3 Maintenance


Filtering Tasks

You can filter tasks by either task status, locality, and room status.
  1. On the Maintenance screen, tap Shows the filter icon. Filter.
  2. Tap the filters to select them.

    Selected filters are highlighted, for example: Shows an example of a selected filter icon. Shows an example of a selected filter icon. Shows an example of a selected filter icon.

    Shows an icon with the number of filters selected. indicates the number of filters selected.

  3. Swipe up or tap Shows a filter icon. Filter to close the filter selection.
  4. To clear all the filters, tap Shows a filter icon. Filter and select Clear All.

Understanding Maintenance Filters

Shows a resolved icon. Resolved: Resolved maintenance tasks

Shows an unresolved icon. Unresolved: Unresolved maintenance tasks

Shows a room icon. Room: Includes rooms

Shows a function spaces icon. Function Spaces: Spaces such as ball rooms, meeting rooms, conference rooms, and restaurants

Shows a location icon. Location: Locations such as in the room and out of the hotel

Shows a public spaces icon. Public Spaces: Public spaces such as lobby, hotel bar, and spa

Shows a queued icon. Queued: Rooms which have checked in and are waiting on a room

Shows a do not disturb icon. Do not Disturb: Rooms where the guest has activated do not disturb

Shows an out of order icon. Out of Order: Includes rooms which are out of order

Shows an out of service icon. Out of Service: Rooms which are out of service

Shows a skip icon. Skip: Vacant rooms according to housekeeping, but are listed as occupied by the front office

Shows a sleep icon. Sleep: Occupied rooms according to housekeeping, but are listed as vacant by the front office

Shows a VIP icon. VIP: Rooms with a VIP guest

Sorting Tasks

  1. On the Maintenance screen, tap Shows a sort icon. Sort.
  2. Tap Low- High to sort the tasks starting with the lowest number.
  3. Tap High - Low to sort the tasks starting with highest number.
  4. Tap New - Old to sort the tasks starting with the newest task.
  5. Tap Old - New to sort the tasks starting with the oldest task.
  6. Tap Reset to sort the tasks by room number.

    Shows a sorted list icon. indicates a sorted list.

Searching Tasks

  1. On the Maintenance screen, tap Shows a search icon. Search.
  2. Tap the search bar, and then enter search text.

    Shows a search criteria icon. indicates that search criteria has been entered.

  3. To clear the Search filter, tap the search bar and then tap Shows an icon of clearing search criteria..
  4. Swipe up or tap Shows a search icon. Search to remove the search bar.

Adding Maintenance Tasks

  1. On the Maintenance screen, tap Shows a new icon. New. Maintenance task is the default.
  2. To add a cleaning task, tap Cleaning.
  3. Select a location type. The default is Room.
  4. Enter or select a location.
  5. Select the task reason.
  6. Select the task priority. The default is normal.
  7. Tap Shows a picture icon. to take a picture.
  8. Add any additional task details, and then tap Submit.

Viewing Out of Order Rooms

Out of order rooms are not available for sale.
  1. On the Maintenance screen, tap Shows a filter icon. Filter.
  2. Tap Shows an out of order icon. Out of Order.
  3. Tap the room to view the dates and the reason the room is out of order.

Viewing Out of Service Rooms

Out of service rooms are temporarily unavailable but can be brought back at any time, for example, rooms on a closed floor.
  1. On the Maintenance screen, tap Shows a filter icon. Filter.
  2. Tap Shows an out of service icon. Out of Service.
  3. Tap the room to view the dates and the reason the room is out of service.

Resolving Maintenance Tasks

  1. On the Maintenance screen, locate the room.

    A plus sign followed by a number Shows an icon with the number of additonal tasks. indicates the number of additional tasks for the room.

  2. Tap Shows an additional tasks icon. to see the additional tasks.
  3. Tap Resolved Shows a resolved tasks icon..

Marking Maintenance Tasks as Unresolved

  1. On the Maintenance screen, tap Shows a filter icon. Filter.
  2. Tap Shows an unresolved tasks icon. Unresolved to clear, and then tap Shows a resolved tasks icon. Resolved.
  3. Tap Resolved Shows a resolved icon..
  4. Select the room.
  5. Select the task to be unresolved, and then tap Shows an unresolved icon. Unresolved.