Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > Customizing Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop > Process of Adding a Predefined Oracle CRM On Demand Picklist to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop >

Customizing the Physical Layout for the Picklist

This task is a step in Process of Adding a Predefined Oracle CRM On Demand Picklist to Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop.

Figure 8 illustrates the Contact Details section of the contact form that you customize in this example.

Figure 8. Contact Details Section of the Contact Form

Explanation of Callouts

The Contact form includes the following parts:

  1. The following object in the forms_11.xml file identifies the Contact Details section:

    OnDemand Contact

    Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop considers this area as a single cell. This cell includes two child regions that are placed horizontally in relationship to one another.

  2. The left side of this cell includes six cells that are arranged vertically.
  3. The right side of the cell includes the following items:
    • The Oracle oval link and the ellipsis (. . .) buttons include their own cell layers.
    • The top cell includes the following items:
      • Two horizontal subcells. These subcells accommodate the Oracle oval link.
      • Two vertical subcells that accommodate the fields to the left of the Oracle oval link.
    • The remaining cells below the top cell include subcells that accommodate their picklists and ellipsis (. . .) buttons.

To customize the physical layout for the picklist

  1. Examine the physical location of where to place the custom field:
    1. Open the Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop client, and then navigate to the Contact form.

      For more information, see Figure 8.

    2. In the Contact Details section, locate the Business Addresses field.

      In this example, you add the custom Preferred Contact Method field under the existing Business Address field.

  2. To provide sufficient vertical room for the custom field and label, increase the cell size:
    1. Locate the cell size attribute for the cell that you want to increase.

      You must increase the size of the cell that contains all the other cells. In this example, examine Figure 8, and then note that you must increase the height of the cells that are labeled 2 and 3. To do this, you increase the size of the cell that is labeled 1.

    2. Increase the cell size by 30.

      For example, if the current cell size is 155, then change it to 185:

    <cell size="185">

  3. Add the label for the custom field:
    1. Use an XML editor to open the forms_12.xml file.

      In this example, assume you are using Microsoft Outlook 2003. For more information, see Customizing a Form.

    2. To locate the form you must modify and locate the following code:

    form id="OnDemand Contact"

    Each form includes the OnDemand prefix, which is immediately followed by the object name, such as Contact.

    1. Locate the following code, which defines the label for the existing business address:

    <cell size="22">
        <control id="dd_addresses" class="dropdown"
        caption="#head_business_addresses" tab_order="12" />

    The code for the label and fields is located in the OnDemand Contact object after the validation rules.

    1. To define the label for the new contact method, add the following code immediately below the code you located in Step c:

    <cell size="22">
        <static id="ContactMethod" tab_order="9">

    For more information, see Format of the Label for a Custom Field.

  4. Add the custom field:
    1. Locate the following code, which defines the field for the existing business address. For brevity, ellipsis points (...) indicate code that has been omitted:

    <cell size="21">
        <stack layout="horz" spacing="5">
            <combobox id="business_address_mvg" tab_order="13">
            <field>Primary Address Id</field>
              . . .

    To simplify this step, search for unique text, such as business_address_mvg.

    1. To define the field for the new contact method, add the following code immediately below the code you located in Step a:

    <cell size="22">
        <combobox id="cbx_ContactPreferred CommunicationsPicklist">
          <field>Preferred Communications</field>
          <source type="ContactPreferred CommunicationsPicklist" field="Value" format=":[:(Label):]"> </source>

    For more information, see Format of the Custom Field.

  5. Define the custom symbolic strings:
    1. Use an XML editor to open the package_res.xml file.
    2. Add the following code anywhere in the file:

    <str key="lbl_ContactMethod">Contact Method:</str>
    <str key="head_contact_method">Contact Method</str>

    You can place these strings anywhere in the file. To assist with maintenance, it is recommended that you place them with similar strings. If it is necessary, then you can create alternate package_resource_xml files to create symbolic strings that accommodate another language. For more information, see Customizing Localization.

Format of the Label for a Custom Field

To define the label for the custom contact method field, you add the following code:

<cell size="22">
  <static id="ContactMethod" tab_order="9">


  • Id is an arbitrary, unique value for the form
  • Tab_order determines the order in which Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop places the cursor in the fields in the form when the user presses the TAB key
  • Text defines the text that Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop uses for the label
  • # indicates the symbolic string that is defined in the package_res.xml file. You can use this string for a global deployment.

Format of the Custom Field

To define the custom field for the contact method, you add the following code:

<cell size="22">
  <combobox id="cbx_ContactPreferred CommunicationsPicklist">
    <field>Preferred Communications</field>
    <source type="ContactPreferred CommunicationsPicklist" field="Value"     format=":[:(Label):]"> </source>


  • Id is an arbitrary, unique value in the form. A picklist must include the cbx prefix.
  • Tab_order determines the order in which Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop places the cursor in the fields in the form when the user presses the TAB key. The value that you enter must be greater than the value you enter in the Tab_order for the label.
  • Source determines where to get the data
  • Type identifies the object name. This name is defined in the od_basic_mapping.xml file.
  • Field specifies the field that provides the values that the user chooses from the picklist. In this example, the Value field provides these values.
  • <Field> identifies the field name from the object definition that populates the picklist.
  • Format specifies how to display text in the picklist.

The format element allows you to use a combination of static text and fields in the picklist. It uses the following format:


You must use the brackets ([ ]), colon (:), and parentheses ( ), or example:

Contact :[:(First Name):] :[:(Last Name):] ? Contact: John Smith

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