Timesheet Report by Project

Based on your filters, this report displays timesheet reports by projects. It displays the project name, role, team member, activities, the number of hours reported on timesheet, total hours, rate, and cost. If the date range is one week or less, the generated report provides a detailed view for each day of the week. If the date range is more than a week, the generated report displays a summarized view for the entire period.

Filter Parameters

You can filter on initiative, pull-down status, timesheet basics, project basics, project custom fields, project organization hierarchy, project team, finances, and program. You can filter on project team, only if one initiative is selected.

Output Parameters

You can select the report format, choose to compress the output, display cost, display project overhead categories and activity details, hide rows with zero effect, and display overtime in separate columns. The output hours to display is determined by the date range selected in the Filter tab. An error message displayed if the output hours if not within supported range. You can select from one of the following options:

The available report format choices are: CSV, PDF and HTML.

Sample Report (By Day of Week)

Sample Report (By Week)

Sample Report (By Month)

Sample Report (Total)

See Also

Timesheet Reports

Timesheet Report by Resource

Timesheet Weekly Status Report

Timesheet Detail Report

Timesheet Corrections Detail Report

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Last Published Tuesday, October 30, 2018