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Close Vendor Orders

NOTE: If the items returned are worth more than the first load, the system will prompt you to pay the Hawker money.

Figure 2-4 Close Vendor Orders

This figure displays the Close Vendor Orders window
  1. On the toolbar, click Vending, and then click Close Vendor Orders.
  2. Enter a Hawker ID or click the ... button and select one from the list.
  3. Click on the first item and press the Tab key, until you reach the Pieces Returned field.
  4. Enter in the number of Pieces Returned as a positive number. If no pieces are being returned, enter zero. Press Tab.
    1. If there is more than one item to be returned, click Save and repeat steps 2–3.
    2. If there are no more items to be returned, click Print.
  5. If First Load is selected in the Sysfile, the system will ask to collect money if any money is owed. Click Yes on the Amount Due prompt box and a ticket will print.