
Aggregation is the process of merging the entity fields to a common table and aggregating the columns. It controls the level at which entities should be grouped into common tables such as; Clients by Type, Policies by Product or Transactions by Name.

So, if plan XYZ has a Premium transaction with fields A, B, and C and plan PDQ (in the same product) has a Premium transaction with fields A, B, and M – the resulting aggregated table for Premium transaction fields will have columns A, B, C, and M.

Aggregation can be applied for the below entities at different levels:

Entity Level Default Level
Policy Base Product, Nearest Product & Plan Plan

Base Product, Nearest Product & Plan

Client Type Code Type Code
Comments Global Global
Withholdings Global Global



Aggregation is the first step of action to be performed in ODS.

The default Aggregation level will be set for each entity, which the user can change from the given drop down list

Steps to Set up Aggregation Level

  1. Select Aggregation in the left navigation, the Aggregation screen opens with default Aggregation Levels for all the entities.
  1. Select the Aggregation level and click Save. Aggregation level setup will be done.

           ODS Aggregate Screen

After this step, the user can Create Run, Execute Install and Initial Runs.

Note: Once Initial Run is executed, the user is not allowed to change the Aggregation level from the UI, the Aggregation screen gets disabled.




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