5.1 Out-of-Box HP Service Manager Templates

All out-of-box templates cause the following actions to occur when you create or update a ticket for an incident:

  • Write Enterprise Manager incident information to the ticket description.

  • Set the ticket summary based on the incident message.

  • Add an entry to the Journal Update that shows the incident details. This provides a trail of the changes that have occurred to the incident.

  • Sets the ticket severity based on the severity of the incident in Enterprise Manager.

The out-of-box templates are:

  • Service_Manager_9_Default_Incident.xsl

    This templates creates, updates, or reopens a Service Manager ticket using the default field mapping. This template does not close the ticket when the event severity value becomes Clear.

  • Service_Manager_9_Default_Incident_AutoClose.xsl

    This template creates, updates, or reopens a Service Manager ticket using the default field mapping. This template sets the ticket status to Closed when the incident severity value becomes Clear.