Working with Offers (WOFR)

Purpose: An offer represents the medium that you use to present merchandise to your customers, for example a catalog, space advertisement, television advertisement, or web site. Use Work with Offers to create and change offer information, define items as free gifts, and set up freight charges, service charges, discounts and telemarketing specials for an offer.

Multiple currencies: You also must define a currency for the offer if you process orders in multiple currencies (the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected).

Alternate currency pricing: You also must define a currency and conversion rate for the offer if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected.

In this topic:

Work with Offers Screen

Create Offer Screen

Work with Offer Free Gifts Screen

Work with Offer Dollar Discounts Screen

Work with Telemarketing Specials Screen

Delete Telemarketing Specials Window

Work with Linked Offers Screen

Linked Offers in Order Entry

Copy Offer Freight Charges Window

Work with Offers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with information in existing offers or create a new offer.

How to display this screen: Enter WOFR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Offers from a menu.




The unique code that identifies the catalog, space, television advertisement or web site you use to accept orders.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the offer.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The code that describes the type of offer. This is a user-defined code that is not validated against any table.

Use offer type codes for reporting and analysis.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Begin (Begin date)

The first date when you can begin to accept orders for the offer.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

End (End date)

The last date that you can accept orders for the offer.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


A code that represents a season to display offers; used for tracking and analysis.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create an offer

Select Create to advance to the Create Offer Screen.

Change an offer

Select Change for an offer to advance to the Change Offer screen. For field descriptions, see Create Offer Screen. You can change all of the information except the Offer code field.

Delete an offer

Select Delete for an offer to delete an offer.

Note: You cannot delete an offer if there are any orders for this offer. You must use Initializing an Offer (MOFI).

Display an offer

Select Display for an offer to advance to the Display Offer screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen. For field descriptions, see Create Offer Screen.

Copy freight charges from one offer to another

Select Copy freight charges for an offer whose freight charges you want to copy to advance to the Copy Offer Freight Charges Window.

Define dollar discounts for an offer

Select Dollar discount for an offer to advance to the Work with Offer Dollar Discounts Screen.

Define items as free gifts for an offer

Select Free Gifts for an offer to advance to the Work with Offer Free Gifts Screen.

Define freight charges for an offer

Select Freight Charges for an offer to advance to the Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges).

Define a sub-offer for an offer

Select Linked offers for an offer to advance to the Work with Linked Offers Screen.

Define service charges for an offer

Select Service Charges for an offer to advance to the Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges).

Work with source codes for an offer

Select Source Codes for an offer to advance to the Work with Source Codes for Offer. This screen includes all the same options as the Work with Source Codes Screen, and also enables you to scan source codes for a particular offer rather than all source codes in your company. See the Work with Source Codes Screen for field descriptions and more information.

Define items as telemarketing specials for an offer

Select Telemarketing specials for an offer to advance to the Work with Telemarketing Specials Screen.

Define a user defined field

Select User Field for an offer to advance to the Work with User Fields screen. See Setting Up User-Defined Fields (WUDF).

Create Offer Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new offer.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with Offers Screen.




The unique code that identifies the catalog, space, television advertisement or web site you use to accept orders.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description of this offer.

Alphanumeric, 30 position; required.

Offer type

The code that describes the type of offer. This is a user-defined code that is not validated against any table.

Use offer type codes for reporting and analysis.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Offer date range

The start and end dates for the prices you define for this offer. Orders entered prior to the start date and after the end date will not use these prices. The system searches backwards by end date for the next most recent price and does not consider an offer with a start date greater than the order date. If the system can not find a price, it displays an invalid price message in Order Entry.

If you process orders in multiple currencies, the system searches for a price only in offers with the same currency. See the Currency of offer (when using multiple currency by offer) field.

Numeric 6 positions each (MMDDYY format); required.

Currency of offer (when using alternate currency pricing)

The currency for orders you process for this offer when using alternate currency pricing.

Note: Displayed only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected.

If you enter a currency code in this field, you must enter a conversion rate in the Conversion rate (when using alternate currency pricing) field or an error message indicates Conversion rate required.

Leave this field blank if this offer is in your local currency (the currency code defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value).

When you enter a source code associated with this offer in order entry, the system searches for a price only among offers that share this currency.

The currency and conversion rate used on an order are stored in the Order Header Extended table.

Currency codes are defined in and validated against the Currency table; see Working with Currency (WCUR).

See Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required setup.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required if you enter a conversion rate.

Conversion rate (when using alternate currency pricing)

The rate at which the currency defined for the offer is converted to and from the local currency if you are using alternate currency pricing.

Note: Displayed only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected.

If you enter a conversion rate in this field, you must enter a currency code in the Currency of offer (when using alternate currency pricing) field or an error message indicates Offers require a currency when using multi-currency.

Leave this field blank if this offer is in your local currency (the currency code defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value).

The system multiplies the amount in the local currency by the conversion rate to determine the amount in the alternate currency. Likewise, the system divides the amount in the alternate currency by the conversion rate to determine the amount in the local currency. The local currency is the currency code defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value.

See Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required setup.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 7-place decimal; required if you enter a currency of offer.


The code that represents the season associated with this offer. Season codes are defined in and validated against the Season table. See Working with Season Codes (WSEA).

Season codes are used for reporting and analysis.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Currency of offer (when using multiple currency by offer)

The currency for orders you process for this offer when using multiple currency by offer.

Note: Displayed only if the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected.

When you enter a source code associated with this offer in Order Entry, the system will search for a price only among offers that share this currency. Additionally, you cannot override the offer on an order detail line to one with a different currency.

The currency used on an order is indicated by the bank code on various screens and reports, such as those having to do with refunds. This is because each currency must be associated with at least one unique bank. When you create a source code, you must specify a division which links to a bank code that is consistent with the currency of the offer.

The currency code is defined in and validated against the Currency table. See Working with Currency (WCUR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required if it appears on the screen.

# of pages

The total number of pages in this (catalog) offer. Used in profitability analysis.

The number of pages should not include inserts, but should include front and back covers if the covers advertise items and/or the cost of covers are included in the overall cost.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Square inches/page

The size of a (catalog) offer page. Used in offer square inch and profitability analysis.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Conversion rate (when using multiple currency by offer)

The current conversion rate in effect for the currency, as specified in the Currency table.

Note: Displayed only if the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is selected.

The actual conversion rate displays only on the Change and Display Offer screens, once you have specified the currency for the offer.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 7-place decimal; display-only.

Publication cost

The overall cost of publishing this offer. Used in profitability analysis.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Insert cost

The cost to publish the insert included in this offer.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Flat freight rate

The amount of freight charged to the customer on each order placed against this offer. The system uses this rate if the Freight method for the source code is set to Flat Rt/Ship To.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Guaranteed order charge

The charge required to guarantee an order. If the Guaranteed Order Charge field in Order Entry is selected, the charge defined in this field will be added to the order as an additional charge.

You can exclude the Guaranteed Order Charge at the source code level. See the Excl serv chg (Exclude service charges) field.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Additional charge code (for Guaranteed service charges)

If you defined a Guaranteed Order Charge in the previous field, you must enter a code in this field that identifies the type of charge. This code is validated against the Additional Charges Code table; see Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC). This code points to the General Ledger account number to which these charges post.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required if Guaranteed order charge was entered.

Addl charge code (for Dollar chart charges)

A code that represents the type of additional charge on an order. The additional charge refers to a service charge, if you have set up a dollar chart through the Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Service Charges) screen or through Working with Dollar Chart by Source Code (WDCS).

This code is validated against the Additional Charges Code table; see Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC). This code points to the General Ledger account number for posting these charges.

Note: The Excl serv chg (Exclude service charges) flag for the source code does not control whether to apply these service charges to an order.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The projection curve that indicates the weekly percentage of response you expect to receive from this offer. Curves are used in the Forecasting system to predict the success and item requirements of an offer. The curve you enter is validated against the Projection Curve table; see Working with Projection Curves (WCRV).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Report sort sub-total

The user-defined code that can be used as a report sort or subtotal.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Date of 1st order

The date you process the first order for this offer. The system creates this record.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only, defined by the system.

Default source

A source code the system defaults to an order.

• If the Default Offer Source Code to Order Detail Line (G28) system control value is selected, the system defaults this source code to an order detail line when the offer on the detail line is not associated with the source code on the order header.

• If the Default Unknown Source Code (I58) system control value contains a source code, the system defaults this source code to the order header if the original source code entered on the order matches the source code in this system control value. Additionally, if this system control value contains a source code, the system requires you to enter a default source for the offer. If you haven’t created the source codes for the offer yet, you must enter a “dummy” source code until you create the actual default source code and then go back to the offer and enter the actual source code in the Default source field.

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code table. See Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required if the Default Unknown Source Code (I58) system control value contains a source code.

Update offer/drop/ period at detail level

Defines whether the system tracks demand statistics at the order detail level or at the order level.

When you enter an order, the Order Async updates demand statistics (number of orders, number of units, and dollar value of merchandise) for offers. You can use this information for forecasting purposes.

Select this field if you want to track demand statistics separately for this offer on an order.

Do not select this field if you want to consolidate demand statistics for an entire order into the offer associated with the order header.

See Updates During Background Processing for background.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.

Work with Offer Free Gifts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the items to add as free gifts to orders that amount to a required merchandise dollar total.

Free gifts applied when? In order entry, the system determines if the order is eligible for the free gift during repricing, the initial order accept, and the final order accept; if the order is eligible for the free gift, the system applies it to the order. See Applying Free Gifts.

Price override: The system uses the Default Price Override Reason (B35) system control value to add the free gift at no charge. If an offer price has been established for a free gift, the dollar amount of the free gift posts to the Discount General Ledger number in the Division table.

VAT amount: If a VAT Hidden tax amt (Hidden tax amount), rather than a percentage, is specified for the item, the system still posts this amount when updating sales figures and the general ledger. For a free item, this has the effect of posting a credit. No VAT is posted if a percentage, defined either at the item or country level, applies to the item. See the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value.

Things to note: The following factors influence how the system adds free gifts to the order:

Offer price or selling price? To evaluate whether an order qualifies for a free gift, the system compares the total merchandise dollar value after applying any discounts or repricing (that is, the extended selling price of all items) with the $ required specified for the free gift.

Multiple gifts?

• If the Allow multiple gifts flag is selected, the system adds the free gift defined for each dollar threshold met by the order total. For example, if a free gift is defined for an order total of $10.00, $15.00, and $20.00 and the customer orders $30.00 worth of merchandise, the system will add the free gifts for a $10.00, $15.00, and $20.00 order.

• If the Allow multiple gifts flag is unselected, the system adds the free gift defined for the highest dollar threshold met by the order total. For example, if a free gift is defined for an order total of $10.00, $15.00, and $20.00 and the customer orders $17.50 worth of merchandise, the system will add the free gift defined for a $20.00 order, because this is the highest level for which the order qualifies.

Source vs. offer free gifts: You can also set up free gifts at the source code level using the Work with Source Free Gifts Screen; however, free gifts by source code override free gifts by offer. If an order would qualify for both the offer and source code free gifts, only the source code's free gift is added to the order.

How to display this screen: Select Free Gifts for an offer on the Work with Offers Screen.




The unique code and description for the catalog, space, television advertisement or web site from which you accept orders.

Offer: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Allow multiple gifts?

Indicates if a customer can receive more than one free gift on an order.

Selected = Apply more than one free gift on an order if the order qualifies.

Unselected = Apply only free gift with the highest dollar level for which the order qualifies.

$ Required

The merchandise dollar amount required on an order for the customer to be eligible for the free gift. You must enter a dollar amount of $0.01 or higher. You cannot enter a negative amount.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.


The item to add as a free gift.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


If the specified item has SKUs, enter the SKU to add to qualifying orders.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if the item has SKUs.

Qty (Quantity)

The number of units of the free gift item to add to the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Work with Offer Dollar Discounts Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define standard and associate discounts for an offer.

Negative additional charge or prorate? If the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is unselected, the system adds these discounts to the order as a negative additional charge, or credit. If this system control value is selected, the dollar discount is applied on a pro-rata basis to each item on the order and is reflected in the selling price. This discount is calculated after all other discounts have been applied, and it is not related to the system's pricing hierarchy; it applies regardless of any other pricing method used.

Applied when? In order entry, the system determines if the order is eligible for the offer dollar discount during repricing, the initial order accept, and the final order accept; if the order is eligible for the offer dollar discount, the system applies it to the order.

Discount sale items? The Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (I65) system control value controls whether to include sale items in the pro-rata discount calculation. See that system control value for more information.

How to display this screen: On the Work with Offers Screen, select Dollar discounts for an offer.




The unique code and description for the catalog, space, television or web site advertisement from which you accept orders.

Offer: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 3 position; display-only.

Merch amount

The merchandise total on the customer's order. When the merchandise total is equal to or greater than the dollar amount entered in this field, the customer is eligible for the standard and/or associate discount defined for this amount.

When evaluating an order to see if it meets the required merchandise total, the system includes sale items (based on the setting of the Sale item flag for the Item Offer or the Sale item flag for the SKU Offer). The system does not include non-discountable items (based on the setting of the Discountable flag for the item).

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Standard discount

The dollar amount to subtract from the customer's order when the merchandise total on the order is equal to or greater than the dollar amount entered in the Merch amount field.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Associate discount

The dollar amount to subtract from an associate customer's order when the merchandise total on the order is equal to or greater than the dollar amount entered in the Merch amount field.

Customers are identified as associates in the Customer record; the Assoc field in Order Entry must be selected for this discount to be applied.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Add'l code

A code that represents a type of additional charge on an order. The system uses this code only if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is unselected.

In this case, the additional charge refers to a discount, or negative charge, applied against the order. This code is validated against the Additional Charges Code table; see Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC). This table contains user-defined values to categorize the different types of charges that may be assessed or the discounts that may be applied against an order, and defines the G/L account numbers where these charges or discounts post.

If the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is selected, the system does not use the additional charge code; instead, the discount amount is prorated against the order lines, as described in Prorating Logic.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) system control value is unselected.

To add: This screen displays in Add mode. The cursor is at the Merch amount field, so you can begin adding dollar discount information.

Each time you enter a dollar discount, the system arranges the dollar discounts in ascending order from the lowest to highest amounts.

To change: If any dollar discounts have been previously entered in this table, those discounts will display.

To change dollar discount information, select Change to switch to Change mode.

Place your cursor at the beginning of the field you wish to change. Erase the information and reenter it.

To delete: Select Change to switch to Change mode and display the discounts for this offer and select Delete for a dollar discount to delete it.

Work with Telemarketing Specials Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define a telemarketing special promotion for the item and offer defined in this table. The Telemarketing Specials Window appears automatically after you enter items in order entry if the Display Telemarketing Window in Order Entry (H02) system control value is selected. Telemarketing promotions are also available through the Display More Options Screen in Order Entry/Maintenance (available by selecting Options) when a customer places an order for this offer.

Items appear on this screen sorted by:

• Item category (blank categories (i.e., not assigned) display first)

• Page number

• Item and SKU

How to display this screen: On the Work with Offers Screen, select Telemarketing Specials for an offer.




The unique code and description for the catalog, space, or television advertisement from which you accept orders.

Offer: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 3 position; display-only.

Page #

The page number where the item appears. This does not need to be the same page number as specified for the item/offer or SKU/offer.

You cannot set up telemarketing specials for the same item/SKU and offer on different page numbers.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.


The code for the unit of inventory that is available for this telemarketing special promotion.


If you have the Display Item Alias (D56) system control value selected, and you have defined any aliases for this item in this offer, you can enter the actual item code in this field when creating a telemarketing special, or you can enter the alias code. The actual item code will display on the Work with Telemarketing Specials screen.

In order entry, the system searches alphanumerically for an item alias. The first alias it finds for this item/offer will display on the telemarketing specials screen. Aliases are alternate names for an item that you can use to track how demand varies based on how you display and position items within an offer.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Clr/Size/Wdth (SKU codes)

Codes representing the item's unique characteristics, such as color and size.

Entry of the SKU field(s) is optional. If you enter the base item code only for an item with SKUs, the system creates a separate telemarketing special record for each SKU that is not already set up as a telemarketing special for this offer.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

Tax incl sale prc (Tax-inclusive sale price)

The sale price to use for the item on orders which are subject to VAT. Displayed only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected. When the telemarketing specials screen displays on an order subject to VAT, the tax-inclusive sale price displays, and the markdown percentage that displays will be based on the difference between the tax-inclusive offer price and the tax-inclusive sale price.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Sale price

The special price that is offered for the telemarketing promotion for this item.

You might set up a telemarketing special without specifying a sale price in order to upsell the item.

The system uses the price override reason code defined in the Telemarketing Special Price Override Reason (F36) system control value when you add the item to the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Offer Price

The regular price of this item (not the tax-inclusive price) as defined for the offer level.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

M/D % (Markdown percentage)

The difference between the regular price defined at the item/offer level (not the tax-inclusive price) and the regular sale price, expressed as a percentage. The system calculates the percentage as follows:

100 - (Sale price/offer price X 100)

The markdown percentage is rounded up or down to the nearest whole percent.

When the telemarketing specials display in order entry, the markdown percentage will be calculated based on the tax-inclusive price if the order is subject to VAT.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Categ (Category)

The category of the item or SKU, such as petite or tall sizes. The items and SKUs sort by item category, with blank item categories appearing first, both on this screen and in order entry.

System Control Value

The Select Telemarketing Specials by Item Category (F35) system control value controls the option of displaying telemarketing specials for a selected category only in order entry. For example, if the customer wears petite sizes, you can display only SKUs flagged as petite by selecting the appropriate item category.


System Control Value is Set To: Selected

Setting Up Telemarketing Specials:

If you enter an item without specifying an item category, any category already assigned to the item or SKU will default. If the item has multiple SKUs with different item category settings (including blank settings), the system defaults the setting for each SKU.


Order Entry:

You can select which telemarketing specials to display by item category. You must select an item (or base item, if the item has SKUs) to advance to a screen which displays markdown information, and where you can add the item or SKU to the current order.


System Control Value is Set To: Unselected

Setting Up Telemarketing Specials:

The item category does not default; however, you can enter an item category for sorting purposes.

Order Entry:

You advance directly to a screen which displays markdown information for each item or SKU, and where you can add the item or SKU to the current order. The items and SKUs sort in order of the item categories you assigned at the Work with Telemarketing Specials screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


A persuasive or descriptive message to display for the telemarketing special in order entry. This message will display below the item description.

Alphanumeric, 70 positions; optional.

To add: This screen displays in Add mode. The cursor is at the Page # field, so you can begin adding telemarketing special information.

Complete the Page # and Item fields and any optional fields. To automatically enter all SKUs for a SKU’d item, enter the base item only.

Once you enter a telemarketing special, the information will display beneath the blank fields, so you can continue to add more telemarketing special information.

To change: If any telemarketing specials have been previously entered in this table, those items display.

To change telemarketing special information, select Change to switch to Change mode.

Delete Telemarketing Specials Window

To delete all SKUs for an item:

1. Select Delete SKUs to display the Delete Telemarketing Specials pop-up window.

2. Enter the name of the item you wish to delete.

3. Select OK.

4. The system deletes the telemarketing specials for each SKU of the selected item.

Work with Linked Offers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, or delete one or more sub-offers for an offer.

Sub-offers for an offer allow you to analyze how certain pages in an offer perform from the rest of the offer. For example, you may want to create a sub-offer if the main offer contains insert pages, such as a section of items sold at a discounted price.

Linked Offers in Order Entry

When you add an item to an order, the system determines the price of the item using the following hierarchy:

• use the price defined for the item in the offer defined at the order detail line (the main offer).

• if a price has not been defined for the item in the main offer, the system uses the price defined for the item in the sub-offer associated with the main offer. If more than one active sub-offer is associated with the main offer, the system uses the first sub-offer in sequence number sequence.

• if a price has not been defined for the item in any sub-offers linked to the main offer, the system uses the price defined in the most current active offer.

How to display this screen: Select Linked Offers for an offer at the Work with Offers Screen.




The unique code and description for the catalog, space, or television advertisement from which you accept orders.

Offer: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 position; display-only.

Linked offer

The code for the sub-offer associated with this offer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Sequence number

The sequence number determines the order in which the system looks at the sub-offers associated with this offer.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the sub-offer associated with this offer.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

To create: Enter a valid offer code in the Linked offer field and a sequence number in the Sequence number field. The system displays the sub-offer you created on the bottom half of the screen.

An error message indicates if you enter an offer in the Linked offer field that is not a valid offer:

Offer not found.

An error message indicates if you enter a sequence number in the Sequence number field that is already associated with another sub-offer:

Sequence Number Already Exists.

To change: Select Change to make the Sequence number field enterable. You can only change the sequence number assigned to the sub-offer.

Screen Option


Change between add mode and change mode

Select Change. The system toggles between making the Sequence number field enterable and display-only.

Copy Offer Freight Charges Window

Purpose: Use this window to copy the freight dollar chart charges from one offer to another.

How to display this window: Select Copy freight charges for an offer whose freight charges you want to copy. If the offer you select does not already have freight charges set up, the screen displays an error message. See Work with Dollar Chart by Offer Screen (Freight Charges) for information on how to set up and work with freight charges for an offer.

Completing this screen: Enter the code representing the offer to which you would like to copy the freight charges. Select OK at the Confirm prompt.

If the target offer already has freight charges set up, the system displays an error message:

Offer already has freight charges defined.

WOFR Serenade 5.0 March 2015