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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Reloading the TDM LCA Clock Bitfile

This procedure is used to reload the clock LCA (logic cell array) bitfile on the TDMs using the init-card command. To reload the TDM clock LCA bitfile, the E5-MCAP card associated with the TDM being reloaded is initialized by entering the init-card command with the initclk=yes parameter.

It is recommended that the card specified in the init-card command is the GPSM-II or E5-MCAP card in the standby MASP. The rept-stat-db output in 7 shows which TDM is the standby TDM with the indicator ( STDBY) after the TDM’s card location. If the TDM in card location 1114 is the standby TDM, card location 1113 must be specified. If the TDM in card location 1116 is the standby TDM, card location 1115 must be specified.

The TDM clock LCA bitfile can be reloaded only on TDMs with part numbers 870-0774-15 or later. If the EAGLE contains older TDMs, these TDMs must be replaced with TDMs 870-0774-15 or later to perform this procedure.


Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) before replacing the TDMs.

The init-card also contains the force=yes parameter. The force=yes parameter can be used only with the initclk=yes parameter. The force=yes parameter must be used if reloading the TDM clock LCA bitfile would cause a system clock outage.


A system clock outage can be caused by either the EAGLE having only one TDM (a simplex MASP configuration) or if the status of the high-speed clocks, shown in the rept-stat-clk output in 1, on the TDM which is not being reset is Fault. A system clock outage will result in a loss of traffic on some or all signaling links.
  1. Verify the status of the high-speed clocks by entering the rept-stat-clk command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 11:34:04 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
    COMPOSITE                              PST           SST       AST
        SYSTEM CLOCK                       IS-NR         Active    -----
    ALARM STATUS = No Alarms.
        Primary Comp Clk 1114   (CLK A)    IS-NR         Active    -----
        Primary Comp Clk 1116   (CLK B)    IS-NR         Active    -----
        Secondary Comp Clk 1114 (CLK A)    IS-NR         Idle      -----
        Secondary Comp Clk 1116 (CLK B)    IS-NR         Idle      -----
    Clock      Using         Bad
    CLK A        9            0
    CLK B        0            0
    CLK I        0            --
    HIGH SPEED                             PST           SST       AST
        SYSTEM CLOCK                       IS-NR         Idle      -----
    ALARM STATUS = No Alarms.
        Primary HS Clk 1114    (HS CLK A)  IS-NR         Active    -----
        Primary HS Clk 1116    (HS CLK B)  IS-NR         Active    -----
        Secondary HS Clk 1114  (HS CLK A)  IS-NR         Idle      -----
        Secondary HS Clk 1116  (HS CLK B)  IS-NR         Idle      -----
    HS CLK TYPE 1114     = RS422
    HS CLK TYPE 1116     = RS422
    Clock      Using         Bad
    HS CLK A     2            0
    HS CLK B     0            0
    HS CLK I     0            --
    Command Completed

    If the rept-stat-clk output does not show any high-speed clocks HIGH SPEED SYSTEM CLOCK, Primary HS Clk, Secondary HS Clk, HS CLK TYPE, and HS CLK LINELEN fields), the EAGLE does not contain any cards that are capable of using high-speed master timing.

    • If the HS CLK TYPE and HS CLK LINELEN values shown in 1 are set to the system default values (HS CLK TYPE = RS422 and HS CLK LINELEN = LONGHAUL), continue the procedure with 3.
    • If the HS CLK TYPE and HS CLK LINELEN values shown in 1 are not set to the system default values (HS CLK TYPE = RS422 and HS CLK LINELEN = LONGHAUL), continue the procedure with 2.
  2. Visually verify the part numbers of both TDMs in the EAGLE. To load the TDM clock LCA bitfile, the part numbers of both TDMs must be 870-0774-15 or later.

    If the TDM part numbers are 870-0774-15 or later, continue the procedure with 3.

    If the TDM part numbers are not 870-0774-15 or later, the TDMs must be replaced with TDM part numbers 870-0774-15 or later. Contact the Customer Care Center before replacing the TDMs. Refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) for the contact information. If the older TDMs are not replaced, this procedure cannot be performed.

  3. Display the terminal configuration in the database with the rtrv-trm command.

    If any SEAS terminals are present, they must be taken out of service. The SEAS terminals are shown in the output with the entry SEAS in the TYPE field. If no SEAS terminals are shown in the rtrv-trm command output, continue the procedure with 7.

    This is an example of the possible output. In this example, the SEAS terminals are terminals 18 and 27.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-01 16:02:08 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    1    VT320    9600-7-E-1  SW    30    5     99:59:59
    2    KSR      9600-7-E-1  HW    30    5     INDEF
    3    PRINTER  4800-7-E-1  HW    30    0     00:00:00
    4    VT320    2400-7-E-1  BOTH  30    5     00:30:00
    5    VT320    9600-7-O-1  NONE  30    5     00:00:30
    6    VT320    9600-7-O-1  NONE  30    5     00:00:30
    7    PRINTER  9600-7-N-2  HW    30    5     00:30:00
    8    KSR     19200-7-E-2  BOTH  30    5     00:30:00
    9    VT320    9600-7-O-1  NONE  30    5     00:00:30
    10   VT320    9600-7-E-1  HW    30    5     00:30:00
    11   VT320    4800-7-E-1  HW    30    5     00:30:00
    12   PRINTER  9600-7-E-1  HW    30    4     00:30:00
    13   VT320    9600-7-O-1  NONE  30    5     00:30:00
    14   VT320    9600-7-E-2  SW    30    8     00:30:00
    15   VT320    9600-7-N-2  HW    30    5     00:30:00
    16   VT320    9600-7-E-2  BOTH  30    3     00:30:00
    TRM  TYPE      LOC              TMOUT MXINV DURAL      SECURE
    17   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    18   SEAS      1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    19   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    20   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    21   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    22   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    23   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    24   TELNET    1201             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    25   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    26   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    27   SEAS      1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    28   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    29   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    30   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    31   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    32   TELNET    1203             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    33   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    34   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    35   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    36   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    37   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    38   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    39   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes
    40   TELNET    1205             60    5     00:30:00   yes


    The rtrv-trm command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-trm command, see the rtrv-trm command description in Commands User's Guide.
  4. Display the status of the terminals with the rept-stat-trm command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 40.1.0
    TRM   PST           SST           AST
    1     IS-NR         Active        -----
    2     IS-NR         Active        -----
    3     IS-NR         Active        -----
    4     IS-NR         Active        -----
    5     IS-NR         Active        -----
    6     IS-NR         Active        -----
    7     IS-NR         Active        -----
    8     IS-NR         Active        -----
    9     IS-NR         Active        -----
    10    IS-NR         Active        -----
    11    IS-NR         Active        -----
    12    IS-NR         Active        -----
    13    IS-NR         Active        -----
    14    IS-NR         Active        -----
    15    IS-NR         Active        -----
    16    IS-NR         Active        -----
    17    IS-NR         Active        -----
    18    IS-NR         Active        -----
    19    IS-NR         Active        -----
    20    IS-NR         Active        -----
    21    IS-NR         Active        -----
    22    IS-NR         Active        -----
    23    IS-NR         Active        -----
    24    IS-NR         Active        -----
    25    IS-NR         Active        -----
    26    IS-NR         Active        -----
    27    IS-NR         Active        -----
    28    IS-NR         Active        -----
    29    IS-NR         Active        -----
    30    IS-NR         Active        -----
    31    IS-NR         Active        -----
    32    IS-NR         Active        -----
    33    IS-NR         Active        -----
    34    IS-NR         Active        -----
    35    IS-NR         Active        -----
    36    IS-NR         Active        -----
    37    IS-NR         Active        -----
    38    IS-NR         Active        -----
    39    IS-NR         Active        -----
    40    IS-NR         Active        -----
    Command Completed.
  5. Place the SEAS terminals out of service using the rmv-trm command with the number of the terminal displayed in 4 whose state is not OOS-MT-DSBLD.

    The force=yes parameter must be used when placing the last SEAS terminal out of service.

    If SEAS terminals are shown in the rtrv-trm output in 3, for this example, enter these commands.




    Placing the SEAS terminals out of service will disable the SEAS feature on the EAGLE.

    If the status of any of the terminals shown in the PST field in 4 is OOS-MT-DSBLD (out-of-service maintenance disabled), the terminal is already out of service and the rmv-trm command does not need to be executed for that terminal.

    This message should appear when each of these commands have successfully completed.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 40.1.0
    Inhibit message sent to terminal
    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 40.1.0
    Command Completed.
    • 6 is performed only if the SEAS terminals were placed out of service in this step. If the SEAS terminals were not placed out of service in this step, continue the procedure with 7.
    • If the SEAS terminals were placed out of service in this step, continue the procedure with 6.
  6. Change the terminal type of the SEAS terminals to NONE with the chg-trm command, the type=none parameter, and with the values of the SEAS terminals used in 5.

    If SEAS terminals are shown in the rtrv-trm output in 3, for this example, enter these commands.



    This message should appear when these commands have successfully completed.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
  7. Enter the rept-stat-db command, to determine which MASP is active, This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
            TDM 1114 ( ACTV )                 TDM 1116 ( STDBY)
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP  Y       35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT  Y       35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT
    FD CRNT  Y      106                        Y      106
             MDAL 1117
             - --------
    RD BKUP  -    -         -        -

    If E5-based control cards are installed in the EAGLE, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 16:07:48 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
            TDM 1114 ( ACTV )                 TDM 1116 ( STDBY)
             - -------- ---------------------  - -------- ---------------------
    FD BKUP Y        35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT  Y       35 09-02-19 10:19:18 GMT
    FD CRNT Y       106                        Y      106
            MCAP 1113                         MCAP 1115
            - --------                        - --------
    RD BKUP -    -         -        -         -    -         -        -
    USB BKP -    -         -        -         Y        3 09-02-07 01:11:22 GMT

    The output of the rept-stat-db command shows which MASP is active with the indicator ( ACTV ) following the TDM card location. The indicator ( STDBY) following the TDM card location shows which MASP is standby.

    For this example, the MASP associated with TDM 1114 is active and the MASP associated with TDM 1116 is standby.

  8. Place the E5-MCAP card in the standby MASP out of service using the rmv-card command.

    The rept-stat-db output in 7 shows which TDM is the standby TDM with the entry (Standby ) after the TDMs card location. If the TDM in card location 1114 is the standby TDM, card location 1113 must be specified in this step. If the TDM in card location 1116 is the standby TDM, card location 1115 must be specified in this step.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
    Card has been inhibited.
  9. Load the TDM clock LCA bitfile onto the TDM associated with the E5-MCAP card inhibited in 8 using the init-card command with the initclk=yes parameter and the card location of the standby E5-MCAP card.


    If reloading the TDM clock LCA bitfile would cause a system clock outage, the force=yes parameter must be used with the init-card command. A system clock outage can be caused by either the EAGLE having only one TDM (a simplex MASP configuration) or if the status of the high-speed clocks, shown in the rept-stat-clk output in 1, on the TDM which is not being reset is Fault. A system clock outage will result in a loss of traffic on some or all signaling links.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, these messages should appear.

        rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 13:01:59 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
        Init Card command issued to card 1115
        rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 13:01:59 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
    *   3021.0013  * CARD 1115 EOAM        Card is isolated from the system
        rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 13:03:10 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
        3022.0014    CARD 1115 EOAM        Card is present
                     ASSY SN:  1216115

    If E5-based control cards are installed in the EAGLE, this is an example of the possible output.

        rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 13:01:59 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
        Init Card command issued to card 1115
        rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 13:01:59 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
    *   3021.0013  * CARD 1115 OAMHC         Card is isolated from the system
        rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 13:03:10 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
        3022.0014    CARD 1115 OAMHC         Card is present
                     ASSY SN:  1216115
  10. Put the E5-MCAP card that was inhibited in 9 back into service using the rst-card command with the card location specified in 9. For this example, enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
    Card has been allowed.
    • If the TDM clock LCA bitfile will not be loaded on the other TDM in the EAGLE, continue the procedure with 12.
    • If the TDM clock LCA bitfile will be loaded on the other TDM in the EAGLE, continue the procedure with 11.
  11. If you wish to load the TDM clock LCA bitfile onto the TDM making up the active MASP, enter the init-card command specifying the location of the E5-MCAP card making up active MASP. Initializing the E5-MCAP card of the active MASP makes the MASPs switch roles. The active MASP becomes the standby MASP, and the standby (text is missing from this point).

    For this example, enter the init-card:loc=1113 command. This message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
    Init Card command issued to card 1113

    After the init-card command has completed, repeat the procedure from 8, specifying the card location used in the init-card command.

  12. Verify the status of the high-speed clocks by entering the rept-stat-clk command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 11:34:04 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
    COMPOSITE                              PST           SST       AST
        SYSTEM CLOCK                       IS-NR         Active    -----
    ALARM STATUS = No Alarms.
        Primary Comp Clk 1114   (CLK A)    IS-NR         Active    -----
        Primary Comp Clk 1116   (CLK B)    IS-NR         Active    -----
        Secondary Comp Clk 1114 (CLK A)    IS-NR         Idle      -----
        Secondary Comp Clk 1116 (CLK B)    IS-NR         Idle      -----
    Clock      Using         Bad
    CLK A        9            0
    CLK B        0            0
    CLK I        0            --
    HIGH SPEED                             PST           SST       AST
        SYSTEM CLOCK                       IS-NR         Idle      -----
    ALARM STATUS = No Alarms.
        Primary HS Clk 1114    (HS CLK A)  IS-NR         Active    -----
        Primary HS Clk 1116    (HS CLK B)  IS-NR         Active    -----
        Secondary HS Clk 1114  (HS CLK A)  IS-NR         Idle      -----
        Secondary HS Clk 1116  (HS CLK B)  IS-NR         Idle      -----
    HS CLK TYPE 1114     = RS422
    HS CLK TYPE 1116     = RS422
    Clock      Using         Bad
    HS CLK A     2            0
    HS CLK B     0            0
    HS CLK I     0            --
    Command Completed
    • If 6 was not performed, continue the procedure with 16.
    • If 6 was performed, continue the procedure with 13.
  13. If SEAS terminals were changed in 6, for this example, enter these commands.



    This message should appear when these commands have successfully completed.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01  11:11:28 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
  14. Put the SEAS terminals back into service using the rst-trm command with the number of the terminals specified in 13. For this example, enter these commands.



    This message should appear when each of these commands have successfully completed.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 40.1.0
    Allow message sent to terminal
    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 40.1.0
    Command Completed.
  15. Verify that the terminals are in service with the rept-stat-trm command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-03-01 15:08:45 GMT EAGLE5 40.1.0
    TRM   PST           SST           AST
    1     IS-NR         Active        -----
    2     IS-NR         Active        -----
    3     IS-NR         Active        -----
    4     IS-NR         Active        -----
    5     IS-NR         Active        -----
    6     IS-NR         Active        -----
    7     IS-NR         Active        -----
    8     IS-NR         Active        -----
    9     IS-NR         Active        -----
    10    IS-NR         Active        -----
    11    IS-NR         Active        -----
    12    IS-NR         Active        -----
    13    IS-NR         Active        -----
    14    IS-NR         Active        -----
    15    IS-NR         Active        -----
    16    IS-NR         Active        -----
    17    IS-NR         Active        -----
    18    IS-NR         Active        -----
    19    IS-NR         Active        -----
    20    IS-NR         Active        -----
    21    IS-NR         Active        -----
    22    IS-NR         Active        -----
    23    IS-NR         Active        -----
    24    IS-NR         Active        -----
    25    IS-NR         Active        -----
    26    IS-NR         Active        -----
    27    IS-NR         Active        -----
    28    IS-NR         Active        -----
    29    IS-NR         Active        -----
    30    IS-NR         Active        -----
    31    IS-NR         Active        -----
    32    IS-NR         Active        -----
    33    IS-NR         Active        -----
    34    IS-NR         Active        -----
    35    IS-NR         Active        -----
    36    IS-NR         Active        -----
    37    IS-NR         Active        -----
    38    IS-NR         Active        -----
    39    IS-NR         Active        -----
    40    IS-NR         Active        -----
    Command Completed.
  16. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 3-7 Reloading the TDM LCA Clock Bitfile

Sheet 1 of 3

Sheet 2 of 3

Sheet 3 of 3