Define the SDP Host to STA

Identify the SDP host so that STA can send automatic log bundles. This procedure applies only if you want to use automatic bundle creation and forwarding to SDP.


SDP-to-STA connectivity is a 1-to-1 relation. Do not configure multiple STA servers to a single SDP server, or vice versa. Only connect one STA server to one SDP server.

STA can only connect to supported versions of SDP. See the requirements in the STA Installation and Configuration Guide or contact your Oracle support representative for supported versions.

  1. Verify the IP address and hostname of the SDP server are defined on the network. You may need to add an entry in the /etc/hosts file of the STA server. For example " sdp2host".

  2. Obtain the following information:

    • IP address of the SDP host.

    • Port number for outbound communication from STA to the SDP host. The same port must be assigned on both the STA server and the SDP host. See the StorageTek Service Delivery Platform User's Guide for complete instructions on configuring the SDP host.

  3. In the left navigation, expand Setup & Administration, then select Automatic Bundles & SDP.

  4. In the SDP Host Settings and Status table, click Edit SDP Host Details Edit icon.

    SDP Host Settings and Status table with Edit icon noted
  5. Complete the Configure SDP Host dialog:

    • SDP Host IP Address—IP address of the SDP host. This must be the IP address of a valid SDP host on the network.

    • SDP Host Port—Port number on the STA server to be used for outbound communication to the SDP host. The same port number must be configured on the SDP host to receive messages from STA. Default is 15000.

  6. Click OK. You can now test the SDP host connection.

    See Test STA to SDP Communication.