Timesheet Detail Report

This is a detailed report of timesheets. You can export the data generated by this report to Microsoft Excel to view the Plan versus Actual data and the cost across various dimensions. You can use Excel to format the data, group rows and columns, aggregate by quarters, years, or by fiscal period.


Filter Parameters

You can filter by pull-down status, initiative, timesheet basics, project basics, project custom fields, project organization hierarchy, resource basics, resource filterable custom fields, resource organization hierarchy, finances, and program.

Output Parameters

You can also set the following output display filters: Compress Output, Show Cost, Show Project Overhead Categories, Show Activity Details Show Non-project Categories, Include disabled Time Reporting Categories, Show Actual Effort breakdown at day level, and Suppress rows where Actual Total Effort is zero. If you select the Show Actual Effort breakdown at day level option, the report displays the actual effort by resource assignment for each day. Leave this option unchecked to view actual effort aggregated for the selected time period. You can also select the output custom field to display.

The output choices are CSV, HTML, and MS Excel.

Sample Report

See Also

Timesheet Reports

Timesheet Report by Project

Timesheet Report by Resource

Timesheet Weekly Status Report

Timesheet Corrections Detail Report

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