Oracle® R Enterpriseユーザーズ・ガイド


1.7 Oracle R Enterpriseの例

Oracle R Enterpriseには、Oracle R Enterpriseの関数の使用を示すいくつかのサンプル・スクリプトが含まれています。次の各トピックでは、サンプル・スクリプトのリストとスクリプトの実行について説明します。

1.7.1 Oracle R Enterpriseの例のリスト

次の例に示すように、demo関数を使用してOracle R Enterpriseのサンプル・スクリプトのリストを表示できます。

例1-6 Oracle R Enterpriseの例をリストするためのデモの使用方法

demo(package = "ORE")
R> demo(package = "ORE")

Demos in package 'ORE':

aggregate      Aggregation
analysis       Basic analysis & data processing operations
basic          Basic connectivity to database
binning        Binning logic
columnfns      Column functions
cor            Correlation matrix
crosstab       Frequency cross tabulations
datastore      Datastore operations
datetime       Date/Time operations
derived        Handling of derived columns
distributions  Distribution, density, and quantile functions
do_eval        Embedded R processing
esm            Exponential smoothing method
freqanalysis   Frequency cross tabulations
glm            Generalized Linear Models
graphics       Demonstrates visual analysis
group_apply    Embedded R processing by group
hypothesis     Hypothesis testing functions
matrix         Matrix related operations
nulls          Handling of NULL in SQL vs. NA in R
odm_ai         Oracle Data Mining: attribute importance
odm_ar         Oracle Data Mining: association rules
odm_dt         Oracle Data Mining: decision trees
odm_em         Oracle Data Mining: expectation maximization (12.2)
odm_esa        Oracle Data Mining: explicit semantic analysis (12.2)
odm_glm        Oracle Data Mining: generalized linear models
odm_kmeans     Oracle Data Mining: enhanced k-means clustering
odm_nb         Oracle Data Mining: naive Bayes classification
odm_nmf        Oracle Data Mining: non-negative matrix factorization
odm_oc         Oracle Data Mining: o-cluster
odm_partition  Oracle Data Mining: partition model (12.2)
odm_ralg       Oracle Data Mining: extensible R algorithm (12.2)
odm_svd        Oracle Data Mining: singular value decomposition (12.2)
odm_svm        Oracle Data Mining: support vector machines
ore_dplyr      Data manipulation similar to dplyr
pca            Principal Component Analysis
push_pull      RDBMS <-> R data transfer
randomForest   Random forest model
rank           Attributed-based ranking of observations
reg            Ordinary least squares linear regression
row_apply      Embedded R processing by row chunks
sampling       Random row sampling and partitioning of an ore.frame
script         Create, list, load, drop, grant, and revoke R scripts
sql_like       Mapping of R to SQL commands
stepwise       Stepwise OLS linear regression
summary        Summary functionality
table_apply    Embedded R processing of entire table

1.7.2 Oracle R Enterpriseのサンプル・スクリプトの実行

Oracle R Enterpriseのサンプル・スクリプトはdemo関数を使用して実行できます。ほとんどの例では、R Distributionに含まれているdatasetsパッケージにあるirisデータセットを使用します。


例1-7 basic.Rサンプル・スクリプトの実行


demo("basic", package = "ORE")
R> demo("basic", package = "ORE")

        ---- ~~~~~
Type  <Return>   to start : 
R> #
R> #     O R A C L E  R  E N T E R P R I S E  S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y
R> #
R> #     Name: basic.R
R> #     Description: Demonstrates basic connectivity to database
R> #
R> #
R> #
R> ## Set page width
R> options(width = 80)
R> # Push the built-in iris data frame to the database
R> IRIS <- ore.push(iris)
R> # Display the class of IRIS 
R> class(IRIS)
[1] "ore.frame"
[1] "OREbase"
R> # Basic commands
R> # Number of rows
R> nrow(iris)
[1] 150
R> nrow(IRIS)
[1] 150
R> # Column names of the data frame
R> names(iris)
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Species"     
R> names(IRIS)
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Species"     

# The rest of the output is not shown.