4 Deploying Oracle Software on Oracle Database Appliance

Complete these tasks to deploy the Oracle Database Appliance software.

About Deploying Oracle Database Appliance Software Using OAKCLI

Review this information to understand the steps required for different deployments, where log files are placed, and how to change deployment types.

Tasks in this chapter are marked to indicate if they apply to Bare Metal deployments, Virtualized Platform deployments, or both. Perform only the tasks designated for a deployment on your platform.


If you are planning to convert from Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform to a bare metal deployment, first check with My Oracle Support to confirm that you have a compatible image installed.

Recovering from Failed Deployments, Or Changing Deployments

You can use the cleanup script cleanupDeploy.sh described in this chapter to reset your system or to repeat a failed deployment.

About OAKCLI Deploy Command Log Files

The oakcli deploy command creates log files in the following filepath:


Log files are prefaced with the string STEP. For example:


Deploying Virtualized Platform Oracle Database Appliance Software

Complete this procedure to deploy a Virtualized Platform configuration on Oracle Database Appliance.

The procedure to deploy software in a Virtualized Platform configuration consists of the following steps:

  1. Check Oracle Database Appliance hardware to see if it is configured with a virtual machine (VM).

  2. Install the ODA_BASE template on Oracle Database Appliance.

  3. Prepare the appliance to run Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator.

  4. Deploy your configuration using Oracle Appliance Manager.

You must complete the deployment tasks in the order that they are listed.

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Enter the command oakcli show env_hw
    This command displays the Oracle Database Appliance hardware on which you are deploying. If the output of this command is prefixed with the string VM-ODA_BASE, then the system is configured with a virtual machine (dom0/oda_base).

    For example, the output of the following command shows both the hardware platform, and that the platform is configured with a virtual machine environment:

    [root@oda3n1 ~]# oakcli show env_hw VM-ODA_BASE ODA X5-2

    [root@oda3n1 ~]# oakcli show env_hw VM-ODA_BASE ODA X4-2

    [root@oda2n1 ~]# oakcli show env_hw VM-ODA_BASE ODA X3-2

    [root@oda1n1 ~]# oakcli show env_hw VM-ODA_BASE ODA V1

    If you do not have the Oracle Database Appliance Virtual option deployed, then refer to My Oracle Support note 1520579.1 for the procedure to reimage Oracle Database Appliance virtual option.

  3. Log in to My Oracle Support, and download and install the ODA_BASE Template.

    Complete the following steps to download the appropriate ODA_BASE VM template to an external client, and then copy the template to your Oracle Database Appliance.

    1. Go to My Oracle Support and locate patch 16186172 for the Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized OS ISO Image.
    2. Select release
    3. Click View Read Me and review the Readme file.
    4. Click Download to download the zip file.
    5. Use either a Secure Copy (scp) command or a USB storage device to copy the ODA_BASE template from the external client to Dom0 on Node 0. Use the /scp or /OVS directory as the target location.


      If you choose to use a USB drive to transfer the file, then format it first as FAT32, ext3, or ext4. NTFS file formats are not supported.

    6. Log in to Dom0 as root on Node 0 of Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform, and copy the ODA_BASE template to the /OVS directory on Dom0 if it is not already there. Remain logged in to Dom0 while you complete the remaining steps in this task.
    7. Run the command oakcli deploy oda_base, and provide the template location, core licensing options, and select the base domain memory allocation.

      The deploy oda_base option automatically deploys ODA_BASE on both nodes. Values, such as the CPU core licensing options, differ between Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform hardware platforms. The following is example output for Oracle Database Appliance X5-2 where the ODA_BASE template is in the /OVS directory.

      # /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli deploy oda_base
      Thu May 26 18:13:23 PDT 2017 
      INFO: Validating LSI HBA PCI Cards on node 1
      Enter the template location: /OVS/oda_base_12.1.2.12.tar.gz
      Core Licensing Options:
      1.    2 CPU Core 
      2.    4 CPU Cores
      3.    6 CPU Cores
      4.    8 CPU Cores
      5.   10 CPU Cores
      6.   12 CPU Cores
      7.   14 CPU Cores
      8.   16 CPU Cores
      9.   18 CPU Cores
      10.  20 CPU Cores
      11.  22 CPU Cores
      12.  24 CPU Cores
      13.  26 CPU Cores
      14.  28 CPU Cores
      15.  30 CPU Cores
      16.  32 CPU Cores
      17.  34 CPU Cores
      18.  36 CPU Cores
              Selection[1 .. 9](default 36 CPU Cores) : 
      INFO: Using the default cpu cores i.e. 36 cores
              ODA base domain memory in GB(min 16, max 244)[default 244]      :
      INFO: Using default memory size i.e. 244 GB
      Continue configuration choices in the next step.
    8. Assign additional virtual local area networks (VLANs) to your ODA_BASE.

      To assign VLANs, respond with y when you are prompted for VLAN networks, and respond with n if you do not want to deploy another VLAN, or if you have completed assigning additional VLANs.

      Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base ? (y/n) : y
      Select the network to assign [Test00,Test01,Test02,Test03]: Test00
      Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base ? (y/n) : y
      Select the network to assign [Test00,Test01,Test02,Test03]: Test01
      Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base ? (y/n) : n
    9. When the command completes, verify that your deployment of ODA_BASE is valid by running the command show oda_base, and confirming that ODA_BASE is configured.

      For Example:

      # oakcli show oda_base
      ODA base domain
      ODA base CPU cores :2
      ODA base domain memory :16
      ODA base template :/tmp/oda_base_12.1.2.12.tar.gz
      ODA base vlans :['priv1', 'net1', 'net2', 'net3', 'net4', 'db_mgmt']
      ODA base current status :Running


      If you encounter problems, and need to clean up and start again with a new ODA_BASE deployment, then first run the following command from Dom0 on Node 0:


      This command removes ODA_BASE, so that you can try a fresh deployment.

    10. Oracle recommends that you check the storage cabling before continuing with deployment.

      To perform this check, connect to ODA_BASE on Node 0 as root. After connecting, run the following command:

      # oakcli validate -c storagetopology

      The command displays errors if the cables between the two nodes and the storage shelf or shelves are not in the correct sockets.

  4. Log in to Node 0 as root, and log in to ODA_BASE by starting VNC, using host name: dom0, and port: 5900.
  5. Start the deployment using oakcli deploy. Either use an existing configuration file that you created earlier, or build a new one.

    For example, to start the deployment using an existing configuration, enter a command similar to the following, substituting your file's name and directory path:

    # oakcli deploy -conf /tmp/onecommand.param

    If the command oakcli deploy fails to open the Oracle Appliance Manager Welcome window, then check to make sure that your DISPLAY variable is set to display to your terminal.


    Do not use a configuration file created for an earlier version of Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator. If you do not have a current configuration file, then complete a real-time configuration and deployment, as described in the following step.

    To initiate a real-time configuration and deployment, enter the following command:

    # oakcli deploy

    Follow the instructions to complete the Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator screens, as described in “Running the Standalone Oracle Database Appliance Configurator." Select the Install option on the Configurator Summary page to complete the deployment.

Deploying Bare Metal Platforms on Oracle Database Appliance

Complete this procedure to deploy Oracle software directly on the appliance, also known as a Bare Metal configuration of Oracle Database Appliance.

The procedure to deploy software in a bare-metal configuration consists of the following steps:

  1. Install the end-user bundle for Bare Metal platform deployments

  2. Prepare the appliance to run Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator

  3. Deploy your configuration using Oracle Appliance Manager.

The End-User GI/RDBMS Clone files contain specific Grid Infrastructure (GI) and RDBMS software components, for deployment on an Oracle Database Appliance in the "shipped from factory" state, or an Oracle Database Appliance that has been re-imaged using the OS ISO  Image.

You must install the end-user bundle on Oracle Database Appliance before you deploy any other software. To install the end-user bundle, download the appropriate patch file to an external client. Copy the patch from your client to Oracle Database Appliance, and install the patch.


Oracle Database Appliance is ready when the green Power OK LED lights on the front of the system remain steadily on. If any of the green LED lights on the server are still blinking, then wait for them to complete their initialization steps.
  1. Run the following command on the appliance to determine if your Oracle Appliance Manager software version is current: /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli show version -detail
    If your version is earlier than, then download the patches and update your base image.
  2. Download the Oracle Database Appliance End-User Bundle (GI/RDBMS Clone) to a location on Node 0.
    1. Sign in to MyOracle Support, then locate patch 12978712 for the Oracle Database Appliance End-User Bundle.
    2. Select the patch version for release
    3. Click Download to download the zip file.

    You can copy the file either by using a USB storage device or by using Secure Copy command (scp).

    • To use a USB drive to transfer the file, you must format it first as FAT32, ext3, or ext4. NTFS file formats are not supported.

    • To use secure copy, you must first set up a static IP address (for example. oda_host) and configure Oracle Database Appliance with that address by using the oakcli configure firstnet command.

    For example, if you use the scp command, then enter a command similar to the following, where the temporary host address is oda_host, and you are copying the bundle to /tmp on Node 0:

    scp p12978712_122140_Linux-x86-64_1of2.zip root@odahost:/tmp

    scp p12978712_122140_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip root @odahost:/tmp

  3. Use the command syntax oakcli unpack -package /directory_path/package_name to unpack the Oracle Database Appliance software, where directory_path is the path where the end-user bundle patch file is located, and package_name is the name of the package.

    For example, if the end-user bundle patch files are in /tmp, and the patch names are p12978712_122140_Linux-x86-64_1of2.zip and p12978712_122140_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip, then enter the following commands:

    # oakcli unpack -package /tmp/p12978712_122140_Linux-x86-64_1of2.zip
    # oakcli unpack -package /tmp/p12978712_122140_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip

    The command oakcli unpack unpacks the bundle patch, and places the extracted files in the directory locations required for deployment.

  4. Startup VNC server on Node 0. Then use VNC to log in to Node 0 and port 5901 of Oracle Database Appliance as the root user using the default password.
  5. Enter the following command to launch the Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator: # /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli deploy
    The Oracle Appliance Manager Welcome screen appears.


    If the Welcome window in Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator fails to open, then set the user DISPLAY variable to display to your terminal window.

  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Configuration Type page, select the options for configuration type: Typical, Custom, or SAP Application. If you have an existing configuration file that you want to load and edit, then click Browse and locate the file on your client.


    Do not use a configuration file created for an earlier version of Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator. If you do not have a current configuration file, then complete a real-time configuration and deployment.

    Oracle recommends in most cases that you select the typical configuration. If you intend to deploy SAP applications, then select SAP Application. Choose the Custom option if you want to configure additional or alternate network interfaces, or if you want to override the default values for one or more of the following:

    • Database block size, language, territory, backup file location, or disk redundancy level for the DATA and RECO disk groups

    • Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM) server

    • Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) configuration

    • Oracle Cloud File System mount point and file system size

    • Network Time Protocol service server

    To see the default values for your version of Oracle Database Appliance software before choosing the Typical or Custom option, run the Configurator using the Custom option.


    The SAP Application option is only valid with the Bare Metal option.

    Make your selection, then click Next.

  8. On the System Information page, provide the system name, and select the correct value from the lists for your region and time zone.

    In the New Root Password and New Root Password (confirm) fields, enter a new password for the root user. This password is encrypted in the configuration file. It is temporarily decrypted to reset the password during deployment.

  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Network Information page, provide your domain name, DNS server addresses, public and VIP addresses for your two nodes, SCAN name and addresses, and netmask and Gateway addresses.

    As you enter data on this page, some fields are automatically filled with values derived from earlier entries. For example, if the address that you provide for the Node 0 public IP address is, then the default node addresses generate as follows:

    • Node 0 public IP address:

    • Node 1 public IP address:

    • Node 0 virtual IP (VIP) address:

    • Node 1 virtual IP (VIP) address:

    • SCAN addresses (two addresses resolving to the SCAN VIP name):,

  11. Click Next.
  12. On the Database Information page, select if you want to create an initial database. If you check the box to create a database, then you can also provide your database details. These details include the database name, which you must enter, and the following options, selected from the available list values:
    • Is Container Database The default is false. If you leave the default value, then the Configurator builds a non-container database

    • Database Type The default type is OLTP. You can also select DSS, or select In-Memory.

    • Database Class Select the database class that you want to deploy. Not all options are available for all models of Oracle Database Appliance; the default class is odb-06

    • Database Language The default language is AMERICAN

    • Database Deployment Select one of the following, where RAC is the default:

      • Oracle RAC

      • Oracle RAC One Node

      • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (no Oracle RAC)

    • Data File Size (GB) If you indicate that you want to build a container database, then provide a database data file size in the final field on this page. (This field does not accept input unless the Is Container Database selection is True.) If you do not want to create an initial database, then do not select the check box for Create Initial Database.

    • Data Files on Flash Storage Select false. For Oracle Database Appliance X6-2-HA, the database is always stored in flash storage.

    Click Next.

  13. On the Summary page, review the configuration options that you have selected. Click Save to save the configuration file, or click Back to modify your selections.

    You can print the contents of the configuration file and use the printout to review your configuration entries for deployment planning purposes. You can also load the configuration file later when you run the Configurator again.

    If you are running the Configurator on Oracle Database Appliance, and you have completed the preliminary steps to configure your initial network and install the End-User Bundle or deploy ODA_BASE, then you can click Install to deploy the configuration.

    If you are not ready to complete the deployment, then first click Save, and then click Finish. Note the name and location of the configuration file. You can copy this configuration file to your Oracle Database Appliance for deployment. If you need to make corrections before deployment, then rerun the standalone Oracle Appliance Manager Configurator, load your configuration file, make the changes, and save the file again.