically allocated string that contains the character-coded color name specified for the label or returns (char *)0 if, for any reason, no character-coded color name is available for this binary label.

The bltocolor_r() function returns a pointer to the color_name string which contains the character-coded color name specified for the label or returns (char *)0 if, for any reason, no character-coded color name is available for this binary label. color_name must provide for a string of at least size characters.



The label encodings file contains the classification names, words, constraints, and values for the defined labels of this system.


See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability
MT-Safe with exceptions

These functions are obsolete and retained for ease of porting. They might be removed in a future Solaris Trusted Extensions release. Use the label_to_str(3TSOL) function instead.

The bltocolor() function returns a pointer to a statically allocated string. Subsequent calls to it will overwrite that string with a new character-coded color name. It is not MT-Safe. The bltocolor_r() function should be used in multithreaded applications.

See Also

libtsol(3LIB), label_to_str(3TSOL), attributes(7)


The functionality described on this manual page is available only if the system is configured with Trusted Extensions.

If label includes a specified word or words, the character-coded color name associated with the first word specified in the label encodings file is returned. Otherwise, if no character-coded color name is specified for label, the first character-coded color name specified in the label encodings file with the same classification as the binary label is returned.