B STA Silent-mode Installer, Upgrade, and Deinstaller

This appendix includes the following sections:

Using the STA Silent-mode Installer, Upgrade, and Deinstaller

Silent mode allows you to bypass the graphical user interface and supply the STA installation, upgrade, or deinstallation options in text file called the response file.

Silent mode is useful for unattended installation, upgrade, and deinstallation operations, and for ensuring consistent STA installations on multiple machines. By using a response file, you can supply a single set of parameters to automate the process. You can run silent mode either from a script or from the Linux command line.

Silent Mode Requirements

See "Verify Installation Prerequisites" for general STA installation requirements. In addition, the STA silent-mode installer, upgrade, and deinstaller have the following mode-specific requirements:

  • You can use silent mode from telnet clients such as PuTTY, which do not use the X11 protocol. The xorg-x11-utils RPM package must be installed on the STA server, however.

  • Before using silent mode, you must download the response file build utility from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website and use it to create the response file with encrypted passwords. See "Response file build utility" for details.

  • Silent mode also requires a central inventory pointer file specifying the location of the Oracle central inventory directory and the Oracle group. You must create the file manually if it does not exist already. See "Oracle central inventory pointer file" for details.

Files and Utilities Used With Silent Mode

Following are details about the files and utilities used with the silent-mode installer, upgrade, and deinstaller.

Response files

Response files contain all configuration settings necessary for the silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller to run unattended. They are not used with graphical mode.

You use the response file build utility to create response files with the correct format and parameters. Following are the default response file names created by the utility. You can rename the files after they are created.

  • silentInstall.rsp—Installer response file

  • silentUpgrade.rsp—Upgrade response file

  • silentDeinstall.rsp—Deinstaller response file

When you run the silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller, you must use the –responseFile parameter to specify the full path to the response file you want to use.

See "Sample Response Files" for complete sample files with values.


You can use a response file any number of times, but to protect your site security, once a response file has been used for a successful installation, upgrade, or deinstallation, you cannot reuse the file until you reenter the encrypted passwords. See "Add or Modify Encrypted Passwords in an Existing Response File" for instructions.
Response file build utility

The response file build utility allows you to create a response file with all parameter values and passwords needed for the silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller. The utility prompts you for the necessary information and saves the response file and an encryption key file to the directory of your choice. It writes passwords to the file in encrypted form.

You can download the response file build utility when you download the STA installer. The utility name is silentInstallUtility_version.jar, where version is the STA version number. See "Download STA" for details.

See "Response File Build Utility Options" for details about the utility.

Oracle central inventory pointer file

The STA silent-mode installer, upgrade, and deinstaller use the Oracle central inventory location and Oracle group specified in the central inventory pointer file. See "Users, Groups, and Locations Used by the STA Installer" for details.

By default, silent mode uses the pointer file /etc/oraInst.loc. When you register the Oracle central inventory, the file is automatically created with this name and location. See "Register the Oracle Central Inventory Location" for details.

If the Oracle central inventory location has not been registered, you must create the pointer file manually and give it the filename oraInst.loc. See "Identify or Create Information Required for the Installation" for instructions.

You can locate the pointer file in any directory, but if it is not in /etc, you must use the –invPtrLoc parameter to specify the file location when you run the silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller. See "–invPtrLoc pointer_file" for details about this parameter.

Silent Mode Process

Use this process to perform a silent mode installation, upgrade, or deinstallation.

  1. Perform the necessary prerequisite activities, as follows:

  2. Use the response file build utility to create a response file. You must indicate whether you are creating an installation or deinstallation file, as the contents are different for each. You can use either of the following methods to create the file:

  3. Run the silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller. See the following procedures for instructions:

  4. To reuse the response file after a successful installation, upgrade, or deinstallation, you must reenter and encrypt passwords in the file. See "Add or Modify Encrypted Passwords in an Existing Response File" for instructions.

Silent Mode Tasks

Before using these tasks, see "Silent Mode Process" for an overview of the tasks and the order in which to use them.

Start the Response File Build Utility

Use this procedure to prepare for using the response file build utility.

  1. In a terminal window, connect to the STA server and log in as the Oracle user. See "Oracle user" for details.

  2. Verify that the Oracle user has write privileges to the directory where you want to save the response file.For example:

    $ ls -ld /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/
    drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Sep 16  2015 /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/
  3. If you are creating a new response file, determine whether the directory includes any response files you want to keep and save them as necessary. Existing files with the default response file name will be overwritten by the response file build utility.

    The default response file names are as follows.

    • silentInstall.rsp—Silent installation response file

    • silentUpgrade.rsp—Silent upgrade response file

    • silentDeinstall.rsp—Silent deinstallation response file

    For example:

    $ cd /home/oracle/ResponseFiles
    $ ls -l *.rsp
    -rw-r--r--   1 oracle   oracle           2836 Jun 30 16:49 silentInstall.rsp
    $ mv silentInstall.rsp silentInstall_save.rsp
  4. Change to the directory where the STA installer files have been downloaded; see "Download STA" for details. For example:

    $ cd /Installers
  5. Launch the response file build utility. For example:

    $ java -jar silentInstallUtility_2.

    The utility starts and the Main Menu appears.

    * Oracle StorageTek Tape Analytics null                                       *
    * Silent Install Utility                                                      *
    *                                                                             *
    * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.*
    This utility assists user with the creation of response files used for silent installation / upgrade / deinstallation.
    | Main Menu                    |
    Select Operation :
      1) Create a new response file (with system prompt).
      2) Create an empty response file.
      3) Enter and encrypt passwords.
      4) Exit.
    Enter Choice [1-4] :
  6. Make menu selections according to the tasks you want to perform. When you are finished using the utility, use the following steps to exit.

    1. At the Press [Enter] to returning to Main Menu prompt, press Enter.

    2. At the Main Menu, enter 4.

Create a Response File With Values

Use this procedure to create a response file containing all information needed for the STA silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller, including encrypted passwords. The response file build utility prompts you for the following information:

  • Type of response file you want to create

  • Directory where you want to save the file. The encryption key file will also be saved to this directory.

  • All required parameters, including passwords. The requested parameters vary depending on the type of file you are creating. Passwords are not displayed on the screen, and they are encrypted before being added to the response file.

See "Response File Utility Prompts and File Parameters" for details about the requested information. The response file build utility does not verify your entries, and if they do not meet the parameter requirements, the silent mode may fail.

After performing this procedure, you can use the response file right away with the silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller. See "Run the Silent-mode Installer" or "Run the Silent-mode Deinstaller" for instructions.

  1. Perform the necessary preparation steps and start the response file build utility. See "Start the Response File Build Utility" for details.

  2. At the Main Menu, enter 1 to create a new response file with values.

    | Main Menu                    |
    Select Operation :
      1) Create a new response file (with system prompt).
      2) Create an empty response file.
      3) Enter and encrypt passwords.
      4) Exit.
    Enter Choice [1-4] : 1

    The Create New Response File menu appears.

  3. Enter the menu selection number for the type of response file you want to create.

    | Create New Response File     |
    The utility will prompt the user for the values required to create a response file. The required passwords are then automatically encrypted and the file can be used immediately.
    Select Response File type:
      1) Silent Install
      2) Silent Upgrade
      2) Silent Deinstall
      3) Back to Main Menu
    Enter Choice [1-4] :

    The utility prompts for your input. The prompts vary based on the type of response file you have selected. See the following for details about your entries:

  4. Respond to each prompt with the requested information. The password values you enter are not displayed on the screen. See the following examples for details:

    Once you have entered all the required information, the utility creates the response file and displays its contents.

  5. Exit the utility.

Example B-1 Creating an Install Response File With Values

Select Response File type:
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  2) Silent Deinstall
  3) Back to Main Menu

Enter Choice [1-4] : 1

The utility will now create a Silent Install response file.

The response file will be saved as <silentInstall.rsp>. If there is an existing file with the same name in the specified directory, the file will be overwritten.

Enter directory to save the response file to, or press <Enter> to save to the current directory : /home/oracle/ResponseFiles

The response file will be saved to : /home/oracle/ResponseFiles

  Collecting User input 

Enter location where STA will be installed (STORAGE_HOME). : /Oracle

Enter the System Root password                     : 
Confirm the System Root password                   : 

Enter location for Database Data directory         : /dbdata
Enter location for Database Backup directory       : /dbbackup

Enter Weblogic Administrator Username              : weblogic
Enter Weblogic Administrator Password              : 
Confirm Weblogic Administrator Password            : 

Enter STA Administrator Username                   : sta_admin
Enter STA Administrator Password                   : 
Confirm STA Administrator Password                 : 

Enter STA Database Root User Password              : 
Confirm Enter STA Database Root User Password      : 

Enter STA Database Application Username            : stadb
Enter STA Database Application Password            : 
Confirm STA Database Application Password          : 

Enter STA Database Reports Username                : starpt
Enter STA Database Reports Password                : 
Confirm STA Database Reports Password              : 

Enter STA Database Administrator Username          : stadba
Enter STA Database Administrator Password          : 
Confirm STA Database Administrator Password        : 

Enter WebLogic Administration Console HTTP Port    : 7019
Enter WebLogic Administration Console HTTPS Port   : 7020

Enter staEngine HTTP port                          : 7023
Enter staEngine HTTPS port                         : 7024

Enter staAdapter HTTP port                         : 7025
Enter staAdapter HTTPS port                        : 7026

Enter staUi HTTP port                              : 7021
Enter staUi HTTPS port                             : 7022
Enter SNMPTrap port                                : 7027 

Enter RDA domain name                              : us.example.com

Response file created successfully. 
The file is located at /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/silentInstall.rsp

Press [Enter] to return to Main Menu

Example B-2 Creating an Upgrade Response File With Values

Select Response File type :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent Deinstall
  4) Back to Main Menu

Enter Choice [1-4] : 2

The utility will now create a Silent Upgrade response file.

The response file will be saved as <silentUpgrade.rsp>. If there is an existing file with the same name in the specified directory, the file will be overwritten.

Enter directory to save the response file to, or press <Enter> to save to the current directory : /home/oracle/ResponseFiles

The response file will be saved to : /home/oracle/ResponseFiles

  Collecting User input 

Enter location where STA is installed (STORAGE_HOME). : /Oracle
Enter System Root password                         :
Confirm System Root password                       :
Enter SNMPTrap port                                : 7027
Creating keyfile /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/.sk1486681437559
Complete contents of file
Response file created successfully.
The file is located at /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/silentUpgrade.rsp
Press [Enter] to return to Main Menu

Example B-3 Creating a Deinstall Response File With Values

Select Response File type :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent Deinstall
  4) Back to Main Menu

Enter Choice [1-4] : 3

The utility will now create a Silent Deinstall response file.

The response file will be saved as <silentDeinstall.rsp>. If there is an existing file with the same name in the specified directory, the file will be overwritten.

Enter directory to save the response file to, or press <Enter> to save to the current directory : /home/oracle/ResponseFiles

The response file will be saved to : /home/oracle/ResponseFiles

  Collecting User input 

Enter the System Root password                         :
Confirm the System Root password                       :
Creating keyfile /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/.sk1435706408183
Complete contents of file
Response file created successfully. 
The file is located at /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/silentDeinstall.rsp

Press [Enter] to return to Main Menu

Create an Empty Response File

Use this procedure to create a response file containing placeholders for all information needed for the STA silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller. The response file build utility prompts you for the following information:

  • Type of response file you want to create

  • Directory where you want to save the file

After performing this procedure, you must use both of the following procedures, in either order, to supply all required values and make the response file usable:

  1. Perform the necessary preparation steps and start the response file build utility. See "Start the Response File Build Utility" for details.

  2. At the Main Menu, enter 2 to create a new empty response file.

    | Main Menu                    |
    Select Operation :
      1) Create a new response file with prompts
      2) Create an empty response file
      3) Enter and encrypt passwords
      4) Exit
    Enter Choice [1-4] : 2

    The Generate Empty Response File menu appears.

  3. Enter the selection number for the type of response file you want to create.

    | Generate Empty Response File |
    The utility will create an empty response file with only the response file keys. The user is expected to fill in the values manually, then run the encrypt password function to encrypt the passwords before the response file can be used.
    Select Response File type :
      1) Silent Install
      2) Silent Upgrade
      3) Silent Deinstall
      4) Back to Main Menu
    Enter Choice [1-4] :

    The utility prompts for the directory where you want to save the file.

  4. At the directory prompt, specify an absolute path or press Enter. See the following examples for details:

    The utility creates the response file.

  5. Exit the utility.

Example B-4 Creating an Empty Install Response File

|               Create Empty Response File             |
The utility will create an empty response file with only the response file keys. The user is expected to fill in the values manually, then run the encrypt password function to encrypt the passwords before the response file can be used.
Select the Response File type :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent Deinstall
  4) Back to Main Menu
Enter Choice [1-4] : 1
The utility will now create an empty Silent Install response file.
The response file will be saved as <silentInstall.rsp>. If there is an existing file with the same name in the specified directory, the file will be overwritten.
Enter directory to save the response file to, or press <Enter> to save to the current directory : 
The response file will be saved to : /Installers
Response file created successfully.
The file is located at /Installers/silentInstall.rsp
Press [Enter] to return to Main Menu

Example B-5 Creating an Empty Upgrade Response File

|               Create Empty Response File             |
The utility will create an empty response file with only the response file keys. The user is expected to fill in the values manually, then run the encrypt password function to encrypt the passwords before the response file can be used.
Select the Response File type :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent Deinstall
  4) Back to Main Menu
Enter Choice [1-4] : 2
The utility will now create an empty Silent Upgrade response file.
The response file will be saved as <silentUpgrade.rsp>. If there is an existing file with the same name in the specified directory, the file will be overwritten.
Enter directory to save the response file to, or press <Enter> to save to the current directory : 
The response file will be saved to : /Installers
Response file created successfully.
The file is located at /Installers/silentUpgrade.rsp
Press [Enter] to return to Main Menu

Example B-6 Creating an Empty Deinstall Response File

|               Create Empty Response File             |
The utility will create an empty response file with only the response file keys. The user is expected to fill in the values manually, then run the encrypt password function to encrypt the passwords before the response file can be used.
Select the Response File type :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent Deinstall
  4) Back to Main Menu
Enter Choice [1-4] : 3
The utility will now create an empty Silent Deinstall response file.
The response file will be saved as <silentDeinstall.rsp>. If there is an existing file with the same name in the specified directory, the file will be overwritten.
Enter directory to save the response file to, or press <Enter> to save to the current directory : 
The response file will be saved to : /Installers
Response file created successfully.
The file is located at /Installers/silentDeinstall.rsp
Press [Enter] to return to Main Menu

Add or Modify Clear-text Values in an Existing Response File

Use this procedure to manually add or change clear-text parameter values in an existing response file. You can perform this procedure on a response file with existing values or on an empty file with only placeholders.

See "Response File Utility Prompts and File Parameters" for details about the required information.


To ensure password security, do not enter clear-text passwords into the response file. Passwords must be encrypted. To add or modify passwords, see "Add or Modify Encrypted Passwords in an Existing Response File".
  1. Open a terminal window with the STA server and log in as the Oracle user. See "Oracle user" for details.

  2. Use a text editor to edit the response file and provide values for the required clear-text parameters. Parameters vary depending on the type of response file. See "Response File Utility Prompts and File Parameters" for a detailed listing. Your entries must meet the parameter requirements, or the silent installer, upgrade or deinstaller may fail.


    Do not manually modify passwords or other parameters that must be updated with the response file build utility.
  3. Save and exit the file.

Add or Modify Encrypted Passwords in an Existing Response File

Use this procedure to add encrypted passwords to an existing response file. You can perform this procedure on a file with existing values or on an empty file with only placeholders. The file can be located in any directory and have any file name.

If you want to reuse a response file after a successful installation, upgrade, or deinstallation, you must use this procedure to reenter encrypted passwords.

The response file build utility prompts you for the following information:

  • Type of response file you want to update

  • Full path and file name of the response file you want to update. The encryption key file will be created in the same directory as the response file.

  • All passwords for the response file type you have specified. Passwords are not displayed on the screen, and they are encrypted before being added to the response file.

See "Response File Utility Prompts and File Parameters" for details about the requested information. The response file build utility does not verify your entries, and if they do not meet the parameter requirements, the silent mode may fail.

  1. Prepare for and start the response file build utility. See "Start the Response File Build Utility" for instructions.

  2. At the Main Menu, enter 3 to add encrypted passwords to an existing response file.

    | Main Menu                    |
    Select Operation :
      1) Create a new response file (with system prompt).
      2) Create an empty response file.
      3) Enter and encrypt passwords.
      4) Exit.
    Enter Choice [1-4] : 3

    The Enter and Encrypt Passwords menu appears.

  3. Enter the menu selection number for the type of response file you want to update.

    | Enter and encrypt passwords  |
    The utility will prompt the user for the passwords required for the response file only, then generate the keyfile and encrypt the passwords. Existing values that are not passwords are ignored.
    Select the Response File type :
      1) Silent Install
      2) Silent Upgrade
      3) Silent Deinstall
      4) Back to Main Menu
    Enter Choice [1-4] :

    The utility prompts for the location of the file you want to update.

  4. Enter the absolute path of the response file you want to update, including the file name.

    The utility prompts for your input. The prompts vary based on the type of response file you have selected.

  5. Respond to each prompt with the requested information. The password values you enter are not displayed on the screen. See "Response File Utility Prompts and File Parameters" for a detailed listing.

    See the following examples for details:

    The utility adds the encrypted passwords to the response file and displays the file contents.

  6. Exit the utility.

Example B-7 Adding Encrypted Passwords to an Install Response File

| Enter and encrypt passwords  |
The utility will prompt the user for the passwords required for the response file only, then generate the keyfile and encrypt the passwords. Existing values that are not passwords are ignored.

Select the Response File type :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent Deinstall
  4) Back to Main Menu
Enter Choice [1-4] : 1

The utility will now encrypt your Silent Install response file passwords.

Enter the absolute location to the valid response file, including the filename : /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/saved_silentInstall.rsp

Enter System Root password                         : 
Confirm System Root password                       : 
Enter Weblogic Administrator Password              : 
Confirm Weblogic Administrator Password            : 
Enter STA Administrator Password                   : 
Confirm STA Administrator Password                 : 

Enter STA Database Root User Password              : 
Confirm STA Database Root User Password            : 
Enter STA Database Application Password            : 
Confirm STA Database Application Password          : 
Enter STA Database Reports Password                : 
Confirm STA Database Reports Password              : 
Enter STA Database Administrator Password          : 
Confirm STA Database Administrator Password        : 

Creating keyfile /home/oracle/EmptyResponseFiles/.sk1486683085078

Response File Version=
Complete contents of file
Press [Enter] to return to Main Menu

Example B-8 Adding Encrypted Passwords to an Upgrade Response File

| Enter and encrypt passwords  |
The utility will prompt the user for the passwords required for the response file only, then generate the keyfile and encrypt the passwords. Existing values that are not passwords are ignored.

Select the Response File type :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent Deinstall
  4) Back to Main Menu
Enter Choice [1-4] : 2

The utility will now encrypt your Silent Upgrade response file passwords.

Enter the absolute location to the valid response file, including the filename : /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/silentUpgrade.rsp

Enter System Root password                         : 
Confirm System Root password                       : 

Creating keyfile /home/oracle/EmptyResponseFiles/.sk1486685599743

Response File Version=
Complete contents of file
Press [Enter] to return to Main Menu

Example B-9 Adding Encrypted Passwords to a Deinstall Response File

| Enter and encrypt passwords  |
The utility will prompt the user for the passwords required for the response file only, then generate the keyfile and encrypt the passwords. Existing values that are not passwords are ignored.

Select the Response File type :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent Deinstall
  4) Back to Main Menu
Enter Choice [1-4] : 3

The utility will now encrypt your Silent Deinstall response file passwords.

Enter the absolute location to the valid response file, including the filename : /Installers/silentDeinstall.rsp

Enter the System Root password                         :
Confirm the System Root password                       :

Creating keyfile /Installers/.sk1436471385123

Response File Version=
Complete contents of file
Press [Enter] to returning to Main Menu

Run the Silent-mode Installer

Use this procedure to install STA in silent mode.

  1. Open a terminal window with the STA server and log in as the Oracle user. See "Oracle user" for details.

  2. Change to the STA installer location. For example:

    $ cd /Installers
  3. Start the STA silent-mode installer. See "STA Installer, Upgrade, and Deinstaller Command Options" for full definitions of these parameters.

    $ ./sta_installer_linux64_version.bin –silent  –responseFile response_file –invPtrLoc pointer_file


    • version is the version of the STA installer you have downloaded.

    • –silent indicates silent mode; this parameter is required.

    • –responseFile response_file specifies the absolute path of the silent-mode installer response file; this parameter is required.

    • –invPtrLoc pointer_file specifies the absolute path of the Oracle central inventory pointer file. This parameter is required only if there is no /etc/oraInst.loc file or you want to use a different file.

    For example:

    $ ./sta_install_2. –silent –responseFile /Installers/silentInstall.rsp -invPtrLoc /Oracle/oraInventory/oraInst.loc
  4. The installer displays status messages in the terminal window as it performs the following installation steps. This process may take 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

    • Performs prerequisite checks on the STA server environment.

    • Verifies that the response file is valid and includes entries for all required parameters.

    • Installs the included software packages, including MySQL, WebLogic, and the STA application.

    • Configures the STA environment using the settings you have supplied in the response file.

    • Starts the STA application.

    Example B-10 shows the starting and ending messages that appear for a successful installation. Example B-11 shows some messages you might see at the end of a failed installation.

  5. When the installer completes successfully, verify that STA is running. See "Verify Successful Installation" for instructions.

Example B-10 Successful STA Silent-mode Installation Sample Messages

./sta_install_2. -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/ResponseFiles/silentInstall.rsp
Launcher log file is /tmp/OraInstall2017-02-13_12-35-45PM/launcher2017-02-13_12-35-45PM.log.
Starting Oracle Universal Installer
Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz.   Actual 2493.977 MHz    Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB.   Actual 8039 MB    Passed
Checking temp space: must be greater than 4096 MB.   Actual 15560 MB    Passed
Checking for glibc version 2.12 .   Actual 2.12-1.107.el6.x86_64    Passed
Preparing to launch the Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2017-02-13_12-35-45PM
Log: /tmp/OraInstall2017-02-13_12-35-45PM/install2017-02-13_12-35-45PM.log
Copyright (c) 2012, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Reading response file..
Starting check : CheckSTANotInstalled
Expected result: STA is not installed.
Actual Result: STA is not installed.
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
CheckSTANotInstalled Check: Success.
Starting check : CheckMysqlNotInstalled
Expected result: MySQL is not installed.
Actual Result: MySQL is not installed.
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
CheckMysqlNotInstalled Check: Success.


Started Configuration:Deploying STA Application
Configuration:Deploying STA Application completed successfully
Started Configuration:Restarting STA (this can take up to 30 minutes)
Configuration:Restarting STA (this can take up to 30 minutes) completed successfully
Started Configuration:Post Configuration
Configuration:Post Configuration completed successfully
The installation of STA_Install completed successfully.
Logs successfully copied to /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics/cfgtoollogs/oui.

Example B-11 Sample Failed STA Silent-mode Installation Final Messages

[ERROR] Rule_CalculateFreeSpace_Error. Aborting Install
Logs are located here: /tmp/OraInstall2016-09-24_09-29-29AM.
** Error during execution, error code = 256.

Run the Silent-mode Upgrade

Use this procedure to use the silent-mode upgrade to perform an automatic STA upgrade.


Before attempting to use this procedure, see "Upgrade Paths for STA 2.3.0" to determine whether your upgrade can be done with an automatic upgrade.
  1. In a terminal window, connect to the STA server and log in as the Oracle user. See "Oracle user" for details.

  2. Change to the STA installer location. For example:

    $ cd /Installers
  3. Start the STA silent-mode installer. See "STA Installer, Upgrade, and Deinstaller Command Options" for full definitions of these parameters.

    $ ./sta_installer_linux64_version.bin –silent  –responseFile response_file –invPtrLoc pointer_file


    • version is the version of the STA installer you have downloaded.

    • –silent indicates silent mode; this parameter is required.

    • –responseFile response_file specifies the absolute path of the silent-mode upgrade response file; this parameter is required.

    • –invPtrLoc pointer_file specifies the absolute path of the Oracle central inventory pointer file. This parameter is required only if there is no /etc/oraInst.loc file or you want to use a different file.

    For example:

    $ ./sta_install_2. –silent –responseFile /Installers/silentInstall.rsp -invPtrLoc /Oracle/oraInventory/oraInst.loc
  4. The installer displays status messages in the terminal window as it performs the following installation steps. This process may take 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

    • Performs prerequisite checks on the STA server environment.

    • Verifies that the response file is valid and includes entries for all required parameters.

    • Installs the included software packages, including MySQL, WebLogic, and the STA application.

    • Configures the STA environment using the settings you have supplied in the response file.

    • Starts the STA application.

    Example B-10 shows the starting and ending messages that appear for a successful installation. Example B-11 shows some messages you might see at the end of a failed installation.

  5. When the installer completes successfully, verify that STA is running. See "Verify Successful Installation" for instructions.

Run the Silent-mode Deinstaller

Use this procedure to deinstall the current version of STA using the silent-mode deinstaller. To deinstall an earlier version of STA, see that version of the STA Installation and Configuration Guide.

  1. In a terminal window, connect to the STA server and log in as the Oracle user. See "Oracle user" for details.

  2. Change to the STA home directory. For example:

    $ cd /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics
  3. Change to the STA utilities directory.

    $ cd oui/bin
  4. Start the STA silent-mode deinstaller. See "STA Installer, Upgrade, and Deinstaller Command Options" for full definitions of these parameters.

    $ ./deinstall.sh –silent  –responseFile response_file –invPtrLoc pointer_file 


    • –silent indicates silent mode; this parameter is required.

    • –responseFile response_file specifies the absolute path of the STA deinstaller response file; this parameter is required.

    • –invPtrLoc pointer_file specifies the absolute path of the Oracle central inventory pointer file; this parameter is required only if the file does not exist in the /etc directory or you want to use a different file.

    For example:

    $ ./deinstall.sh –silent  –responseFile /Installers/SilentDeinst.rsp –invPtrLoc /Oracle/oraInventory/oraInst.loc
  5. The deinstaller displays status messages in the terminal window as it deinstalls the STA application and data, MySQL, and WebLogic. See "STA Deinstallation Overview" for details about the updates made. This process may take up to 30 minutes to complete.

    Example B-12 shows messages that appear for a successful deinstallation. Example B-13 shows some messages you might see at the end of a failed deinstallation.

    Example B-12 Sample Successful STA Silent-mode Deinstallation Messages

    $ ./deinstall.sh -silent -responseFile /Installers/mysilentDeinstall.rsp
    Launcher log file is /tmp/OraInstall2016-09-27_11-50-29AM/launcher2016-09-27_11-50-29AM.log.
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer
    Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz.   Actual 2492.089 MHz    Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB.   Actual 8232956 MB    Passed
    Checking temp space: must be greater than 4096 MB.   Actual 8528 MB    Passed
    Checking for glibc version 2.12 .   Actual 2.12-1.107.el6.x86_64    Passed
    Log: /tmp/OraInstall2016-09-27_11-50-29AM/deinstall2016-09-27_11-50-29AM.log
    Setting ORACLE_HOME to /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics
    Copyright (c) 2012, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Reading response file..
    Starting silent deinstallation...
    Successfully moved logs to /var/log/tbi/install.
    s/common/bin/uninstall.sh/mysql was removed, with s/common/bin/uninstall.sh left, because there are user defined files in s/common/bin/uninstall.sh or it is a mount point.
    /dbdata/local was removed, with /dbdata left, because there are user defined files in /dbdata or it is a mount point.
    The uninstall of STA_Install completed successfully.
    Logs successfully copied to /home/oracle/oraInventory/logs.

    Example B-13 Sample Failed STA Silent-mode Deinstallation Final Messages

    Reading response file..
    Starting silent deinstallation...
    Internal Error: File Copy failed. Aborting Install
    Logs are located here: /tmp/OraInstall2016-09-25_10-07-18AM.
  6. When the deinstaller completes, verify that the STA directories have been removed. See "Verify Successful Deinstallation" for instructions.

Response File Reference Information

See the following sections for details.

Response File Build Utility Options

The response file build utility provides the following options. See "Start the Response File Build Utility" for instructions on using the utility.

See "Response File Utility Prompts and File Parameters" for details about the requested information. The response file build utility does not verify your entries, and if they do not meet the parameter requirements, the silent mode may fail.

Create a new response file with prompts

This option creates a new response file with all required parameter values, including encrypted passwords. The utility prompts you for the values, and the created file is immediately usable. See "Create a Response File With Values" for instructions.

Create an empty response file

This option creates a response file with empty placeholders for all required parameters. Before using the file, you must provide the required clear-text values and encrypted passwords. See "Create an Empty Response File" for instructions.

Enter and encrypt passwords

This option adds encrypted passwords to an existing response file, which is either empty or has existing password values. The utility prompts you for the required passwords and adds them to the response file in encrypted form.

Use this option if you have a response file you have successfully used once and want to reuse. For security reasons, once a response file has been used for a successful installation, upgrade, or deinstallation, the encryption key file used to decrypt the passwords is deleted. Before reusing the response file, you must use this option to reenter and encrypt the passwords.

See "Add or Modify Encrypted Passwords in an Existing Response File" for instructions.

Response File Utility Prompts and File Parameters

The following tables provide reference information for updating response file parameter values.

Table B-1 Install Response File Reference

Response File Build Utility Prompt Parameter Description



Location of password encryption key file.

Do not modify; automatically generated by response file build utility.



See "STA Home".

Do not modify; automatically generated by response file build utility.

Enter location where STA will be installed (STORAGE_HOME)


See "Oracle Storage Home".

Enter the System Root password


See "Enter Root Password".

Enter location for Database Data directory


See "Database Data Location".

Enter location for Database Backup directory


See "Database Backup Location".

Enter Weblogic Administrator Username


See "WebLogic Administrator".

Enter Weblogic Administrator Password


See "WebLogic Administrator".

Modify with response file build utility only.

Enter STA Administrator Username


See "STA Administrator".

Enter STA Administrator Password


See "STA Administrator".

Modify with response file build utility only.

Enter STA Database Root User Password


See "Database Root User".

Modify with response file build utility only.

Enter STA Database Application Username


See "Database Application User".

Enter STA Database Application Password


See "Database Application User".

Modify with response file build utility only.

Enter STA Database Reports Username


See "Database Reports User".

Enter STA Database Reports Password


See "Database Reports User".

Modify with response file build utility only.

Enter STA Database Administrator Username


See "Database Administrator".

Enter STA Database Administrator Password


See "Database Administrator".

Modify with response file build utility only.

Enter WebLogic Administration Console HTTP Port

Enter WebLogic Administration Console HTTPS Port



See "WebLogic Admin Console".

Enter staEngine HTTP port

Enter staEngine HTTPS port



See "STA Engine".

Enter staAdapter HTTP port

Enter staAdapter HTTPS port



See "STA Adapter".

Enter staUi HTTP port

Enter staUi HTTPS port



See "STA UI".

Enter RDA domain name


See "Enter Domain Name".

Table B-2 Deinstall Response File Reference

Response File Build Utility Prompt Parameter Description



Location of password encryption key file.

Do not modify; automatically generated by response file build utility.



Do not modify; automatically generated by response file build utility.

Enter the System Root password


See "Enter Root Password".

Modify with response file build utility only.

Sample Response Files

Following are sample response files with values.

Example B-14 Sample Install Response File With Values


Response File Version=
# Location of the Key file used to secure the passwords.
# The oracle home location. This can be an existing or new Oracle Home. The directory should end with StorageTek_Tape_Analytics
# The Storage Home location. This can be an existing or new Storage Home.
# System Root Password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# Confirm System Root Password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# Directory for DB Data
# Directory for DB Backup
# Weblogic Administrator Username
# Weblogic Administrator Password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# Confirm Weblogic Administrator password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# STA GUI Administrator username
# STA GUI Administrator password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# Confirm STA GUI Administrator password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# Enter STA Database Root User password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# Confirm STA Database Root User password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# STA Database Application User
# STA Database Application Password
# Confirm STA Database Application Password
# STA Database Reports user
# STA Database Reports Password
# Confirm STA Database Reports Password
# STA Database Administrator
# STA Database Administrator password
# Confirm STA Database Administrator password
# WebLogic Administration Console HTTP Port
# WebLogic Administration Console HTTPS Port
# STA Engine HTTP Port
# STA Engine HTTPS port
# STA Adapter HTTP Port
# STA Adapter HTTPS Port
# RDA Domain Name

Example B-15 Sample Deinstall Response File With Values

Response File Version=
# Location of the Key file used to secure the passwords.
# This will be blank when there is nothing to be de-installed in distribution level
# System Root Password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# Confirm System Root Password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility

STA Installer, Upgrade, and Deinstaller Command Options

The following sections provide command reference information for the STA installer, upgrade, and deinstaller.

Silent-mode Options

The following options are used only with the silent-mode installer, upgrade, and deinstaller.


Allow silent-mode installation into a non-empty directory.

–invPtrLoc pointer_file

Use the specified Oracle central inventory pointer file instead of the one located in/etc/oraInst.loc. pointer_file must be an absolute path.

The contents of the Oracle central inventory file are as follows:



  • Oracle_central_inventory_location is the absolute path of the Oracle central inventory.

  • Oracle_install_group is the name of the Oracle group.

–response, –responseFile response_file

Required for silent mode. Location of the response file containing input for the STA silent-mode installer, upgrade, or deinstaller. response_file must be an absolute path.


Required for silent mode. Indicates to use silent mode. Inputs are taken from the specified response file.

Logging Options

The following options can be used with both the graphical and silent-mode installer, upgrade, and deinstaller. They allow you to control the types of information provided in the logs.


Log debug information. Some debug information will also appear in the console window.

–logLevel level

Omit log messages whose priority levels are lower than the specified level. Values for level are as follows:

  • severe

  • warning

  • info

  • config

  • fine

  • finer

  • finest


Log debug information about disk usage.


Log debug information about memory usage.


Log debug information about elapsed time.

Other Options

The following command options are for general use. They can be used with both graphical and silent modes.

–compatibilityFile compatibility_file

Location of the file that specifies feature set dependency changes.


Execute the system environment prerequisite checks for running the installer, then exit without performing the installation.


Display help.

–i, –install

Use graphical mode. This is the default.


Unpack the STA installer files to the specified working directory instead of STA_home/tmp. working_directory must be an absolute path, and the directory must allow the execution of binaries.

This parameter does not apply to the WebLogic installer files; they are always unpacked to STA_home/tmp, regardless of this setting.

You should ensure that there is sufficient space in all applicable directories before beginning the installation. All STA and WebLogic installer files are deleted when the installer finishes, whether successful or not.

–paramFile initialization_file

Use the specified initialization file instead of one located in STA_home/oui/oraparam.ini. initialization_file must be an absolute path.

The STA installer uses the file you specify for all operations, including the prerequisite checks. The default location is in the STA_home/oui directory.

Auto Upgrade Examples

Example B-16 Creating an Upgrade Response File With Values

Select Response File type to create :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent De-install
  4) Back to Main Menu

Enter Choice [1-4] : 2

The utility will now create a Silent Upgrade response file.

The response file will be saved as <silentUpgrade.rsp>. If there is an existing file with the same name in the specified directory, the file will be overwritten.

Enter directory to save the response file to, or press <Enter> to save to the current directory :

The response file will be saved to : /Installers

| Collecting User input |

Enter location where STA will be installed(STORAGE_HOME). : /Oracle

Enter the OS Root password                         :
Confirm the OS Root password                       :
Creating keyfile /Installers/.sk1435706174401

Response File Version=

Complete contents of file
Response file generated. The file is located at /Installers/silentUpgrade.rsp

Press [Enter] to returning to Main Menu

Example B-17 Creating an Empty Upgrade Response File

| Generate Empty Response File |
The utility will generate an empty response file with only the response file keys. The user is expected to fill in the values manually, then run the encrypt password function to encrypt the passwords before the response file can be used.

Select Response File type to generate :

  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent De-install
  4) Back to Main Menu

Enter Choice [1-4] : 2

The utility will now generate an empty Silent Upgrade response file.

The response file will be saved as <silentUpgrade.rsp>. If there is an existing file with the same name in the specified directory, the file will be overwritten.

Enter directory to save the response file to, or press <Enter> to save to the current directory :

The response file will be saved to : /Installers

Response file generated successfully.
The file is located at /Installers/silentUpgrade.rsp

Example B-18 Adding Encrypted Passwords to an Upgrade Response File

| Enter and encrypt passwords  |
The utility will prompt the user for the passwords required for the response file only, then generate the keyfile and encrypt the passwords. Existing values that are not passwords are ignored.

Select Response File type to encrypt :
  1) Silent Install
  2) Silent Upgrade
  3) Silent De-install
  4) Back to Main Menu

Enter Choice [1-4] : 2

The utility will now encrypt your Silent Upgrade response file passwords.

Enter the absolute location to the valid response file, including the filename : /Installers/saved_silentUpgrade.rsp

Enter the OS Root password                         :
Confirm the OS Root password                       :

Creating keyfile /Installers/.sk1436471387316

Response File Version=
Complete contents of file
Press [Enter] to returning to Main Menu

Example B-19 Successful STA Silent-mode Upgrade Messages

Started Configuration:Backup STA Schema
Configuration:Backup STA Schema completed successfully
Started Configuration:Upgrading STA Schema
Configuration:Upgrading STA Schema completed successfully
Started Configuration: Upgrading STA Application
Configuration:Upgrading STA Application completed successfully
Started Configuration:Upgrading STA Configuration
Configuration:Upgrading STA Configuration completed successfully
Started Configuration:Restarting STA (this can take up to 30 minutes)
Log file successfully moved.
The installation completed successfully.
Logs successfully copied to /Oracle/oraInventory/logs.

Example B-20 Sample Failed STA Silent-mode Upgrade Final Messages

[ERROR] Rule_CalculateFreeSpace_Error. Aborting Install
Logs are located here: /tmp/OraInstall2016-09-24_09-29-29AM.
** Error during execution, error code = 256.

Example B-21 Sample Upgrade Response File With Values

Response File Version=
# Location of the Key file used to secure the passwords.
# The oracle home location. For Upgrade, this points to a temporary location that used for holding the files while upgrade is running. The location needs to end with the .tmp_staupgrade suffix
# The Storage Home location. This is where STA is currently installed.
# Enter System Root password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# Confirm System Root Password. This needs to be encrypted using the SilentInstallUtility
# SNMPTrap Port

Table B-3 Upgrade Response File Reference

Response File Build Utility Prompt Parameter Description



Location of password encryption key file.

Do not modify; automatically generated by response file build utility.



See "STA Home".

Do not modify; automatically generated by response file build utility.

Enter location where STA will be installed (STORAGE_HOME)


See "Oracle Storage Home".

Enter the System Root password


See "Enter Root Password".

Modify with response file build utility only.