3.4 Providing General Settings

The following sections explain how to provide various configuration details.

3.4.1 Connection Settings

The OMU Connector communicates with Operations Manager through the OMU web service installed in Installing the Oracle Web Service for HP Operations Manager. All of the following fields are mandatory.

  • Web Service End Points — URL to use when creating and updating events (messages) in OMU. The OMU web service uses the same URL for the createEvent and updateEvent operations. The default format for both operations is as follows:


    Modify the URL for both operations based on whether the OMU web service was set up using HTTP or HTTPS.

    For HTTP —

    • Replace [Hostname] in the URL with the host name or IP address of the system where the OMU web service was installed.

    For HTTPS —

    • Change the protocol from http to https.

    • Replace [Hostname] in the URL with the hostname or IP address of the system where the OMU web service was installed.

    • Change the port number from 8080 to 8443.


    If the OMU web service was installed on a system with a host name of omuws, the following URLs would be configured for the different protocols.

    • For HTTP —

    • For HTTPS —

  • OMU Web Service Username - User name that was configured for accessing the OMU web service in step 9 of the appropriate web service installation section (Installing the Web Service on Unix for Unix and Installing the Web Service on Windows for Windows).

  • OMU Web Service Password - Password that was configured for accessing the OMU web service in step 10 of the appropriate web service installation section (Installing the Web Service on Unix for Unix and Installing the Web Service on Windows for Windows).

3.4.2 Retry

You can enable and disable the Retry option and configure its interval value. By default, the Retry is disabled. This setting applies to all events the OMU Connector processes. See Retry Option for details.

The retry period interval accepts the number of hours as any integer value; for example, 1 or 2.