Changing a Custom CAL Package

You can change the name of a custom package, its deployment order, and its platform type.

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click CAL Packages.
  2. Expand the Custom subgroup, and highlight the appropriate custom CAL package.
  3. Change the following information:
    • Name

    • Deployment Order: Enter the order in which to deploy the CAL package. CAL packages with a value of 0 (zero) are loaded before packages with a value of 1. See CAL Deployment Order for more information.

    • Platform Type: Select the type of platform to receive the CAL Package.

  4. In the Limit To Services section, select specific Service Host types to deploy to workstations.
    • If you do not select a service, the package deploys to every Service Host based on the deployment schedule.

    • If you select one or more services, the package deploys only to Service Hosts that run selected services. That is, when you configure a new service for the existing Service Host, there is no additional deployment for the Service Host. If a CAL package exists that is specific to the service, the Service Host downloads it immediately.

      For example, if you select Cash Management, you must also select the Check And Posting service (CAPS) because the Enterprise Cash Management (ECM) module only runs on CAPS Service Hosts. This causes all Service Hosts that run CAPS to automatically download the ECM CAL package if a deployment schedule exists for the Enterprise or property.