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OpsContext Methods

The OpsContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodAskQuestion
Displays a dialog box requesting asked a yes/no question.
Public methodCalculateTotals
Calculates check totals. This method is computationally intensive and should only be used when absolutely required.
Public methodChangeCheckOwner(CGwDruid, Int64)
Change the owner of a close check if we have an active list - call when a closed check is moved to/from another workstation.
Public methodChangeCheckOwner(String, Int64)
Change the owner of a close check if we have an active list - call when a closed check is moved to/from another workstation.
Public methodClearCommandLog
Clear the command log
Public methodClearOpsCheckPreviousData
Public methodCloseCurrentRequest
Close the currently processing OpsCommand.
Public methodConvertAmountToBaseCurrency
Convert the input amount to amount in base currency.
Public methodConvertAmountToForeignCurrency
Convert the input amount to amount in current displayed foreign currency.
Public methodConvertToBaseCurrencyString
Convert the input amount to amount in base currency and format as string value.
Public methodConvertToForeignCurrencyString
Convert the input amount to amount in current displayed foreign currency and format as string value.
Public methodCreateSVStandSheetItem
Public methodCurrencyToString
Format as string value using supplied decimal places.
Public methodEndProgressRequest
Call when a progress request is active. Closes progress request.
Public methodFindItemByDetailLink
Public methodGetBusinessDateTime
Gets the current business date and time given the financial calendar
Public methodGetCashManagementRevenueCenterSelection
Public methodGetCheckSubtotalAsDecimal
Retrieves the CheckSubtotal as a decimal number.
Public methodGetCheckTaxAsDecimal
Retrieves the CheckTax as a decimal number.
Public methodGetClosedCheckEmployees
Get a list of employees with checks closed in the period since the specified start time.
Public methodGetCondimentGroupStatus
Public methodGetConfigurationValue
Get configuration value.
Public methodGetCurrentParentMenuItem
Public methodGetDrawerCashAmount
Get how much cash is in the till that currently assigned to the selected drawer
Public methodGetEmployeeClockInformation
Public methodGetFlattenedCheckDetail
Public methodGetGuestCheckImage
Extensibility hook for Belgium Guest Check
Public methodGetJournalGuestCheckImage
Get a Guest Check image that is formatted for the Journal.
Public methodGetLoyaltyModuleData
Public methodGetOpsContext
Get the current OPS context instance.
Public methodGetOutstandingDeposits
Public methodGetStoredValueModuleData
Public methodGetSuspendedChecks
Returns a list of suspended checks
Public methodInvokeOnCommandThread
Execute delegate on command thread.
Public methodIsCondimentOnParent(Int32, Int32)
Checks if a particular condiment has been added to the currently select parent item.
Public methodIsCondimentOnParent(MenuItemCommandData, Int32)
Checks if a particular condiment has been added to the currently select parent item.
Public methodStatic memberIsTimerProperty
Checks if a property is a Timer Property
Public methodLogException
Logs exception
Public methodMapRootPath
Get root path.
Public methodMoveFiscalData
Used to move fiscal data from a set of known fiscal table names. These items are replicated as specified by the fiscal developer during the addition of the fiscal data into the fiscal tables.
Public methodMultiSelectionRequest
Selection request. Displays a prompt listing the supplied Selection Entries. Returns index of selected item or -1 if user cancelled request.
Public methodNoSaleReasonCodes
Public methodPrintReceipt
Print a customized guest check or customer receipt to the guest check or customer receipt printer.
Public methodProcessCommand
Public methodProcessDTOCommand
Process an operational command.
Public methodProcessDTOConfirmOrderCommand
Public methodProcessDTODeliveryCheckSelected
Public methodProcessDTOPayAndPreConfirmOrderCommand
Public methodProcessDTOSelctionChangedCommand
Public methodProcessScannerData
Processes barcode scanner data.
Public methodQueueCommand
Public methodRaiseBrowserDialog(String, String, Object)
The purpose of this function is to raise a custom dialog when an HTML client is being used. See the extensibility documentation for a more detailed explanation.
Public methodRaiseBrowserDialog(String, String, Object, Type)
The purpose of this function is to raise a custom dialog when an HTML client is being used. This function is provided with a response Type that is used to deserialize the returned object into a standard .net object (for example, javascript->ArrayList) or a custom object when C# extensibility is used. See the extensibility documentation for a more detailed explanation.
Public methodRequestAlphaEntry
Displays a dialog box requesting an alpha/numeric entry. A null will be returned if the user cancelled the operation.
Public methodRequestAmountEntry(String, String)
Displays a dialog box requesting an decimal value. A null will be returned if the user cancelled the operation.
Public methodRequestAmountEntry(String, String, NullableDecimal)
Displays a dialog box requesting an decimal value. A null will be returned if the user cancelled the operation.
Public methodRequestCustomDialog
Displays the content defined in ContentName and makes Data available for the content resourse to bind to. A null will be returned if the user cancelled the operation.
Public methodCode exampleRequestEntry
This method is used to get any kind of user input.
Public methodRequestNumericEntry(String, String)
Displays a dialog box requesting an long value. A null will be returned if the user cancelled the operation.
Public methodRequestNumericEntry(String, String, NullableInt64)
Displays a dialog box requesting an long value. A null will be returned if the user cancelled the operation.
Public methodSearchRequest
Search request. Displays a prompt listing the supplied Selection Entries. Returns index of selected item or -1 if user cancelled request.
Public methodSelectClosedCheckEmployees
Set employees in the closed check employee list as selected.
Public methodSelectedCourierListUpdated
Determine if the selected courier list has changed or not.
Public methodSelectionRequest(String, String, IEnumerableObject)
Selection request. Displays a prompt listing the supplied strings. Returns index of selected item or null if user cancelled request.
Public methodSelectionRequest(String, String, IListOpsSelectionEntry)
Selection request. Displays a prompt listing the supplied Selection Entries. Returns index of selected item or null if user cancelled request.
Public methodShowError
Displays a dialog box containing an error message.
Public methodShowException
Displays a dialog box containing showing an exception
Public methodShowMessage
Displays a dialog box containing showing a message.
Public methodShowTextList(String, IListString)
Displays a dialog box containing a text box with multiple lines
Public methodShowTextList(String, IEnumerable)
Public methodSimCreateSVStandSheetItem
Public methodSimRequestAmountEntry
Displays a dialog box requesting an decimal value. The default will be returned if the user cancelled the operation.
Public methodSimRequestNumericEntry
Displays a dialog box requesting an long value. The default will be returned if the user cancelled the operation.
Public methodSimSelectionRequest
Selection request. Displays a prompt listing the supplied strings. Returns index of selected item or -1 if user cancelled request. This is used for SIM due to nullable type issues.
Public methodStartProgressRequest
Displays an asynchronous dialog box showing a title and message.
Public methodCode exampleSubmitPrintJob
Submits a data to a POS printer
Public methodTransferCheckToEmployee
This method is used to transfer a check to an employee. This method is provided for extension applications that need to transfer a check to an employee, and want to do so without overhead of using Commands/Macros needed by the OpsCommandType.AddXferCheck operation. With this method the current employee can transfer a check to another employee.
Public methodUpdateCourierList
Update Courier List and flag details as changed for DTO Delivery Dispatch screen
Public methodUpdateCustomerDisplay
Update customer display
Public methodUpdateDynamicContent
Updates any dynamic content on the WPF control
Public methodUpdateProgressRequest(String)
Call when a progress request is active. Updates the message and increments the progress control by 1.
Public methodUpdateProgressRequest(String, Int32)
Call when a progress request is active. Updates the message and sets the progress control to the specified count.
Public methodUpdateStandSheet
See Also