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OpsRequestType Enumeration

Available Ops Request Types.

Namespace:  Micros.Ops
Assembly:  Ops (in Ops.dll) Version: 18.2
public enum OpsRequestType
  Member nameDescription
Message Display message request.
Error Display error request.
Exception Display exception request.
AskYesNo Display Yes/No request.
AskYesNoCancel Display Yes/No/Cancel request.
NumericEntry Display numeric data entry request.
AlphaEntry Display alphanumeric data entry request.
SysKbdEntry Display System keyboard data entry request.
ChangeDue Display change due request.
Selection Display selection request.
Progress Display progress request.
PopupMessage Display message request.
Custom Display a custom dialog request.
Check Display check request.
CheckConfirmation Display check confirmation request.
Keyboard Display keyboard request.
TimeCard Display time card request.
SystemInformation Display system information request.
Text Display text request.
Employee Display employee selection dialog.
Cashier Display cashier selection dialog.
EmployeeEditPin Display employee edit PIN dialog.
Search Display search dialog.
OrderDevice Display Order Device edit dialog.
CheckPreview Displays a check preview dialog given a list of checks id's
MultipleSelection Displays a dialog a list of items and allows the user to select one or many and returns the indexs of the selected items.
CheckDetailSelection Displays a dialog allowing user to select one or more check detail items.
PopupNumericEntry Displays a popup numeric dialog but with no prompt or title.
PopupAlphaNumericEntry Displays a popup alpha-numeric dialog but with no prompt or title.
SimInput Displays a dialog containing list of items defined by the user and alphanumeric keyboard.
SimSytem Displays a "Please Wait" dialog while SIM executes the System Command.
SimException Displays a dialog containing SIM exception related information
CashDrawerClosureDetection Display cash drawer closure detection request.
CurrencyConversion Display currency conversion information.
AutoCombo Display AutoCombo information.
QuebecSRMControl Display Quebec SRM Printers.
ComboSelection Display Combo Selection request.
WaitListDialog //Integrated TMS: Display WaitListDialog request.
ReservationDialog //Integrated TMS: Display ReservationDialog request.
EmployeeTrainingDisplay Kitchen Themes
TMSSectionLayout Display TMS Section Layout request.
UpdateTable Display Assign/Unassign table request.
UnassignTable Display Unassign table request.
AssignSection Display Assign section request.
UnassignSection Display Unassign section request.
AssignEmployeeSection Display Assign employee section request.
UnassignEmployeeSection Display Unassign employee section request.
MoveTable Move dining table from one section to other.
LegendAreaDialog 2.5 - 7410- Display Legend Area Dialog
SummaryArea Task #7906 - List of items to be displayed on wait list summary area.
QuickSeatDialog 2.5 - 8714 - Display Quick Seat Dialog
CustomHtmlRequestCustom HTML request, lowest level for dealing with HTML requests
DateRequestDisplay Date selection request
TimeRequestDisplay Time selection request
ApplyDepositRequest for customer information and deposit amount before loaning an item
RefundDepositEnter the Refund deposit details
ShowDepositDisplay deposit details
EditDepositEdit deposit details
EmployeeTotalsDialogDisplay the employee totals information
WaitQuoteDialogWait Quote Selection
DateTimeRequestDisplay Date Time selection request
TableEstWaitTimeDialogDisplay the estimated wait time for each table class
AskYesNoSendNowCancel Display Yes/No/Send Now/Cancel request.
ServerUnavailabilityDialog Display Server Unavailability Screen
EditTipsEdit Tips
TeamMemberAdd/Remove Team Members
TeamServiceMainDialogCreate/Edit/Delete/Print Teams
TimeSelectionRequestDisplay Time selection request for 24 Hour format
PeriodDateSelectRequestDisplay Period Date select request
DateTimeRangeRequestDisplay Date Time Range selection request
HoldAndFireFinalTenderRequestDisplay Hold and Fire Final Tender Notification
LargeDateSelectRequestDisplay Large Sized Date selection request
ReceptacleStatusRequestShow the ECM Receptacle Status request
StandSheetRequestShow the Stand Sheet request
EventDateSelectRequestShow period entry dialog specific for group events
ChangeDueCurrencyShow Foreign Currency Change Due dialog
EmployeeAvailablilityShow Delivery Employee Availability
ChecksFailedToPrintOnOrderDeviceDialogShow checks failed to print on order devices
DTOCheckPreviewDialog Displays a DTO check preview dialog given a list of checks id's
DTOViewCourierDialog Displays a DTO view courier dialog given an employee id
CashManagementDepositDateDisplays ECM date selection when opening a new deposit
See Also