Timesheet Weekly Status Report

Based on your filters, this timesheet report shows status and approval information for each category (project, non-project, and non-working) along with cost details for each resource by week. It shows the week range, submitter, project number, project start date, reporting category, status, approver, approval date, total hours, standard hours, standard rate, overtime hours, and overtime rate.

Filter Parameters

You can filter on pull down status, initiative, timesheet basics, resource basics, resource custom fields, resource organization hierarchy, project basics, and finances.

Output Parameters

You can choose to compress the output, display cost, display project overhead categories and activity details, display non project overhead categories, hide rows with zero effect.

The available report format choices are: CSV, PDF and HTML.

Sample Report

See Also

Timesheet Reports

Timesheet Report by Project

Timesheet Report by Resource

Timesheet Detail Report

Timesheet Corrections Detail Report

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Last Published Tuesday, October 30, 2018