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Diameter Signaling Router SS7/Sigtran
Release 8.2
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Local SCCP Users

Managed object


GUI page updated

SS7/Sigtran > Configuration > Local SCCP Users page.

Allowed operations

Table 5-29 shows the operations allowed on the SS7/Sigtran > Configuration > Local SCCP Users page. The operations are not case-sensitive.

Table 5-29 CLI LSU Allowed Configuration Operations

Operation Description
Insert Adds an LSU to the configuration.
Delete Deletes an LSU from the configuration.

Table 5-23 shows the operations allowed on the SS7/Sigtran > Maintenance > Local SCCP Users page. The operations are not case-sensitive.

Table 5-30 CLI LSU Allowed Maintenance Operations

Operation Description
Enable Enables an LSU to the system.
Disable Disables an LSU to the system.

Required attributes

Table 5-31 lists the required attributes for the lsu managed object. The table maps the command attributes to their corresponding field names on the SS7/Sigtran > Configuration > Local SCCP Users page. The attribute values are case-sensitive.


Local SCCP Users elements provide valid attribute values.

Table 5-31 CLI LSU Required Attributes

Attributes Name GUI Field Name For Operation Note
pointcode Local Signaling Point
  • Insert
  • Delete
Point codes are normalized based on the specified SS7 domain. Some examples follow:
  • ANSI point code 1-1-1 becomes 001-001-001
  • ITU-I point code 1-1-1 becomes 1-001-1
  • ITU-N point code 00001 becomes 1 and ITU-N point code 000 becomes 0
domain SS7 Domain
  • Insert
  • Delete
Not applicable
ssn SSN
  • Insert
  • Delete
Not applicable
application Application Name Insert Not applicable

Optional attributes

Table 5-32 lists the optional attributes for the lsu managed object. The table maps the command attributes to their corresponding field names on the SS7/Sigtran > Configuration > Local SCCP Users page. The attribute values are case-sensitive.


Local SCCP Users elements provide valid attribute values.

Table 5-32 CLI LSU Optional Attributes

Attribute Name GUI Field Name For Operation Notes
nename Signaling Network Element Name Insert In the MD-IWF SS7 Application, where configuration is performed from the SOAM, this parameter is optional.
force Not applicable Delete The only valid value is force=1. The attribute is used to force the delete operation for an association, irrespective of its Admin State.


To insert an LSU with a point code of 1-1-1, the domain as ANSI, and an SSN of 5, use any of the following commands:

insert: lsu: nename=NO_01: pointcode=1-1-1: domain=ansi: ssn=5: application=LocalSCCPUser

Insert: Lsu: NeName=NO_01: Pointcode=001-001-001: Domain=Ansi: Ssn=5: Application=LocalSCCPUser


To delete an LSU with a point code of 1-1-1, the domain as ANSI, and an SSN of 5, use any of the following commands:

delete: lsu: pointcode=1-1-1: domain=ansi: ssn=5

Delete: Lsu: Pointcode=001-001-001: Domain=Ansi: Ssn=5: Force=1