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Generating the Deposit Audit Trail Report

You can make changes to any deposit record. The Cash Room Audit Current Records Audit Trail shows all edited and deleted deposit records. The report shows the original deposit first, and then lists the modified deposits.

Figure 1-142 Generating the Deposit Audit Trail Report

This figure displays the Cash Room Audit window
  1. On the toolbar, click Cash Room, click Cash Deposits Report, and then click Deposits Audit Trail Report.
  2. Select the Sort order, and then if you want the report to show only deleted deposit records, select Deleted Rec Only.
  3. Select the company range, select the Event ID, select the location range, select the teller range, and then select the POS number range.

    To generate the report for all companies, locations, tellers, or POS workstations, leave the corresponding fields empty.

  4. Select the Output destination, and then click Print.