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User Management

A user is an entity in Oracle CRM On Demand with or without the ability to interact with Oracle CRM On Demand. For example, a user can be an employee in your company, a partner, or an external application. Users can be active or inactive. Active users can interact with Oracle CRM On Demand: inactive users cannot. To interact with Oracle CRM On Demand, an active user must be authenticated according to the sign-in and password policies set up for your company. For more information about sign-in and password policies, see About Sign-In and Password Policies.

Each user has one assigned role. The same role can be assigned to multiple users. A role in Oracle CRM On Demand is similar to a business function that a user performs within an organization, such as a sales executive function or a service manager function. Within your organization, your business function gives you certain privileges and permissions that are unique to your business function. Similarly, within the context of Oracle CRM On Demand, a role defines the following:

  • The features in Oracle CRM On Demand that a user has the privileges to use
  • The set of permissions that a user is given to work with protected information
  • The user interface settings that display information

For more information about roles, see Role Management. To manage users, do the following tasks:

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information about user management:

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.