
A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • about
  • access mode
    • about C.1
    • access controls C.7
    • and obtool C.2
    • cartridges C.2
    • communicating with C.3
    • configuration C.11
    • drive association C.4
    • imports and exports C.6
    • installation C.11
    • modified obtool commands C.9
    • scratch pool C.2
    • scratch pool management C.8
    • unsupported obtool commands C.10
    • volume loading and unloading C.5
  • adding
    • hosts in manual certificate provisioning mode
    • tape device attachments 7.4.8
  • administrative domain
  • administrative server
  • admin user
    • creating password during installation on Windows 4.2
  • Apache Web server
    • and network security 9.4.5
  • assets
    • identifying for network security 9.2.1
  • attachments
    • about
    • about multiple attachments 7.4.9
    • adding for tape devices 7.4.8
    • displaying device attachment properties
    • pinging for tape devices
    • raw device names 7.4.8
  • authorization types
  • automated certificate provisioning mode
  • automatic tape drive cleaning
  • automatic volume ejection 7.4.5
  • automount mode


  • backup encryption
  • backup environment
    • and network security 9.2.2
  • backup type
    • setting for NDMP hosts 7.2.3
  • barcode readers
  • barcodes
  • blocking factor
  • block size


  • certificate provisioning
    • about automated mode 9.2.4
    • about manual mode 9.2.4
  • Certification Authority (CA) 9.4.3
    • and network security 9.4
  • certkeysize policy
  • client
  • client host
  • clients
  • cloud storage devices
  • configuration file parameters
  • configuring
    • about tape device names 7.4.1
    • ACSLS C.11
    • administrative server security
    • barcode readers 7.4.5
    • client security
    • cloud storage devices 7.9
    • discovering tape devices 7.3.3
    • disk pools 7.7
    • editing host properties 7.8.2
    • host access mode 7.2.3
    • host encryption 7.2.3
    • host key sizes 7.2.3
    • host roles 7.2.3
    • hosts 7.2.1
    • host status 7.2.3
    • key sizes 7.2.3
    • media server security
    • naming tape drives 7.4.6
    • naming tape libraries 7.4.5
    • NDMP authorization type 7.2.3
    • NDMP host backup type 7.2.3
    • NDMP host environment variables 7.2.5
    • NDMP host password type 7.2.3
    • NDMP host port number 7.2.3
    • NDMP protocol version 7.2.3
    • pinging hosts 7.2.7
    • preferred network interfaces 7.2.6
    • removing a host 7.8.4
    • tape device attachments 7.4.8
    • tape devices 7.4.2
    • tape drive automount mode 7.4.6
    • tape drive blocking factor 7.4.6
    • tape drive data transfer element 7.4.6
    • tape drive error rate 7.4.6
    • tape drive maximum blocking factor 7.4.6
    • tape drives 7.4.2, 7.4.6
    • tape drive status 7.4.6
    • tape drive storage element use list 7.4.6
    • tape drive usage 7.4.6
    • tape drive World Wide Name (WWN) 7.4.6
    • tape libraries 7.4.2, 7.4.5
    • tape library status 7.4.5
    • tape library World Wide Name (WWN) 7.4.5
    • testing tape device attachments
    • updating hosts 7.8.3
    • viewing host properties 7.8.2
    • Web tool Hosts page 7.8.1
  • configuring automatic tape drive cleaning
  • configuring for inbound connections
  • configuring for outbound connections
  • creating


  • daemons
  • data communication
    • using RDS D.2
  • data encryption
  • data transfer element
  • device names
  • devices
    • about discovering automatically 7.3.1
  • directories
    • administrative server A.2
    • client A.4
    • home A.1
    • media server A.3
  • discovering devices
  • disk pools
  • displaying
    • device attachment properties
    • disk pools 7.7.1
    • Web tool Backup page 6.2.5
    • Web tool Configure page 6.2.3
    • Web tool Devices page 7.4.4
    • Web tool Home page 6.2.2
    • Web tool Hosts page 7.8.1
    • Web tool Manage page 6.2.4
    • Web tool Restore page 6.2.6
  • DTE
    • See: data transfer element


  • editing
    • host properties 7.8.2
    • tape device properties 7.6.3
  • encryptdataintransit policy 9.5, 9.6
  • encryption, host 7.2.3
  • encryption in transit 9.5
  • environment variables
    • setting for NDMP host 7.2.5
  • error rate
    • setting for tape drive 7.4.6
  • exporting
    • identity certificates 9.8.6


  • filers
    • support for SSL 9.4
  • firewalls
    • configuring after installation on Windows 4.3


  • home directory
  • host
  • hosts
    • about configuration 7.2.1
    • access modes
    • adding environment variables for NDMP host 7.2.5
    • adding in manual certificate provisioning mode
    • configuring access modes 7.2.3
    • configuring encryption 7.2.3
    • configuring key sizes 7.2.3
    • configuring preferred network interfaces 7.2.6
    • configuring roles 7.2.3
    • disabling RDS D.2.1
    • duplicate names
    • editing properties 7.8.2
    • IP addresses 7.2.3
    • naming
    • NDMP authorization type 7.2.3
    • pinging 7.2.7
    • removing 7.8.4
    • setting NDMP backup type 7.2.3
    • setting NDMP host port number 7.2.3
    • setting NDMP password type 7.2.3
    • setting NDMP protocol version 7.2.3
    • setting status 7.2.3
    • trusted 9.3
    • updating 7.8.3
    • viewing properties 7.8.2
    • Web tool Hosts page 7.8.1


  • identity certificates
  • IEE
    • See: import/export element
  • import/export element
  • importing
    • identity certificates 9.8.7
  • installation media
  • installation on Linux/UNIX
    • disabling SCSI scan software 3.1
    • silent install of client role 3.4
    • with Oracle Real Application Clusters 3.3
  • installation on Windows
    • assigning users Windows credentials 4.2.2
    • configuring firewalls 4.3
    • creating oracle user 4.2.2
    • creating password for admin user 4.2
    • creating password for key store 4.2
    • disabling Removable Storage Service 4.1.1
    • disabling SCSI scanning software 4.1
    • preliminary steps 4.1
    • selecting host roles 4.2
    • with Oracle Real Application Clusters 4.2
  • installation parameters
  • installing
  • interfaces
  • IP addresses


  • keys
  • key sizes
  • key store
    • creating password during installation on Windows 4.2


  • Linux
    • probing SCSI parameters B.1
  • logical unit numbers


  • malicious users
    • and network security 9.2.3
  • manual certificate provisioning mode
  • manual volume ejection 7.4.5
  • maximum blocking factor
  • media server
  • media servers
  • medium transport element
  • modifying
  • MTE
    • See: medium transport element
  • multiple attachments
    • to storage area networks 7.4.9
  • multiple data paths 7.2.6
  • multiple network interfaces


  • names
  • naming
  • NDMP
  • NDMP access mode
  • NDMP authorization type
  • NDMP hosts
    • adding environment variables 7.2.5
    • authorization types 7.2.3
    • nd5 authorization type 7.2.3
    • negotiated authorization type 7.2.3
    • setting backup type 7.2.3
    • setting password type 7.2.3
    • setting port number 7.2.3
    • setting protocol version 7.2.3
    • support for SSL 9.4
    • testing TCP connection 7.2.7
    • updating 7.8.3
  • NDMP protocol
  • NDMP text authorization type 7.2.3
  • network connection types
  • network load balancing 7.1.1
  • network security
    • Apache Web server 9.4.5
    • authenticated SSL connections 9.4.2
    • automated certificate provisioning mode
    • backup environment 9.2.2
    • Certification Authority 9.4
    • Certification Authority (CA) 9.4.3
    • certkeysize
    • configuring clients
    • configuring media servers
    • configuring the administrative server
    • corporate network example
    • data center example
    • default configuration 9.6
    • disabling SSL 9.7.3
    • distributing identity certificates 9.2.4
    • enabling backup encryption 9.5
    • encryptdataintransit 9.5, 9.6
    • exporting signed certificates 9.8.6
    • host authentication 9.1, 9.4
    • host communication 9.4
    • identifying assets 9.2.1
    • identifying principals 9.2.1
    • identity certificates 9.4.1
    • importing identity certificates 9.8.7
    • levels 9.2.1
    • malicious users 9.2.3
    • manual certificate provisioning mode
    • obcm utility 9.8
    • obfuscated wallet 9.4.4
    • Oracle wallet 9.4.4
    • Oracle wallet passwords 9.4.4
    • overview 9.1
    • planning 9.2
    • public key cryptography 9.4.1
    • revoking an identity certificate 9.4.6
    • securecomms 9.6, 9.7.3
    • Secure Sockets Layer 9.1
    • selecting administrative and media servers 9.2.3
    • setting key size 9.7.2
    • setting key size in obparameters
    • setting key sizes in certkeysize security policy
    • single-host example
    • trusted certificates 9.4.3
    • trusted hosts 9.3
    • using obcm
    • X.509 certificates 9.1


  • obcm utility
    • and network security
    • exporting certificates with 9.8.6
    • importing certificates with 9.8.7
    • in manual certificate provisioning mode
    • managing certificates 9.8
  • obfirewallconfig.bat 4.3
  • obfuscated wallet
    • and network security 9.4.4
  • obparameters
  • obtool
    • about 1.5, 6.3
    • displaying help 6.3.1
    • ending a session 6.3.5
    • modified commands for ACSLS C.9
    • redirecting input from text files,
    • running commands in interactive mode 6.3.3
    • running multiple commands
    • starting as specific user 6.3.6
    • starting in interactive mode 6.3.2
    • starting in noninteractive mode 6.3.4
    • unsupported commands for ACSLS C.10
  • on-demand volume ejection 7.4.5
  • operating systems
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager
    • about 1.5
    • and Oracle Secure Backup 6.1
    • enabling OSB links 6.1.1
    • link to OSB Web tool 6.1.3
    • registering administrative server 6.1.2
  • Oracle Secure Backup home directory 2.3.2
  • oracle user
    • creating during installation on Windows 4.2.2
  • Oracle wallet
  • order
    • network connection types 7.1.1


  • passwords
    • creating admin user password during installation on Windows 4.2
    • creating keystore password during installation on Windows 4.2
    • Oracle wallet 9.4.4
    • setting NDMP host password type 7.2.3
  • pinging
  • PNI
  • port number
    • setting for NDMP host 7.2.3
  • preferred network interface
    • See: PNI
  • preferred network interfaces (PNI)
  • prerequisites
    • Linux and UNIX 3.1
    • SCSI Generic driver 3.6
  • primary access mode, 7.2.3
  • principals
    • identifying for network security 9.2.1
  • private keys
  • Probing SCSI parameters
  • properties
    • displaying for device attachments
    • displaying for tape devices 7.6.1
  • public key cryptography 9.4.1
    • in manual certificate provisioning mode
  • public keys


  • raw device names
    • in tape device attachments 7.4.8
  • RDS
    • about D.1
    • advantages D.1
    • available platforms D.2
    • disabling for hosts 7.2.3, D.2.1
    • enabling for administrative domain D.2.1
    • over Infiniband D.2
    • support D.1
    • using D.2
  • Removable Storage Service
    • disabling during installation on Windows 4.1.1
  • removing
  • renaming
  • requirements
  • roles
    • selecting during installation on Windows 4.2
  • roles, host 7.2.3


  • scanning software
  • SCSI
    • disabling scanning software 3.1
  • SCSI Generic driver
  • SCSI scanning software
    • disabling 7.4.5, 7.4.6
    • disabling during installation on Windows 4.1
  • SE
    • See: storage element
  • securecomms policy 9.6, 9.7.3
  • security
    • Apache Web server 9.4.5
    • authenticated SSL connections 9.4.2
    • automated certificate provisioning mode
    • backup environment 9.2.2
    • Certification Authority (CA) 9.4.3
    • certkeysize
    • configuring clients
    • configuring media servers
    • configuring the administrative server
    • corporate network example
    • data center example
    • default configuration 9.6
    • disabling SSL 9.7.3
    • distributing identity certificates 9.2.4
    • enabling backup encryption 9.5
    • encryptdataintransit 9.5, 9.6
    • exporting signed certificates 9.8.6
    • host authentication 9.1, 9.4
    • host communication 9.4
    • identifying assets 9.2.1
    • identifying principals 9.2.1
    • identity certificates 9.4.1
    • importing identity certificates 9.8.7
    • levels 9.2.1
    • malicious users 9.2.3
    • manual certificate provisioning mode
    • obcm utility 9.8
    • obfuscated wallet 9.4.4
    • Oracle wallet 9.4.4
    • Oracle wallet passwords 9.4.4
    • planning 9.2
    • public key cryptography 9.4.1
    • revoking an identity certificate 9.4.6
    • securecomms 9.6, 9.7.3
    • Secure Sockets Layer 9.1
    • selecting administrative and media servers 9.2.3
    • setting key size 9.7.2
    • setting key size in obparameters
    • setting key sizes in certkeysize security policy
    • single-host example
    • SSL 9.4
    • trusted certificates 9.4.3
    • trusted hosts 9.3
    • using obcm utility
    • X.509 certificates 9.1
  • security, overview 9.1
  • SSL
    • authenticated connections 9.4.2
    • disabling 9.7.3
    • support for NDMP 9.4
  • status
    • checking tape devices 7.6.2
    • hosts 7.2.3
    • setting for tape drives 7.4.6
    • setting for tape libraries 7.4.5
  • storage devices
  • storage element
  • supported
  • suppress communication with host 7.8.3
  • system requirements



  • uninstalling
    • Oracle Secure Backup on Linux/UNIX 5.1
    • Oracle Secure Backup on Windows 5.2
  • uninstallob
  • updating
  • upgrade installation
    • on Windows 32-bit 8.2
    • on Windows x64 8.2
  • usage
    • setting tape drive usage 7.4.6
  • use list
    • configuring for tape drive 7.4.6


  • viewing
  • virtual tape libraries
  • volumes



  • X.509 certificates 9.1