Fault Manager

Fault manager is used to view events, alarms and trap event settings. Events and alarm information is based on the Oracle® standard and proprietary Management Information Bases (MIBs). All SNMP traps generated from nodes are managed by SDM.

With the introduction of Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager, Release 8.0, network-element specific MIBs are delivered by product plugins. There are also core SDM MIBs that come with SDM.

The following pre-requisites are required for receiving fault notifications:
  • You must use the sudo password (the password of the NNCentral user account on the server operating system) for the port on which TrapRelay listens. This port can be configured in the setup application during the Typical Installation. See the Configure Fault Management section in the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager Installation Guide for more information.


    If you use port 1024 for the TrapRelay function, root permission is not required.
  • Ensure that SNMP communities and the MIB administrator contact name is configured on your southbound system(s).

  • A trap receiver for each SDM node in a cluster must be configured on each southbound device. Also, the SNMP community defined in the trap receiver must be the same for all SDM cluster nodes.

  • Ensure that you configure northbound interface fault trap receivers on the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager server for northbound systems. See the Configure Northbound Interface Fault Trap Receivers chapter.

If you want more specific information about events, alarms, and MIBs that is not covered in this chapter, see the Oracle Communications Core Session Manager MIB Reference Guide.