2 Housekeeping


Filtering Rooms

You can filter rooms by housekeeping status and room status.
  1. On the Housekeeping screen, tap Shows the filter icon. Filter
  2. Tap the filters to select them. The rooms appear as you select a filter.

    Selected filters are highlighted, for example: Shows an example of a selected filter icon.  Shows an example of a selected filter icon.  Shows an example of a selected filter icon.

    Shows an icon with the number of filters selected. indicates the number of filters selected.

  3. Swipe up or tap Shows the filter icon. Filter to close the filter selection.
  4. To clear all the filters, tap Shows the filter icon. Filter and select Clear All.

Understanding Room Status Filters

Shows the inspected icon. Inspected: Inspected rooms

Shows the clean icon. Clean: Clean rooms

Shows the pickup icon. Pickup: Rooms to be touched up rather than fully cleaned

Shows the dirty icon. Dirty: Dirty rooms

Shows the do not disturb icon. Do not Disturb: Rooms where guests have activated do not disturb

Shows the queued icon. Queued: Rooms which have checked in and are waiting on a room

Shows the out of order icon. Out of Order: Rooms which are out of order

Shows the out of service icon. Out of Service: Rooms which are out of service

Shows the VIP icon. VIP: Rooms with a VIP guest

Understanding Housekeeping Status Filters

Shows the expected arrival icon. Exp. Arrival: Rooms which are due to arrive today

Shows the checked in icon. Checked In: Rooms which checked in today

Shows the in house icon. In House: Rooms which are in house, they did not check in today, and are not due to leave today

Shows the expected departure icon. Exp. Departure: Rooms which are due to depart today

Shows the departed icon. Departed: Rooms which checked out today

Shows the expected day use arrival icon. Exp. Day Use Arrival: Day use rooms which are due to arrive today. Day use rooms are rented for a period of time which is less than an overnight stay. For example, airport hotels often rent rooms for day use to guests with layovers.

Shows the day use in house icon. Day Use In house: Day use rooms which are in house

Shows the expected day use departure icon. Exp. Day Use Departure: Day use rooms which are due to depart today

Shows the day use departed icon. Day Use Departed: Day use rooms which checked out today

Sorting Rooms

  1. On the Housekeeping screen, tap Shows the sort icon. Sort.
  2. Tap Low- High to sort the rooms starting with the lowest number.
  3. Tap High - Low to sort the rooms starting with the highest number.

    Shows the sorted list icon. indicates a sorted list of rooms.

Searching Rooms

  1. On the Housekeeping screen, tap Shows the search icon. Search.
  2. Tap the search bar, and then enter search text.

    Shows the search criteria icon. indicates that search criteria has been entered.

  3. To clear the search filter, tap the search bar, and then tap Shows the icon for clearing search criteria..
  4. Swipe up or tap Shows the search icon. Search to remove the search bar.

Changing Room Status

  1. On the Housekeeping screen, select the room.
  2. Tap a status:

    Shows the inspected icon. Inspected

    Shows the clean icon. Clean

    Shows the pickup icon. Pickup

    Shows the dirty icon. Dirty

Changing Housekeeping Status

You can change the housekeeping status to either vacant or occupied.
  1. On the Housekeeping screen, tap the room.
  2. Tap Shows the vacant icon. Vacant or Shows the occupied icon. Occupied.
  3. If the housekeeping status you select and the property management system status do not match, a conflicting room status appears:

    Shows the skip icon. Skip: Vacant rooms according to housekeeping and occupied according to the front office.

    Shows the sleep icon. Sleep: Occupied rooms according to housekeeping and vacant according to the front office.

Viewing Out of Order Rooms

Out of order rooms are not available for sale.
  1. On the Housekeeping screen, tap Shows the filter icon. Filter.
  2. Tap Shows the out of order icon. Out of Order.
  3. Tap the room to view the dates and the reason the room is out of order.

Viewing Out of Service Rooms

Out of service rooms are temporarily unavailable. They can be made available at any time, for example, rooms on a closed floor.
  1. On the Housekeeping screen, tap Shows the filter icon. Filter.
  2. Tap Shows the out of service icon. Out of Service.
  3. Tap the room to view the dates and the reason the room is out of service.

Viewing Queued Rooms

Reservations are placed in a queue when rooms are not available at check-in. Rooms can then be cleaned in the order in which they are required.
  1. On the Housekeeping screen, tap Shows the filter icon. Filter.
  2. Tap Shows the queued icon. Queued. The rooms appear by the length of time in the queue.
  3. Tap the room to see housekeeping, maintenance, and guest information.

Viewing Discrepant Rooms

The app assigns a status of Skip or Sleep when the physical room status and the front office status do not match.
  1. On the Housekeeping screen, tap Shows the filter icon. Filter.
  2. Tap Shows the skip icon. Skip and/or Shows the sleep icon. Sleep.
    In the following example:
    • Room 103 has the status Skip because it is occupied according to the front office and vacant according to housekeeping.

    • Room 400 has the status Sleep because it is vacant according to the front office and occupied according to housekeeping.

    Shows a room number with the skip icon and a room number with the sleep icon.

  3. Tap the room to see housekeeping, maintenance, and guest information.