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Lift and Shift Guide - Migrating Workloads from Oracle Solaris 10 SPARC Systems to Oracle Solaris 10 Branded Zones

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Updated: February 2020

Migration Methods Based on the OS Version

This document provides instructions for lifting and shifting workloads running on Oracle Solaris 10 with UFS or ZFS root file systems to Oracle Solaris 10 branded zone in Oracle Solaris 11.3 (or later) running on more modern sun4v hardware. The specific methods that you use to perform this lift and shift scenario differ based on the version of Oracle Solaris 10 on the source system.

To identify the version of Oracle Solaris, view the /etc/release file. Examples:

# cat /etc/release
                      Solaris 10 10/09 s10s_u8wos_08a SPARC
           Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
                        Use is subject to license terms.
                           Assembled 16 September 2009
# cat /etc/release
                   Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10s_u11wos_24a SPARC
  Copyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                            Assembled 17 January 2013 

The following table can help you identify the update version of Oracle Solaris 10 based on the release date.

Release Date
Oracle Solaris 10
Release Date
Oracle Solaris 10
Update 6
Update 1
Update 7
Update 2
Update 8
Update 3
Update 9
Update 4
Update 10
Update 5
Update 11

Case 1 (Preferred) – The Source System is Running Oracle Solaris 10 Update 9 (or later)

Follow the instructions in this document.

Case 2 – The Source System is Running Oracle Solaris 10 Update 8 (or Earlier)

Choose from one of these methods:

Method 1 – Upgrade the source system to Oracle Solaris 10 Update 9 (or later). Then follow the instructions in this document.

For information about upgrading, select the appropriate Oracle Solaris 10 documentation library at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/F24622_01

Method 2 – Follow the instructions in this document and ensure that you use the zoneadm install -P option as described in Shift the Workloads to the Target.

The zoneadm install -P option automatically applies required patches to migrated branded zone on the target system.

By default, the zonep2vchk utility that is used as a pre-migration checker does not exist in Oracle Solaris 10 Update 8 or earlier. However, if you have access to any higher versions of Oracle Solaris OS, you can copy the /usr/sbin/zonep2vchk utility to the source system and run the utility as described in this guide.

Method 3 – The migration is performed in two migration phases using a staging system.

image:A diagram showing a p2v migration to the staging system, then a v2v                         migration to the target system.
  1. Migrate the source environment to an Oracle Solaris 10 zone on a staging system that is running Oracle Solaris 11 in the global zone. Refer to guide titled Lift and Shift Guide - Moving Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domains to SPARC Servers Running Oracle Solaris 11

  2. Migrate the Oracle Solaris 10 zone to an Oracle Solaris10 branded zone on the target system (running Oracle Solaris 11.3 or later) using the instructions in this document.