Apply User Group Privileges for Fault Management Operations

An element manager system (EMS) must be licensed to apply user-group privileges for fault management operations that apply to the events and alarms that appear on the Fault Manager slider.

  1. Expand the Security Manager slider and choose User management > Groups.
  2. In the User Groups pane, choose the group you want to modify from the User Groups table and click Edit.
  3. Click the Fault management tab and click the folder and subfolder sliders to expand the item operations list.
  4. Choose the item row in the operation category table that you want to modify and click the Privileges column to activate the drop-down list.
  5. In the Privileges drop-down list, choose the following user group privilege options for folders or items in the Fault management tab table described below:
    • Full—Allowed to perform event or alarm operations.
    • None—Not allowed to perform event or alarm operations.
    Name Description
    Fault management folder If the None privilege is chosen, the Fault Manager slider does not appear in the SDM GUI.
    Events and Alarms folder Assign the privileges for all of the following event and alarm operations accessible on the Fault Manager slider.
    Alarms folder Assign the privileges for all of the following alarm operations accessible on the Fault Manager slider.
    Set email notification item Create an email list for alarms.
    Delete alarm item Delete alarms.
    Remap severities item Edit the alarm severity levels.
    Events folder Assign the privileges for all of the following event operations accessible on the Fault Manager slider.
    Delete events item Delete events.
    Configure trap receiver item Assign privileges to configure a trap receiver.
  6. Click Apply.