5.2 Reading and Mapping Ticket Templates

This section provides detailed mapping information for the default ticket templates described above. The mappings are based on the out-of-box IncidentManagement WSDL for the HP Service Manager Web Service.

Each template is capable of handling create and update requests. The incident TicketID field determines how it is mapped. If the TicketID is empty, it is mapped to the Service Manager create request format. Otherwise, it is mapped to an update request format. The following sub-sections identify the create and update mappings for each template.

5.2.1 Service_Manager_9_Default_Incident.xsl - Create

Table 5-1 lists the fields and values that this template maps for a create operation. All references to the incident refer to the Enterprise Manager incident.

Table 5-1 HP Service Manager 9 Default Incident Create Field Names and Values

Service Manager Field Name Value


Set the severity based on the incident severity. See Severity Mapping for details.


Hard-coded to "failure".


Hard-coded to "error message".

Product Type

Hard-coded to "applications".

Problem Type

Hard-coded to "incident".

Assignment Group

Hard-coded to "Service Desk".


Hard-coded to "1".


Set to the formatted contents of the incident as specified in Formatted Enterprise Manager Incident Contents.


Set to the incident Summary.

Journal Updates

Set to the formatted contents of the incident as specified in Formatted Enterprise Manager Incident Contents.

Oracle Connector ID

Set to the incident ConnectorGUID.

5.2.2 Service_Manager_9_Default_Incident.xsl - Update

Table 5-2 lists the fields and values that this template maps for an update operation. All references to the incident refer to the Enterprise Manager incident.

Table 5-2 HP Service Manager 9 Default Incident Update Field Names and Values

Service Manager Field Name Value

Incident ID

Set to the incident TicketID.


Set to the formatted contents of the incident as specified in Formatted Enterprise Manager Incident Contents.


Set to the incident Summary.


Set to "Open" if the incident ReopenTicket field is set to "Yes."

Alert Status

Set to "reopen" if the incident ReopenTicket field is set to "Yes."

Journal Updates

Set to the formatted contents of the incident as specified in Formatted Enterprise Manager Incident Contents.

5.2.3 Service_Manager_9_Default_Incident_AutoClose.xsl - Create

The field mappings for this template are identical to the mappings specified in Service_Manager_9_Default_Incident.xsl - Create.

5.2.4 Service Manager_9_Default_Incident_AutoClose.xsl - Update

Table 5-3 lists the fields and values that this template maps for an update operation. All references to the incident refer to the Enterprise Manager incident.

Table 5-3 HP Service Manager 9 Default Incident AutoClose Update Field Names and Values

Service Manager Field Name Value

Incident ID

Set to the incident TicketID.


Set to the formatted contents of the incident as specified in Formatted Enterprise Manager Incident Contents.


Set to the incident Summary.


Set to "Open" if the incident ReopenTicket field is set to "Yes."

Set to "Closed" if the incident severity is "Clear."

Alert Status

Set to "reopen" if the incident ReopenTicket field is set to "Yes."

Set to "closed" if the incident severity is "Clear."

Resolution Fix Type

Set to "permanent" if the incident severity is "Clear."

Closure Code

Set to "User Closure" if the incident severity is "Clear."


Set to "The alert was resolved in Oracle Enterprise Manager" if the incident severity is "Clear."

Journal Updates

Set to the formatted contents of the incident as specified in Formatted Enterprise Manager Incident Contents.

5.2.5 Formatted Enterprise Manager Incident Contents

Formatted Incident Contents shows the format used by the templates for the Description and JournalUpdates fields.

  • Text delimited by angle brackets (< and >) designates an Enterprise Manager Incident field name that will be replaced by the actual field contents.

  • Lines marked with double asterisks indicate they will only be present if the designated incident field contains data.

  • The Notes section after the format contains information about some of the fields. Formatted Incident Contents

EM User: <NotificationRuleOwner>
Incident Information:
    Source Name: <SourceObjInfo/ObjName>
    Source Owner: <SourceObjInfo/ObjOwner>**
    Source Type: <SourceObjInfo/SourceObjType>
    Source SubType: <SourceObjInfo/SourceObjSubType>
    Target Name: <TargetInfo/TargetName>
    Target Type: <TargetInfo/TargetType>
    Target Type Label: <TargetInfo/TargetTypeLabel>
    Target URL: <TargetInfo/TargetURL>
    Target Properties:**
        <TargetProperty/Name>: <TargetProperty/Value>**
    Severity: <Severity>
    Priority: <Priority>
    CreationDate: <CreationDate>
    LastUpdatedDate: <LastUpdatedDate>
    Owner: <Owner>
    Notification Rule: <NotificationRuleName>**
    URL: <IncidentURL>
    EM Incident Status: <ResolutionState>
    EM Acknowledge: <Acknowledge>
    EM Auto Close: <AutoClose>
    EM Escalation Level: <EscalationLevel>
    <AdditionalDetails/Name>: <AdditionalDetails/Value>** Example 5-1 Notes

  • EM User is set to the incident rule set owner when the ticket is created through auto-ticketing, and is the Enterprise Manager log-in user when the ticket is created through manual-ticketing.

  • The Target Properties section is only present if the incident contains target property values. Listed below are a couple of sample target property name/value pairs:

    Line of business: Finance

    Owner: Finance-DB Team

  • CreationDate is set to the date the incident was created in Enterprise Manager.

  • Owner is set to the incident owner in Enterprise Manager.

  • URL is set to the URL of the incident details page in Enterprise Manager. The URL is set up as a link that can be clicked on to view the incident in Enterprise Manager.

5.2.6 Severity Mapping

The Service Manager ticket severity is set based on the Enterprise Manager incident severity value. Table 5-4 shows the values used when creating the ticket in Service Manager.

Table 5-4 Ticket Severity Mappings

When the incident severity is … Set the ticket severity to …


1 (Critical)


1 (Critical)


3 (Average)

Minor Warning/Advisory

4 (Low)


4 (Low)