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How to Debug a .NET Extension Application

To complete the steps below you will need

Debugging an Extension Application

  1. Enable debugging of extension application in web.config.txt

    Open the web.config.txt file for your POS Client and add the following line

    <add key="Debug.[my-app-name].LoadDLLFromFileNameOrigin" value="1" />

    where [my-app-name] is replaced with the name of your extension application in EMC (e.g., MyExtAppTest)

  2. Setup Extension Application Project to run ServiceHost.exe

    Open the Debug tab of the project properties

    Set Start Action to "Start External Program" and select ServiceHost.exe

    Set Start Options Working Folder to the folder containing ServiceHost.exe

  3. Set breakpoint and start debugging

    Set a breakpoint in the MyExtensionMethod function

    Start debugging the project using the Debug | Start Debugging menu option

    Presss the button that calls the extension method, execution should stop at the breakpoint you set in Visual Studio

See Also