Vendor Charge Back Report

How to print: Select OK at the Print Vendor Charge Back Report Screen.

Sample report: See the sample report in PDF format.


Invoice vendor number

Invoice vendor name and address

• purchase order number on the vendor charge back, if any

• charge back number

• status of the vendor charge back. Valid values are:

O = Open

P = Processed

S = Shipped

R = Reversed

• item code (your item code, as opposed to the vendor/item)

• SKU code

• item description or SKU description, if a SKUed item

• item quantity being charged back

• item cost from the charge back. This amount represents the unit cost if you use standard or average costing; it represents the extended cost if you use FIFO Costing.

• any additional charges for the charge back

AP09_05r OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN