Employee Information

The following topics provide information and instructions with regards to creating, viewing, and maintaining employee information.

Employee Personal Data Consent

If the restaurant is configured to prompt users for consent before storing their personal data, the employee must provide consent before anyone can save their personal information into the system. Enabling and Configuring the Personal Data Consent Notice contains information about requiring consent for data storage.

If the employee is not the one entering their personal data, an administrator or an employee with sufficient privileges can consent or withdraw consent on their behalf.


When upgrading to RES 5.7 or later from RES 5.6 or earlier, all existing employees are marked as having provided consent.
  1. In the POS Configurator, click the Employees tab, and then click Employees.
  2. Select the employee, click the POS tab, and then select or deselect Consented.

Viewing and Changing Employee Information

  1. In the POS Configurator, click the Employees tab, and then click Employees.
  2. Find and select the employee. Use the filters to view all employees or view only active employees.

    Shows the view all and view active employees buttons.

  3. Make changes to the employee personal data, and then click Save.

Exporting Employee Information

When requested by an employee, follow these instructions to create a PDF export of their personal data.

  1. In the POS Configurator, click the Employees tab, and then click Employees.
  2. Select the employee, select Reports from the menu, and then select Use Current Employee.
  3. You can run and export the available reports in PDF format.

Removing Employee Information

For employees managed by Oracle Hospitality RES 3700 Enterprise Management, make sure to remove the information at Enterprise Management Corporate and not locally at an Enterprise Management store.


Employee information cannot be restored after removal.
  1. In the POS Configurator, click theEmployees tab, and then click Employees.
  2. Find and select the employee to remove, and then:
    1. Click Delete to remove employee information. This operation fails if the employee has activity in the system, or if the employee is terminated or is past their Effective To date but the configured data retention period has not yet passed.
    2. Click Anonymize if the employee could not be deleted due to activity in the system. This operation fails if the employee is terminated or is past their Effective To date but the configured data retention period has not yet passed.

    Retention Periods contains more information and instructions about the employee retention period.

  3. If you could not remove data due to the retention period, notify the employee regarding the retention period and include when the employee can expect their data to expire from date retention.