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Generating the Inventory Usage Detail Report

The Inventory Usage Detail Report shows the usage of each inventory item and the inventory variance based on the snapshots that you select.

Figure 1-161 Generating the Inventory Usage Detail Report

This figure displays the Inventory Usage Detail window
  1. On the toolbar, click Warehouse, click Period Inventory, and then click Inventory Usage Detail Report.
  2. Use the From and To fields to select a snapshot range.
  3. To exclude items with zero variance from the report, select Exclude items with Zero Variance.
  4. Select the inventory locations for which you want to generate the report:
    1. To generate the report for all locations, select All Locations.
    2. To generate the report for a selected few locations, select Selected Locations, and then select the locations to include in the report.
    3. To generate the report for only warehouse locations, select Warehouse Only, and then select the warehouses to include in the report.
  5. Select the family groups to include in the report:
    1. To generate the report for all family groups, select All Family Groups.
    2. To generate the report for a selected few family groups, select Selected Family Groups, and then select the family groups to include in the report.
  6. Select the Output destination, and then click Print.