
A/R types are codes that identify various A/R transactions. Currently, the only A/R type codes you need to create are open item types. When you enter an accounts receivable transaction, the system checks the appropriate system control value to determine the type of open item to create, then checks the A/R Type table to determine the characteristics of the open item type.

ABC/Velocity codes are an industry-wide standard used to measure the velocity of your sales and to classify items based on your sales volume.

Accompanying items are added to the order automatically at no charge or for a set price when the customer orders the originating item, or “trigger item”, in a specific quantity and for a specific offer. This activity is automated, so that the order entry operator does not have to remember to add this item to the order. No pop-up window opens to notify the operator that the system is adding an accompanying item to the order. In addition, certain updates to the originating item in order entry also update the accompanying item. When you ship the order, the system ensures that the originating item and accompanying item ship together.

Additional charges are user-defined types of charges that you can add to an order for any reason. You might establish standard additional charge codes for freight fees, special handling charges or rush shipment fees. You might also establish standard credit types of additional charge codes to reimburse the customer for long-distance telephone calls or postage fees.

Address verification services help to reduce the fraudulent use of credit cards by verifying that the billing address on the credit card is legitimate.

Affinity add-on sales is a function which identifies items that appeal to a customer’s preferences, and presents those items as potential add-on sales when the customer places an order. During order entry, you can view a Select Affinity Items Window of upsell items selected for an individual customer’s preferences by selecting Customer Affinity from an options menu in order entry, or you can set up your system to automatically display the pop-up window when the customer places an order.

Aggregation: Summarized facts, such as total dollars ordered, in a data warehouse.

Application areas categorize related functions, such as all functions that relate to the Purchase Order application area, Inventory application area, Order Entry application area, etc.

Application groups further define the functions within an application area. An example of an application area may be O/E (Order Entry); an example of an application group within the O/E application area may be FRE (freight).

Arrival date is the date when the customer wants to receive the order. This date controls whether the system reserves inventory and prints pre-generated picks immediately.

ASYNC (background) jobs are used to process the non-time sensitive table updates, such as analysis and reporting updates, associated with transactions that are processed throughout the day in the following modules: Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Purchase Order Entry, Purchase Order Maintenance, Purchase Order Receiving, and Billing.

Attribute values are specific types of an attribute used in affinity add-on sales. For example, Cotton or Wool would be values of the attribute Fabric.

Attributes are item characteristics, used in affinity add-on sales, for which a customer may have a preference, for example: Fabric type.

Automated inventory transactions allow you to process inventory transactions across companies. This is useful if you use Inventory Sharing (A69) and you wish to move inventory from the sharing company (which uses inventory located in another company) to the shared company (where you actually maintain the inventory). However, you can still process automated inventory transactions without using inventory sharing.

Batch order entry is a method of entering groups of orders on the system, balancing these orders to order controls, and accepting the orders an entire batch at a time.

Best way shipping in order entry can either display a window enabling the order entry operator to offer a choice of shipment options to the customer, or have the system automatically select the ship via with the lowest overall shipping charges.

Billing addresses are addresses where you send the invoice for an order, whether it is a business-to-business (commercial) or consumer order. You must define a billing address for any order purchased on-account (using an A/R payment type).

Bill-to customers are people or businesses that are billed for the order. This type of customer exists when a business order is placed that will be paid “on-account.”

Brokered backorder: Use the brokered backorder integration with Locate to automatically send backordered lines to the Order Broker module in Locate for fulfillment. Unlike the merchandise locator API, the brokered backorder integration with Locate enables you to fulfill these orders automatically “behind the scenes” using business rules you have configured in Locate and CWSerenade, without the need to select a fulfilling location; the Order Broker selects the location for you.

Business intelligence describes the range of tools and technologies available to help you analyze data and make strategic business decisions.

Buyers are eligible to create purchase orders and may be assigned to purchase specific items. A record must be established on the system for every buyer. The Buyer table is required in order to use the Purchase Order function.

Cache: A store of information that will be required in the future, and can be retrieved quickly. CWSerenade uses caching to store recently used information from the CWSerenade database in a place where it can be accessed quickly, rather than accessing the database, in order to improve performance. Caching occurs across all CWSerenade companies; if you use multiple application servers, you can specify which servers share the same cache. For example, you should have all of your test servers share the same cache and all of your production servers share a cache that is different from the cache assigned to your test servers.

Cancel date is the date when the customer wants to cancel an order if it has not been shipped.

Cardinal Commerce provides authentication services for banks, merchants, processors, and financial service providers. Cardinal Commerce is the service bureau used during batch authorization and deposit processing to connect to PayPal in order to process PayPal payments.

Cash batching enables you to enter check information for a group (batch) of orders prior to Order Entry. This ensures that you enter complete and accurate information on the system for each check. Usually, your Accounting department performs this task and then forwards the order forms to the Order Entry department. This process streamlines Order Entry and reduces errors.

Companies are single, isolated set of tables and data: an organization of financial information, inventory, and customers. Essentially a company has a completely separate database from other companies.

Continuity sets are used when a customer places an order for a series of items to be delivered at regular intervals. Intervals can be days or months.

Credit card authentication services help to reduce fraud and chargeback volume on card not present transactions by requiring the cardholder to enter a card authentication password on the web storefront. The authentication password is sent to an authentication service, such as Visa’s Verified by Visa program or MasterCard’s SecureCode program, to verify the cardholder’s identify and ownership of the credit card during the online purchase.

Credit card net exchange billing allows the system to hold the credit invoice for a return to net it against the debit invoice for the associated exchange in order to reduce the number of transactions that occur for an exchange. The system uses the system-delivered EXC Net Billing for Exchanges deferred payment option to determine how long to delay billing the customer’s credit card, based on the invoice date and the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC payment option.

Credit card number formats allow you to specify which digits of a credit card number are masked on CWSerenade screens and reports using a special character, such as an asterisk (*). For example, you may wish to mask all but the last 4 digits of a 16-digit credit card number: ************1111.

Credit card security services (CID, CVV2, CVC2) help to reduce the fraudulent use of credit cards by verifying that the credit card is present at the point of sale and to ensure that the credit card security value from the transaction matches the security value stored by the service bureau for that card.

Credit card: A card, typically issued by a bank, that consumers can use to make purchases. The consumer pays the card issuer back on the issuer’s terms, which might require payment in full each month, or monthly installments against a variable balance. You can offer deferred or installment billing for a credit card, or you can simply deposit the payment amount promptly after shipment. Mastercard, VISA, American Express, and Discover Card are examples.

Cubes are structures that include multi-dimensional data. A star schema is a structure used to generate cubes.

Customer action notes are messages about a customer issue or problem that you need to resolve. You use customer action reason codes to identify and group the issues or problems in customer action notes or track when and how often customers report certain issues or problems.

Customer affinity preferences are categories you set up to track the types of items a customer orders frequently. You can link items you sell to these categories, and when a customer places a quote or order, you can offer preferred items as potential add-on sales.

Customer company codes allow you to group companies within a single, higher-level company category. A customer company code lets you identify a group of companies with similar characteristics, according to your criteria. For example, you might group all subsidiaries under a single parent company code if you want to construct a focused reporting package on the ordering patterns of a company and its subsidiaries.

Customer ownership allows you to capture and confirm information about the products a customer currently owns or previously owned. You can use this information to determine trends in the products a customer purchases and recommend related products for purchase.

Customer Price Group Best Price Comparison determines if the customer price group defined in the Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only (L58) system control value provides a better price than the customer price group assigned to the sold to customer on the order.

Customer profiles let you define the demographics you want to capture for your customer base and define the valid responses for these categories. You can also establish default codes that represent the most common profile characteristics of your customer base. For example, assume that a profile for marital status includes married, single, divorced, etc., as valid options, and that the majority of people who place orders are single. If you set a profile default for the single option, this value appears on new customer orders. You would then need to perform data entry in the marital status field for new customers only if the customer were not single.

CWCollaborate is a MICROS application that provides a collaborative, browser-based environment for retailers and vendors to share order, customer, and shipping information related to drop ship processing, and to automatically process drop ship orders.

CWSerenade does not consider the item’s Projected returns quantity, if any, when determining whether the item is eligible for fulfillment through the Order Broker.

Cybersource Point-to-Point integration allows you to process authorization and deposit transactions between CWSerenade and Cybersource using point-to-point communication. Authorization and deposit processing remains the same in CWSerenade; however, instead of using integration layer jobs to process the transactions and send the transactions to a CWIntegrate site via the queues defined for the integration layer job, CWSerenade communicates with Cybersource via web services using the Cybersource Simple Order API Client for Java to send the transactions directly to the Cybersource system for processing.

Data dictionary: Lists each table and field that makes up CWData, including how the business rules that govern how it is calculated.

Data mining consists of analyzing data to discover new relationships.

Data Warehouse staging tables are used by CWSerenade to collect key information for download to CWData. Each table’s name and description begins with the letters DW; for example, the DW Accounting Period table (DWACTP) captures information on CWSerenade accounting periods. Transaction information, such as orders or updates to customer records, are temporarily stored in the DW Transaction table. You run a periodic extraction to populate these tables, and then download them to the CWData server, where they are then added to the data warehouse.

Data warehouses are databases that serve as repositories of information for query and analysis.

Debit card: A card issued by a bank that draws directly on the consumer’s account. Although a debit card often bears the Mastercard or VISA logo like a credit card, it is restricted to the consumer’s current balance or line of credit with the bank. A Switch card is a type of debit card offered in the United Kingdom.

Default messages are standard order or gift messages that you enter on orders on a regular basis. Instead of requiring users to retype a standard message on each eligible order, you can have the user select the message from a list of standard messages to default to the order, allowing you to avoid typographical errors that can occur when the message is manually added to the order. You can create default messages for order level messages and line level messages. When a user selects a default message to add to an order, the message text defined for the default message defaults to the Message field and the print code defined for the default message defaults to the Print field; however, the user can still override the default message text and the print code or add to the default message text. For example, if a user selects to default Happy Birthday, the user may wish to modify the message line to read Happy Birthday, Mom! Love, Alex and Beth.

Deferred liability is cash paid by a customer before an actual order is shipped. You must post this cash to a default deferred liability account until the order is fulfilled (shipped). When a prepaid order is fulfilled, the system relieves the deferred liability account and posts cash to the customer's account to whom you are shipping merchandise. The deferred liability account is empty when there are no orders waiting to be shipped.

Deferred payment plans are payment plans that allow a customer to pay at a later date, for example, Payment due on January 1st or can be a rolling date, for example, Payment due in 30 days.

Dimensions are structural attributes or members of a star schema, all of which are of a similar type in the user’s perception of the data. For example, months, quarters, and years, make up a time dimension.

Direct bank disbursement: A customer’s bank draws the funds for a purchase directly from the customer’s account. Although similar in some ways to a debit card, a direct bank disbursement does not require authorization.

Dispute reasons are codes that identify why an A/R customer refuses to pay for an invoice. You must establish at least one dispute reason code before an amount can be disputed through the Change A/R Open Item screen.

Drop points represent locations to which merchandise will be shipped from your warehouse. Typically, a drop point represents the address of a UPS facility. This drop point prints as the return address on the pick slip and is the destination to which undeliverable packages are returned.

Drop ship items are items that you do not stock in inventory. When a customer places an order for a drop ship item, you order the item from your supplier (vendor). The vendor ships the item directly to your customer.

Dunnage weight is the weight of packing materials. Use the Work with Dunnage Weight menu option to define the weight of dunnage based on the cube of the items on a pick slip.

Email site: The email site in CWIntegrate enables you to translate emails you receive at your mail server into XML, and then forward them to CWSerenade. Once the emails are received into CWSerenade, the system assigns or “routes” the emails to the appropriate customer.

Fact table: The table of information that makes up the center of a star schema.

Finished goods are items that require assembly prior to picking and packing. A finished good is made up of one or more components. These components are assembled to build the finished good. The finished good is picked and packed, not the individual components. The system tracks the usage of each component and will recommend re-order quantities. The system also forecasts demand for the finished good item and recommends the number of finished goods to be made up to meet demand.

FOB (freight on board) address is the location where title to merchandise being shipped passes from the seller to the buyer. If the FOB address is an Origin type, ownership of the merchandise passes from seller to buyer at the origin of the shipping route, and the buyer is responsible for transportation costs and risk of loss or damage from that point. If the FOB address is a Destination type, ownership of the merchandise passes from seller to buyer at the receiving point for the merchandise, and the seller is responsible for transportation costs and risk of loss or damage until the merchandise reaches its destination.

Freight by order weight involves calculating the freight charges for an order by evaluating the number of cartons you expect the order will require to ship, and the weight of each carton. The tables you create with this function define the freight charges to add to an order based on the weight of each carton.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a communication protocol used to transmit files from one server to another.

Ghost customers are customers whose records have been merged with the records of matching customers when you performed a merge/purge.

Gross profit margin is used to determine the profit of an item on an order based on the item's selling price, or to determine the profit of an entire order. This calculation is helpful if your operators are allowed to negotiate prices and work on a commission basis.

Hazard codes identify hazardous items and indicate if special storage and/or handling is required. You assign a Hazard code to an item in Work with Item/SKUs.

HornetQ is an open source JMS (Java Message Service) provider developed by JBoss to support asynchronous, or JMS, messaging.

Indicia messages are messages you enter to print on the pick slip, such as shipping instructions or notes to the carrier. The indicia message that displays is determined by the drop point associated with the ship via for an order. The drop point associated with the ship via for an order depends on whether or not you are using the Zone skipping feature in Pick Slip Generation.

Individual customers are subordinate records to the sold-to customer, in much the same way as a permanent ship-to address relates to the sold-to customer. You can have up to 999 individual records associated with each sold-to customer. In order entry, any individual can serve as the placer (the person who places an order) or the originator (the person who authorizes or approves the order).

Installment payment plans are payment plans that allow a customer to pay a specific amount of the payment each month. The date of the payment is due can be a fixed day of the month, for example, Installments due on the 25th of each month, or based on a specific interval, for example, Installments due in 30-day intervals.

Item category codes classify and group similar items on a level below Item Class. For example, you can assign a group of items within the same item class an Item category of “printers only” to differentiate printers from the other items under that item class.

Item cycle codes are used to select groups of items periodically for physical inventory.

Item ship via overrides are the shippers that can be used to deliver a particular item to its destination, even if the other items on the order are delivered by another ship via.

Items are units of inventory that are defined to the system by item codes. The item code consists of the code itself and, optionally, a SKU, which allows you to define the item further by characteristics such as color, size, etc.

Line of business assignments represent the entity, division, or offer, or combination of these three values assigned to a line of business. The assignment determines which line of business the system assigns to an order in order entry. The system uses a line of business assignment to group all orders associated with a specific line of business together.

Lines of business represent clients, or business units, in CWSerenade. Each line of business contains assignments that represent a specific entity, division, or offer, or a combination of these three values.

List sources are codes used to identify segments of a list of names rented from a list broker.

Litle Point-to-Point integration allows you to process batch deposit transactions between CWSerenade and Litle using point-to-point communication. Deposit processing remains the same in CWSerenade; however, instead of using the Deposit integration layer job to process the deposit transactions and send the transactions to a CWIntegrate site via the queues defined for the integration layer job, CWSerenade uses the Litle Batch Deposit messages to send the deposit transactions directly to the Litle system for processing.

Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment is a module of Locate that provides a collaborative, browser-based environment for retailers and vendors to share order, customer, and shipping information related to drop ship processing, and to automatically process drop ship orders. Locate is a MICROS application that also provides distributed order fulfillment through its Order Broker module.

Location bin types identify the type of bins you can assign to a location, such as double width or pallet.

Long Running Jobs Monitor watches the batch jobs running on the Job Management Screen and sends a Long Running Job Email to a specified email address if a job runs without ending longer than a specified time.

Mass Customer Download allows you to download a batch file of new and changed customers to an external system.

Match codes are unique customer identification codes that consist of selected portions of a customer name, company name, and address information. The system generates a match code for each customer based on positional field contents you include in a match code schematic or algorithm. You can create up to four match codes per customer, including a standard match code and three fraud identification match codes.

Merchandise locator searching: This integration with Locate provides a way to search for a location across the enterprise where the customer can pick up an item. This option is available in item availability, order entry, and order maintenance. The results are informational only.

Misships are items that were inadvertently shipped to your customer. When you process a misship through return authorizations, you add a record of the item to the order and process other updates, such as receipt into inventory, as required. Misships differ from regular returns, in which you process a return against an item that was already on the order. Misship returns cannot be credited, since they were not billed. However, the system updates the Date credited field in the RA Header table to indicate a pending credit does not exist.

On Account: An Accounts Receivable payment method that uses an external A/R system to process the payment.

Online analytical processing (OLAP) enables you to review information for the purpose of analysis and decision-making. The information is organized in such a way that you can view it from multiple dimensions. For example, you might want to view a segment of your customers from geographical, demographic, or order history perspectives.

Online transaction processing (OLTP) enables you to process, manage, and track the various types of transactions that make up your business.

Order batching enables you to enter order controls for a group (batch) of orders before you enter the orders on the system. This ensures that the order controls match the actual orders entered on the system.

Order Broker: Integration with the Order Broker module in Locate supports fulfilling orders across the enterprise.

Order line activity codes define the type of activity, such as a shipment or return, performed against an item on an order line. You can review the activity performed against an item on an order line on the Display Order Line History Screen. You can use the Work with Order Line Activity Codes (WOLA) menu option to review system-delivered order line activity codes and to also create user-defined order line activity codes.

Order ship-to addresses are addresses that are attached to orders you are entering, but which are not saved as permanent mailing addresses for customers.

Order/Call Disposition Activity allows you to track the calls that come into CWSerenade from an external order call center. In addition, you can track the reason why a call was terminated or an order was rejected. You can use the order/call disposition activity in CWSerenade to match the calls taken in CWSerenade against the call history in the external order call center.

Outbound interface trigger rules are the criteria a transaction must meet in order for the system to create an IL outbound trigger. For each outbound process, you can create trigger rules for certain tables. For example, you can create trigger rules for the Item table and SKU table to control the Item Outbound job. If you enter more than one criterion, the record must meet all of the criteria in order to generate a trigger.

Parent vendors are companies made up of different vendors who supply you with merchandise or services. You may define a vendor as a parent vendor if you wish to pay the main (parent) vendor for the merchandise you received from each subsidiary (child) vendor.

Pay plans are deferred payment or installment billing options you can offer to your customers. Under a pay plan, you delay billing the customer's credit card for a prearranged interval.

Paymentech Point-to-Point integration allows you to process authorization and deposit transactions between CWSerenade and Paymentech using point-to-point communication. Authorization and deposit processing remains the same in CWSerenade; however, instead of using integration layer jobs to process the transactions and send the transactions to a CWIntegrate site via the queues defined for the integration layer job, CWSerenade uses the Paymentech files to send the transactions directly to the Paymentech system for processing.

PayPal is an e-commerce business that allows you to perform payment and money transfers securely over the Internet. PayPal’s service builds on the existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit cards and utilizes fraud prevention systems to create a safe, global, real-time payment solution.

Pending warehouse locations are locations that were created by the Location Generator in a deferred status. These records are created in a deferred status when you want to review and modify location information before updating the permanent Location Table.

Periodic functions are jobs that you need to run periodically, usually on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis. Periodic functions include reports listing or summarizing activity in a particular area of your business, such as accounts payable disbursements, gift certificates issued, or refunds processed; reports providing current status information on your business, such as merchandise on-hand in a warehouse or carryover pick slips; periodic resets, such as clearing daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly total buckets; aging operations, such as evaluating orders for time-release holds or updating bill-to customer account age.

Periodic processes are jobs consisting of one or more periodic functions that run on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis.

Permanent shipping addresses are address that are kept on file for the sold-to customer. An example of a ship-to address would be the customer's work address. The system adds a separate record to the Ship-to Customer table for this shipping address under the customer number. You can define up to 999 permanent shipping addresses for one customer.

Physical stored value cards are physical cards that you can stock in a warehouse or retail location. Physical stored value cards are reserved on an order based on available inventory and printed on a separate pick slip from the other items on the order. You must assign a number to the physical card before the card can be billed. Once the card receives an approved activation from the service bureau, the system delivers the physical card to the recipient card holder on the order. In addition, an email may be sent to the recipient card holder, notifying the customer that the physical card is in the process of being delivered.

Pick processing days are the number of days it takes your company, on average, to pick, pack, and ship an order. This is your internal lead time. The system uses this number to determine when to generate a pick slip.

Pick Slip Allocation determines the locations where the system pulls stock in order to fulfill the pick slips in the pick slip generation run.

Pick slip preparation prepares an order for fulfillment when you create or change an order, such as creating pre-generated picks in the Pick Control Header and Pick Control Detail tables and defining whether the pre-generated picks require authorization. Preparing the order for pick slip generation in advance reduces the time it takes to run Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) to fulfill and print the picking documents.

PO Upload Interface allows you to upload purchase order information from an external system in order to create a new purchase order or update the PO lines on an existing purchase order in the CWSerenade database.

Pre-generated picks are picks created prior to running pick slip generation for an order. The status of a pre-generated pick is either G Generated No Authorization, indicating the pick requires authorization during pick slip generation, or H Generated Has Authorization, indicating the pick can bypass authorization during pick slip generation. Pick slip generation selects pre-generated picks to fulfill and print based on the pick slip selection criteria specified.

Price codes allow you to define a price discount for items/SKUs in a specified offer or source code when you order a specified quantity. The price code can offer a dollar or percentage off the price of the item, a special price for the item, or a group price for a defined group of items. The system applies price code pricing to an order during repricing and end-of-order pricing.

Price tags are labels that you can print and affix to items prior to distribution to your retail stores. The price tag can contain information such as the item number and SKU, price, UPC barcode, and item information such as long SKU department, long SKU class, and long SKU size.

Price tickets are labels you attach to items that you wish to transfer to a retail store. The ticket contains information such as the item number and SKU, retail price and outlet price. A barcode prints on each label so you can scan the label information automatically into your system.

Pricing Upload Interface allows you to upload Special Pricing by Source records and Quantity Price Matrix Detail records from an external system.

Primary email address: The primary address is the one displayed on most screens, such as in customer inquiry and in catalog requests.

Primary primary: The primary location stored in the Primary location field in the SKU table.

Promotional pricing allows you to specify an item, a group of items, or a dollar amount that a customer must order to receive an incentive item at no charge or at a special price. Promotional pricing is defined for a source code or offer. When the customer meets the eligibility requirements established in the promotional pricing record, a pop-up window appears in Order Entry allowing the customer to select from an incentive group or select an incentive item. The system automatically adds the item to the order.

Properties define system-wide configuration settings for CWSerenade.

Protected: the quantity of the item that can be reserved only through Interactive Reservation.

Purchase order layering updates the expected delivery dates for items on backorder, based on records in the PO Layering table. The oldest orders on the system receive stock before new orders.

Purchase Order Outbound API: You can use the Purchase Order Outbound API to pass purchase order information to download to another system, such as a warehouse management system (WMS) or EDI vendor system.

QAS Address interface allows you to retrieve address information from the QAS Pro Web © 5.6 address management system to update a CWSerenade address during interactive quote or order entry/maintenance, the order API, catalog requests, the customer API, and customer maintenance. The QAS Pro Web address management system captures, cleans, maintains, and enhances address records and validates the address data against national postal authorities, such as the U.S. Postal Service.

Quantity price matrix customer specials are QPM discount prices that use customer or customer price group as a qualifier.

Quantity price matrix details are QPM base prices for a specific item and SKU, item, or item category.

Quantity price matrix source specials are QPM discount prices that use source code, and NOT customer or customer price group, as a qualifier.

Quoting allows you to create a pre-order for a customer listing the items the customer wishes to order and the estimated order totals should the customer agree to place the order. The system does not reserve inventory or perform background async updates for the quote until it is converted to an order. Optionally, the system assigns an expiration date to a quote, indicating how long the estimated quote is valid before it expires.

Recency codes are used to group buyers who have made purchases within the same time frame, such as within the last 0-12 months. You can assign a recency code to each source code to further define buyers in Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Recipient orders are secondary orders that you add to an order to ship to a different address. For example, you can place an order for yourself and a friend in a single phone call, on a single order. The system assigns the first order an order number, you enter name, address, item, and payment information for this order, and then select Accept/Add Rcpt to accept the current order and add a recipient order.

Recipient orders are secondary orders that you add to an order to ship to different customers or addresses. For example, you can place an order for yourself and a friend in a single phone call, on a single order.

Relate Batch Customer and Sales Integration allows you to send merchandise hierarchy, item, customer, sales and return information from CWSerenade to Relate. Sending this information to Relate provides a centralized view of the customer’s value across your enterprise. You can use this information to perform data analysis, or segmentation, in Relate.

Relate is customer relationship marketing (CRM) solution that serves as a central repository for customer data, and is also an add-on to the XStorePlus bundle that allows you to process stored value cards.

Relate Loyalty Integration allows you to register customers in Relate’s loyalty program. Once a customer is registered in the loyalty program, you can retrieve the customer’s loyalty points and awards balances, accrue points from completed purchases, and redeem awards as a pro-rated merchandise discount on an order.

Relate Stored Value Card integration allows you to process stored value cards between CWSerenade and Relate using point-to-point communication. Processing of stored value cards remains the same in CWSerenade; however, instead of using the stored value card integration layer jobs to process the stored value card transactions and send the transactions to a CWIntegrate site via the queues defined for the integration layer jobs, CWSerenade uses the Relate Stored Value Card Messages to send the stored value card transactions directly to the Relate system for processing.

Relic downloads data from the CWSerenade DW Staging tables to the tables in the cwi_staging database on the CWData Server.

Reserved: the quantity of the item that is already set aside for other orders.

Retail integration from an external system into CWSerenade allows you to keep merchandise information in CWSerenade in sync with merchandise information in your external merchandising system. Using this integration, you can provide your customers with a consistent shopping experience across your retail store, catalog, and online channels. You can carry the same merchandise and offer your customers the same merchandise pricing in your retail store, catalog, and online channels. This allows you to maintain the image and service levels customers have come to expect.

Retail pickup order: The Order Broker sends a retail pickup order to CWSerenade for fulfillment when the customer would like to pick up the order at the originating retail location, but the inventory is not available. The ship-to address on a retail pickup order sent to CWSerenade for fulfilment is the name and address of the originating store location.

Rewards certificates are coupons that a customer that is enrolled in the Rewards membership program can apply to an order as a pro-rated merchandise discount.

Rewards Customer Membership is a loyalty program that allows customers to enroll in the Rewards membership program. Customers accumulate Rewards Points for each purchase they make. At a defined interval, the Rewards system generates a Rewards Certificate for the customer that can be applied as a pro-rated merchandise discount on a future order. The certificate amount is determined based on the Rewards Points the customer has accumulated at the time of certificate generation. For example, members may earn a $5.00 certificate for every $500.00 they spend. The CWSerenade Rewards integration allows you to send customer and Rewards membership information between CWSerenade and a Rewards system. Within CWSerenade you can enroll a sold to customer in the Rewards membership program, review membership information such as Rewards Points, review and apply Rewards certificates to an order as a discount, and refund Rewards certificates if an order on which a certificate was used is returned.

RF Physical Inventory allows you to use an RF gun to enter physical inventory counts in the Radio Frequency Transactions (RFMN) menu option. As you enter the count, the system creates records in the Physical Inventory Upload New table. When you accept a count, the system uploads the records from the Physical Inventory Upload New table to the Physical Inventory table. When you print the Physical Inventory Evaluation report with Update, the system completes the physical inventory and updates the live tables.

RF PO Receipt allows you to receive a PO line into a specified warehouse and location using an RF gun to scan the item to receive and the location where the item will be placed. You can receive the entire PO line or receive a partial quantity of the PO line.

RF Store Transfer Receipt allows you to receive a store transfer line defined in the Store Transfer Receipt Table (INSTXR) into a specified warehouse and location using an RF gun to scan the item to receive and the location where the item will be placed. You can receive the entire store transfer line or receive a partial quantity of the store transfer line. You can also process store transfer receipts using the Working with Store Transfer Receipt (WSRT) menu option. The lines on a store transfer remain open until you close the store transfer.

Sectional Center Facility (SCF) codes represent the first 3 digits of the destination postal (zip) code. The Work with SCF function allows you to enter information specific to the SCF, including the valid states, the preferred method of shipping to this area, and a warehouse list which defines a hierarchy for reserving merchandise in warehouses.

Secured features are procedures or functions that occur within a function, such as the ability to maintain batch totals within Order Entry.

Sets are a group of items which are assembled when the set is picked and packed. Sets can be made up of items which are sold individually. Each of these component items appear on the pick slip and are packed together. Component items might not appear on the same pick slip, but the picks are created at the same time.

Ship via lead days, as defined in the Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV) menu option, represents the number of days it takes a shipper to deliver the order to its destination. The SCF represents the first 3 positions of the destination postal code. To retrieve the correct ship via lead days, the system uses the ship via on the order line (or order ship it not defined at the line level) and the SCF (first 3 digits of the postal code) and country code defined for the order ship to delivery address.

Ship-to customers are people receiving the merchandise. This may be the sold-to customer, the recipient of a gift, the address of a business or an address used for this order only.

Ship-to-store order: Use the ship-to-store integration with Locate to send orders to an external retail location for customer pickup if the merchandise is not available at that location. The ship-to address on a ship-to-store order sent from CWSerenade to the Order Broker is the name and address of the store location.

SKU Sort Sequence Numbers are sequence numbers assigned to SKUs to determine the order in which the SKUs sort. You can use the sort sequence to display SKUs in a different order, such as by size, rather than alphanumerically by SKU code.

SKUs are codes that further define items by virtue of color, size, width, or any other type of user-defined attribute. Usually, you define SKUs when the majority of your items have 2 or more identifying characteristics.

Slotting allows you to manage inventory for pickable primary locations in order to maximize warehouse picking efficiencies. During the slotting process, the system determines the best location for new and existing items based on product data, location data, past and anticipated pick frequency and sales history. Information analyzed includes unit sales, open purchase orders, on hand quantity, item velocity, item group, item weight and size, and location pick volume. Based on this analysis, the system determines which products should be moved to a different pickable primary location.

Sold to customers are people placing orders. The system tables the customer's name and address and other basic information so that a customer master record is available for future use.

Soldout control codes define which calculation the system uses to determine when to sell out an item. When a customer orders a soldout item in order entry or order maintenance, the order line is automatically closed with a status of Soldout. The soldout units and dollars are updated in the Item table, Item/Offer table, Source Code table and order history tables. You can define a soldout control code for an item in the S/O control field on the second item screen in item maintenance, or on the SKU screen if the item has SKUs. If you do not define a soldout control code for an item or SKU, it will never sell out automatically in order entry/maintenance.

Source codes are unique codes used to identify segments of your customer base or a rented list. Each source code is assigned to one offer and one division. Source codes control the freight and pricing method used on an order.

Standard special handling is a set of free-form instructions or notes about how to work on an item, including the charge for the special handling work. Standard special handling is entered on a free-format screen where you can enter any information necessary to explain what needs to be done to the item.

Store pickup order: Use the store pickup integration with Locate to send orders to an external retail location where the merchandise is already available for pickup. Unlike a ship-to-store order, a store pickup order does not require CWSerenade to transfer the inventory to the store. The ship-to address on a retail pickup order sent from CWSerenade to the Order Broker is the name and address of the originating store location.

Store transfer receipts allow you to receive transfers from an external system, such as a retail store, and process them similar to purchase order receipts, using the Working with Store Transfer Receipt (WSRT) menu option. You can also process store transfer receipts using an RF device.

Stored value card refunds allow you to generate a credit card credit against the original stored value card on the order or generate a new stored value card for the amount of the refund to send to the customer when you process a refund.

Stored value card: A gift card containing a pre-paid dollar amount that consumers can use to make purchases. Before a customer can use a stored value card as payment, the card must be activated by the service bureau. You can also inquire on the remaining balance on the card during order entry and maintenance.

Sub-offers for an offer allow you to analyze how certain pages in an offer perform from the rest of the offer. For example, you may want to create a sub-offer if the main offer contains insert pages, such as a section of items sold at a discounted price.

Sundry transactions allow you to make direct postings to the general ledger to record miscellaneous cash. For example, when you give a customer a discount because of a late delivery, you might post the discount to the general ledger sundry account to attribute that cash to the correct account.

Tax Jurisdictions define postal code ranges for an area where a special tax structure exists. For example, tax jurisdictions exist for some counties in New York and New Jersey. Standard tax reporting does not identify taxes collected at the jurisdiction level.

Threshold values indicate the numbers and/or dollar values that trigger the system to generate an email when these values are breached.

Tickler event rules are the criteria that must be met by the system action for the system to create a tickler for a user to resolve.

Tickler events are the system actions for which the system may create a workflow task (tickler).

Tickler procedures are the instructions a user follows to complete the tickler task.

Ticklers are tasks automatically created by the system and assigned to a user when a system action meets the criteria defined for a tickler event rule. For each tickler, you can define the procedures, or instructions, the user should follow to complete the task. A tickler can also be created manually.

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a communication protocol to manage the security of message transmission between CWSerenade and an external system, allowing you to encrypt the data passed between the client browser and the server.

Upselling encourages the customer to order from a special promotion that is in effect for up to three items, when the order is eligible based on the one or more categories, including source code, customer or item class, state, or payment type. An upsell promotion window will appear in Order Entry if the order is valid for one of the above criteria, and the order date is on or between the start and stop dates for the upsell promotion.

User classes are logical groupings of users, for example all Order Entry operators. Like the individual user record, a default menu and default company can be assigned so that all users in this user class will sign on to the same menu and work within the same company. Authority to companies, menu options, secured features and user defined functions can also be assigned at the user class level.

User edit points allow the system to pass a hash map of pre-defined values to an external program for validation whenever a certain activity occurs in the CWSerenade application and have the external program return a string response so that CWSerenade can display any data returned in the string as an error message on the CWSerenade screen from where the user edit point was called.

User exit points allow the system to pass parameters to an external program to obtain additional information whenever a certain activity occurs within CWSerenade. You might also set up a user exit point as a means of feeding information to an external accounting package, or a service bureau that maintains customer information.

User records allow an individual to sign on and access all or some of the features of the system. A user can be a customer service representative, an order entry operator, or a system administrator. Each user on the system must have both a user profile and a user control record.

Van delivery allows qualifying customers to receive shipments via a special delivery service. For a customer to qualify for van delivery, you must define the warehouse where the system reserves items shipped to the customer via the van delivery service and the van route the van delivery service uses to deliver the items to the customer.

Variable sets are lists of items that customers can choose from to make up the set they want to purchase. Like sets, variable sets are assembled when the set variable is picked and packed. The items which make up the variable set might not appear on the same pick slip, but the picks are created at the same time.

VAT is a taxing method that applies in only certain states in countries. When an order is subject to VAT, the customer is charged a tax-inclusive price, and the tax amount is “hidden” on the order detail line for the item, not included in the Tax bucket for the order.

Vendor response codes identify the reasons that the service bureau approves (authorizes) or declines a credit card charge or deposit. The codes are assigned to each transaction by the service bureau when approving or declining the request.

Vendors are companies who supply you with merchandise or services. A record must be established on the system for every vendor from whom you purchase merchandise, or for whom you will enter A/P invoices.

Virtual stored value cards are virtual (non-physical) cards that you do not stock. Virtual stored value cards are automatically reserved on an order and express-billed during pick slip generation. During pick slip generation, the system also assigns a number to the virtual card. Once the card receives an approved activation from the service bureau, an email is sent to the recipient card holder on the order, notifying the customer that a stored value card has been purchased and providing the stored value card number and dollar amount to use as a form of payment.

Warehouse lists are used to more efficiently allocate an order when you ship from more than one warehouse.

Warehouse management systems control inventory movement, such as receiving merchandise, inventory transactions, picking and packing, and shipping merchandise to a customer.

Warranty items are items you can add to an order at no charge. For example, if a customer previously ordered a grill that came with a 2-year warranty and the burner on the grill was defective, you could add the replacement burner to the customer's order free of charge.

Web service authentication allows you to define which CWSerenade web service endpoints require authentication and the valid web service authentication users for each web service.

Workflow management allows you to automate system actions, during which tasks (ticklers) are assigned to a user for action, according to a defined set of procedures, until the issues associated with the ticklers are resolved.

XML inclusion defines which elements to include in a download message.

Zone skipping is a method of reducing freight charges by shipping inventory via one carrier to a central drop point, where it is picked up by another carrier and delivered to its final destination. For example, if you are shipping from a Massachusetts warehouse to destinations in California, you might use one carrier to deliver all packages to a UPS center in California, from which they will be shipped to their California destinations. Whether or not you are using zone skipping determines which table the system uses to identify the drop point.

masterAPL OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN