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Setting Up Groups

Groups are assigned to locations after initializing events. The commission is paid on net sales. Commissions on items can vary based on the commission percentages configured in the Food Group Commission Schedule.

You must first obtain consent from a group representative prior to storing a group’s personal data in the system.

Figure 1-20 Group Setup

This figure displays the Group Information window.
  1. On the toolbar, click Setup, and then click Groups.
  2. In the Privacy Policy section, select Acknowledgement to opt in or provide your consent to the processing of personal data (when processed through the API). After you check this option, the Acknowledgement Date field automatically updates using the current date.

    If the vendor is not the person who is entering the personal data, the application end-user can do so on behalf of the vendor.

  3. Enter the Group ID, enter the group Name, and then enter the contact information for the group.

    You can enter up to six digits for the Group ID.

  4. If the group receives a standard commission for all products sold, enter the commission rate in the Standard Comm. Rate field.
  5. If the commission is paid based on commission rates configured in the Food Group Commission Schedule, leave the Standard Comm. Rate field blank and select the appropriate commission rates for the following food types:
    • Commission Rate Schedule: Select the commission rate for all permanent concession locations.

    • Food Portable Schedule: Select the commission rate for all concession locations designated as food portables.

    • Beer Portable Schedule: Select the commission rate for all concession locations designated as beer portables.

    • Vending Rate Schedule: Select the commission rate for all concession locations designated as vending portables.

    • Other Rate Schedule: Select the commission rate for all concession locations that do not belong to either of the previous location categories.

    See Setting Up Food Group Commission Rates for instructions on setting up the Food Group Commission Schedule.

  6. If applicable, enter the Tolerance percentage and the Guarantee dollar amount.

    Enter the tolerance as a percentage of the net sales. Tolerance is the amount the stand is allowed to be short before it is subtracted from the commission.

  7. Click Save.