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OpsContextTransferCheckToEmployee Method

This method is used to transfer a check to an employee. This method is provided for extension applications that need to transfer a check to an employee, and want to do so without overhead of using Commands/Macros needed by the OpsCommandType.AddXferCheck operation. With this method the current employee can transfer a check to another employee.

Namespace:  Micros.Ops
Assembly:  Ops (in Ops.dll) Version: 18.2
public int TransferCheckToEmployee(
	int checkNumber,
	long employeeId,
	int serviceTotalTenderNumber,
	ExtensibilityDataInfo extensibilityData


Type: SystemInt32
the number of the check being transferred
Type: SystemInt64
the id of the employee to which the check is being transfered
Type: SystemInt32
the number of the service total tender definition used complete the transfer
Type: Micros.PosCore.Extensibility.OpsExtensibilityDataInfo
extensibility data added to check header, pass null to add no data

Return Value

Type: Int32
an interger value indicating the result of the request 0 success -1 check not found -2 multiple checks found -3 employee not found -4 service total tender meida definition not found -5 error loading check data -6 pickup failed -7 service total failed
See Also