Mapping Display to KPIs

The following tables explain how each of the columns in the KPI dashboard are mapped to a specific statistic in the KPI statistics. On the initial KPI Dashboard window, KPIs for each MRA and MPE device are shown. Since the tables contain row entries for the active, standby and spare servers (if georedundancy is configured), the mapping is described for all three servers. Table 1 shows the mappings for MRA devices; Table 2 shows the mappings for MPE devices when the MRA devices are managed by the CMP system; and Table 3 shows the mappings for MPE devices when the MRA devices are not managed by the CMP system.

KPI Definitions for MRA Devices
KPI Dashboard Column Mapping to Statistics
Active server Standby and spare server (spare only shows Status, CPU % and Memory%)
Name Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
State Label representation of the PrimaryServerStatus Label representation of the SecondaryServerStatus
TPS CurrentTransactionsPerSecond and CurrentTPSPercentageOfCapacity None
PDN CurrentPDNConnectionCount and CurrentPDNConnectionPercentageOf​Capacity None
Active Subscribers CurrentMRABindingCount and CurrentMRABindingPercentageOf​Capacity None
CPU % PrimaryCPUUtilizationPercentage SecondaryCPUUtilizationPercentage
Memory % PrimaryMemoryUtilizationPercentage SecondaryMemoryUtilizationPercentage
MPE Connections

A value in the form X of Y, where:

X is CurrentMPEConnectionCount

Y is ConfiguredMPEConnectionCount

MRA Connections

A value in the form X of Y, where:

X is CurrentMRAConnectionCount

Y is ConfiguredMRAConnectionCount

Network Element Connections

A value in the form X of Y, where:

X is CurrentConnectedNECount

Y is ConfiguredNECount

Critical Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Major Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Minor Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Protocol Errors Sent CurrentProtocolErrorSentCount None
Protocol Errors Received CurrentProtocolErrorReceivedCount None
KPI Definitions for MPE Devices when MRA Devices are Managed by CMP System
KPI Dashboard Column Mapping to Statistics
Active server Standby server
Name Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
State Label representation of the PrimaryServerStatus Label representation of the SecondaryServerStatus
TPS CurrentTransactionsPerSecond and CurrentTPSPercentageOfCapacity None
PDN CurrentPDNConnectionCount and CurrentPDNConnectionPercentageOf​Capacity None
Active Sessions CurrentSessionCount and CurrentSessionPercentageOfCapacity None
CPU % PrimaryCPUUtilizationPercentage SecondaryCPUUtilizationPercentage
Memory % PrimaryMemoryUtilizationPercentage SecondaryMemoryUtilizationPercentage
MRA Connections

A value in the form X of Y, where:

X is CurrentMRAConnectionCount

Y is ConfiguredMRAConnectionCount

Data Sources

A value in the form X of Y, where:

X is CurrentSPRConnectionCount

Y is ConfiguredSPRConnectionCount

Critical Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Major Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Minor Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Protocol Errors Sent CurrentProtocolErrorSentCount None
Protocol Errors Received CurrentProtocolErrorReceivedCount None
KPI Definitions for MPE Devices when MRA Devices are not Managed by CMP System
KPI Dashboard Column Mapping to Statistics
Active server Standby server
Name Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
State Label representation of the PrimaryServerStatus Label representation of the SecondaryServerStatus
TPS CurrentTransactionsPerSecond and CurrentTPSPercentageOfCapacity None
Sessions CurrentSessionCount and CurrentSessionPercentageOfCapacity None
Active Sessions CurrentSessionCount and CurrentSessionPercentageOfCapacity None
CPU % PrimaryCPUUtilizationPercentage SecondaryCPUUtilizationPercentage
Memory % PrimaryMemoryUtilizationPercentage SecondaryMemoryUtilizationPercentage
SPR Connections

A value in the form X of Y, where:

X is CurrentSPRConnectionCount

Y is ConfiguredSPRConnectionCount

Network Element Connections

A value in the form X of Y, where:

X is CurrentConnectedNECount

Y is ConfiguredConnectedNECount

Critical Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Major Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Minor Alarms Not derived from statistics Not derived from statistics
Protocol Errors Sent CurrentProtocolErrorSentCount None
Protocol Errors Received CurrentProtocolErrorReceivedCount None

Clicking on an MRA or MPE name opens the Reports tab. See the Reports tab for the device for details on reports.