Opening an Order Batch

Order batching enables you to enter order controls for a group (batch) of orders before you enter the orders on the system. This ensures that the order controls match the actual orders entered on the system.

The Order Entry operator performs this function, either adding order controls to a cash batch or defining order controls for a new batch. With the cash batching function (as designated by the selected Batch Cash? (B22) system control value), it is common for your Accounting department to create a cash batch to enter the individual checks in a a batch. This process is described in Opening a Cash Batch (WCSH).

Although you can accept an unbalanced cash batch during the Cash Batch process and the system allows you to create an order batch for the unbalanced cash batch, you cannot enter the orders for the batch until it is balanced.

Web orders: If an order received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) does not pass the order edit, or if it does not include payment information, the system places the order in an order batch; see Batch Order Entry and Web Orders. Also, you can receive batched orders through the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN). All orders that come in with the same batch_number are assigned to the same order batch. Select Edit/Accept on the Work with Order Batches Screen to edit and approve the batch. Even if the batch is error-free, you will still need to approve it manually. See Batching Orders Through the Order API for more information.

In this topic:

Request Order Batch Screen (Selecting Batch Order Entry)

Work with Order Batches Screen

Create Order Batch Screen

Change Order Batch Screen

Work with Orders Within a Batch Screen

Steps to Creating an Order Batch

Request Order Batch Screen (Selecting Batch Order Entry)

Purpose: Use this screen to select batch Order Entry and, optionally, to set defaults for several Order Entry fields.

About this screen: Each field on this screen is described in Setting Defaults in Order Entry; however, you must select the Are the orders batched field to select batch Order Entry mode. Entries to the other fields on this screen are optional.

Work with Order Batches Screen

Purpose: This screen lists the balanced and unbalanced batches on the system. The value in the Assigned to user field controls which batches display. If blank, this screen lists all the order batches on the system.

Threshold: A threshold value controls the length of time in which a suspended (unbalanced) order batch remains on the system. Any order batches beyond this threshold are deleted automatically during a periodic process.

Updates: The system updates the Actual number of orders and the Actual dollar value fields as you enter orders for the batch. The batch is not in balance until the values in the Keyed number of orders and Actual number of orders and the Keyed dollar value and Actual dollar value fields match.

Out of balance batches: A blinking (or red) batch number indicates an order batch that is out-of-balance. This means that you must enter or correct orders for the batch or adjust the order or cash controls for the batch. See Balancing the Order Batch.

User ID: This screen also displays the user ID of the person currently working with an order batch. Only one person can work on a batch.

Screen use: Use this screen to:

• Review, work with, and edit orders received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) that did not pass the order edit or do not include payment information; see Batch Order Entry and Web Orders.

• Create and work with an order batch. When you create an order batch, you can enter controls for the batch such as the number of orders, units, and accumulated dollar value of checks in the batch, in order to reduce order entry mistakes. Orders in the batch remain in a suspended status until you accept the batch.

For each order batch, you can:

• Change information for the order batch.

• Reject or display an order batch.

• Add, delete, or display an order in the batch at the Work with Orders Within a Batch Screen.

• If the batch number matches the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) or Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90), you can select Edit/Accept to edit the order batch. The system runs the same order edit that is performed when you receive orders through the Generic Order Interface (Order API). When an order passes the order edit, the system removes the batch number from the order, updates its status to open, performs pick slip preparation, and makes it available in regular order maintenance and inquiry. If an order fails the order edit, the system includes the order on the Phone Errors Report and retains the order in an error status in the order batch.

• If the batch number does not match the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) or Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90), the system interactively edits the order as you create it in batch order entry. Select Accept on the Work with Order Batches Screen to accept the order batch. When you accept the order batch, the system removes the batch number from the order, updates its status to open, performs pick slip preparation and makes it available in regular order maintenance and inquiry.

How to display this screen:

1. Select Are the orders batched on the Request Order Batch Screen (Selecting Batch Order Entry).

2. Optionally, Tab to the Payment type and enter the code for a prepaid payment type.

3. Select OK to display the Work with Order Batches screen.



Assigned to user

The user ID of the person who created the order batch.

All order batches display if this field is blank.

The system assigns your default user to orders received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) that contain errors.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional, assigned by the system.

Batch suspended

Indicates whether the screen lists only suspended (unbalanced) batches or all batches. The system suspends a batch if the keyed cash and/or order controls do not match the actual cash and/or order controls.

Valid values include:

Selected = (default): Display only suspended (unbalanced) batches.

Unselected = Display balanced and unbalanced batches.

The system default is to display only the unbalanced batches because these batches need to be worked on. You must enter (or continue to enter) orders for the batch, adjust the cash or order controls for the batch or correct the orders in the batch to bring the batch into balance. If you select this field, every batch currently on the system is listed.

Note: A threshold value controls the length of time in which an unbalanced order batch remains on the system. After this period, the system deletes unbalanced order batches automatically during a periodic process.

Batch #

The number assigned by the system to a group of orders within a cash batch. The batch number is used as a control for the group of orders.

During the cash batch process, the total dollars received in the batch are linked to the batch number.

During the order batch process, the total number of orders and total number of units ordered are linked to the batch number.

During Order Entry, the individual orders in the batch are linked to the batch number. The system ensures that the dollars, units, and orders within a given batch number match the controls entered prior to Order Entry.

Web orders: If an order received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) does not pass the order edit, or if it does not include payment information, it is retained in the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41). However:

• If the order_channel is P and the order is not part of a batch, the system places the order in the Batch Number for Retail Channel Orders (I78) if it has errors.

• If a retail pickup or delivery order does not pass the order edit, it is retained in the Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90). If this system control value is blank, retail pickup and delivery orders in error are assigned to the same batch as e-commerce orders in error. See Retail Pickup or Delivery Orders for background.

Batching orders through the Order API: When the system receives the beginning order for a batch it confirms that the batch number does not exist in the Used Phone Batch table; however, it then assigns a different batch number to the batch. All web orders that are received with the same batch_number are assigned to the same batch number in CWSerenade. For example, if the first order you send has a batch_number of 782, and the order API assigns the order to batch 888, all subsequent orders received with batch_number 782 are also assigned to batch 888. See Batching Orders Through the Order API.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


The date on which the order batch was entered.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, assigned by the system.

# of orders - keyed

The number of orders you intended to enter for the order batch, from the # of orders field on the Create Order Batch Screen.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

# of orders - actual

The number of individual orders actually entered for this batch, regardless of order status and including orders that have been processed and no longer display in the batch. The system includes all orders whose Batch # field in the Order Header table matches the order batch number.

The system compares this value against the value in the # of orders field in the Order Batch record. Increases by 1 with each new order you enter for the batch. The batch is not in balance until the values in the # of orders - keyed and the # of orders actual fields are the same.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Dollar value - keyed

The total dollars received across all orders in this order batch, from the $ received for the Order Batch, or defaulted from the Cash batch total amount for the Cash Batch record.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Dollar value - actual

The total dollar amount of orders entered for this batch during Order Entry. The system compares this value to the value in the Dollar value - keyed field to determine whether the batch is in balance.

The system updates this field as you enter and accept each order in the batch.

You cannot accept the batch until the values in the Dollar value keyed and the Dollar value actual fields are the same. The entire batch is suspended, each order in the batch is held, and pick slip preparation is not performed until the batch balances.

See Balancing the Order Batch for more information on how to correct any errors in the batch that throw off the totals.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal.

In use by

The user ID of the person currently working with the batch. Only one person at a time can access a batch.

If the batch is locked by another user because, for example, the user’s session ended unexpectedly, you can use Unlocking a Stranded Order or Batch (MULO) to unlock the batch.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Screen Option


Change information for an order batch or create an order batch for a cash batch

Select Change for a batch to advance to the Change Order Batch Screen.

Review the keyed and actual batch totals for a batch

Select Display for a batch to advance to the Display Batch Totals screen. See Balancing the Order Batch.

Update the actual number of orders and the actual dollar value of the orders for the batch

Select Reset Actuals for a batch. The system reads through all orders whose Batch # in the Order Header table matches the batch number you are resetting and updates these totals, if needed. This type of back-end update is designed to improve system performance.

Review, delete or enter orders for the batch

Select Work with orders for a batch to display the Work with Orders Within a Batch Screen.

Accept an order batch that does not contain web orders

Select Accept for an order batch whose batch number does not match the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) or Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90) to accept the entire batch. You can only accept a batch if it is in balance with the order controls.

Note: This option is available only for order batches not associated with web orders (the batch number does not match the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) or Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90)). The message Batch has already been accepted displays if you select this option for an order batch that contains orders received through the Generic Order Interface (Order API).

See Accepting or Rejecting the Order Batch for the updates that occur.

Reject and remove the entire batch

Select Reject for a batch to reject and delete the batch. Select OK at the Confirm Reject Window to perform this action. See Accepting or Rejecting the Order Batch.

Run the order edit batch program and print the Print Phone Errors report for an order batch that contains web orders

Select Edit/Accept for an order batch whose batch number matches the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) or Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90) to run the order batch edit and print the Phone Errors Report.

Note: This option is available only for order batches associated with web orders (the batch number matches the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) or Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90)). The message Order Batch Entered in Invalid. No errors in Batch displays if you select this option for an order batch that does not contain web orders.

See Accepting or Rejecting the Order Batch for the updates that occur.

Review or update defaults for several Order Entry fields

Select Change Defaults to display the Change Defaults pop-up window. See Setting Defaults in Order Entry.

Open a new order batch only if you do not batch cash

Select Create to advance to the Create Order Batch Screen to define order controls for the batch.

Create Order Batch Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define controls for a batch of orders to reduce the chance of order entry mistakes.

This process ensures that the actual orders you enter for the batch match the order controls. The system does not allow you to accept an order batch until the batch balances.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Order Batches Screen.




Batch #

The number assigned by the system to a group of orders within a cash batch. The batch number is used as a control for the group of orders.

During the cash batch process, the total dollars received in the batch are linked to the batch number.

During the order batch process, the total number of orders, the total number of units ordered, and the total dollars received are linked to the batch number.

During Order Entry, the individual orders in the batch are linked to the batch number. The system ensures that the dollars, units, and orders within a given batch number match the controls entered prior to Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Batch date

The date on which the batch was entered.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

# of orders

The number of orders you intend to enter for this batch. The system compares this value to the number of orders actually entered following Order Entry and prohibits you from accepting these orders if these values do not match.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

# of units

The total quantity of items you intend to order, across all orders in the batch. The system compares this value to the number of units actually ordered following Order Entry and prohibits you from accepting these orders if these values do not match.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

$ received

(Dollars received)

The total dollars received across all orders in the batch. The system compares this value against the totals across all orders you enter for the batch and prevents you from accepting the batch until these values are the same.

May default from the Cash Batch record, if you batch cash. See Opening a Cash Batch (WCSH).

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Change Order Batch Screen

Purpose: Use this option if you need to change the totals in the order batch if the batch does not balance after you enter the orders in the batch.

Things to note: This screen displays the order controls you entered before you entered the orders and the actual, system-updated values for each of these fields. If the keyed values (control values) do not match the actual values (on the actual orders), your batch is out of balance. You must change either the orders or the keyed values to bring the batch into balance and accept the orders.

The Batch Totals Access (A27) field in the Secured Features table controls whether you can update the batch controls for another user.

See Balancing the Order Batch for more information about how to adjust the batch totals.

Creating an order batch for a cash batch: Use this function to create an order batch for an existing cash batch. When you display the Work with Order Batches Screen, the cash batches created through the Cash Batch function appear on this screen and the batch numbers blink or display in red to indicate that they require an order batch. Also, the # of orders keyed field is set to a 0 to indicate that an order batch does not exist for the cash batch.

When you display the Change Order Batch Screen, notice that only the $ received field is set to a value; this field defaults from the Total cash batch amount field in the Cash Batch record. You must make entries to the # of orders and # of units field to create an order batch for the cash batch before you can begin entering orders for this batch.

How to display this screen: Select Chg for the order batch you want to update or the cash batch you want to enter controls for.

Only the following fields can be updated:

• # of orders

• # of units

• $ received.

Screen Option


Display or update information for the individual checks in a cash batch

Select Work with Cash Batch to display the Work with Cash Batches Screen to change, delete, display or add a check in the cash batch.

Work with Orders Within a Batch Screen

Purpose: Use this option to:

• Review the orders entered for the batch

• Delete an order from the batch

• Work with an order in the batch

• Review the order totals for an order in the batch

• Add an order to the batch

• Review the keyed and actual statistics for the entire batch

How to display this screen: Select Work with orders for an order batch at the Work with Order Batches Screen.





The number assigned by the system to a group of orders within a cash batch. The batch number is used as a control for the group of orders.

During the cash batch process, the total dollars received in the batch are linked to the batch number.

During the order batch process, the total number of orders, the total number of units ordered, and the total dollars received are linked to the batch number.

During Order Entry, the individual orders in the batch are linked to the batch number. The system ensures that the dollars, units, and orders within a given batch number match the controls entered prior to Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


Order status

The status of the order, as assigned by the system.

Batched orders may have a Suspended, Open or Quote status.


Batched orders are suspended as each order in the batch is entered and accepted. When you enter every order in the batch and accept the entire batch, the status of each order in the batch and the batch itself changes to Open.


Pick slips may be printed for orders in an open status. Additionally, these orders are available for maintenance and inquiry.


If the Quote field for the order type on the order is selected, the considers the order a pre-order quote and not a standard order. Quotes in a batch are entered in a Quote status and remain in a Quote status until you convert the quote to an order in Quote Maintenance. See Entering Pre-Order Quotes for an overview.

Other status codes are: Held, Cancelled or Closed.

Alphanumeric, display-only, updated by the system.

Order #

A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ord date

The processing date for the order. Defaults to today's date during Order Entry, but may be overridden to date-stamp orders you received or wish to post on an earlier date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Sold to

The last name, first name and initial or the company name of the customer who placed the order.

Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.


The number of recipients for this order, which indicates the number of different shipping addresses associated with the order number.

The system assigns a sequential ship-to number to every order, even if the shipping address and the sold-to address are the same.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Total paid

The dollar amount you received from the customer on all prepaid (A/R and check payments) for the order.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.


Indicates whether a payment method exists on the order.

Y = A payment method exists on the order.

N = A payment method does not exist on the order.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete an order from the batch

Select Delete for the order to delete it. The system writes a record in the Deleted Order Table for the order.

Go into an order in the batch to change or verify order information before you accept the entire batch

Select Ship To’s for an order listed for the batch to advance to Order Entry (in “review” mode). You must accept or reject the order when you are through.

Review the order totals for the order

Select Display order totals for the order to display the Display Order Totals Window.

Enter another order for the batch

Select Create. See Performing Batch Order Entry for more information about the batching process during Order Entry. See also Entering Orders for details on how to enter an order.

Review the accumulated totals across all orders entered for the batch, as compared to the order controls for the batch

Select Display Batch Totals. See Balancing the Order Batch.

Steps to Creating an Order Batch

If you batch cash: Follow these steps to create an order batch for a cash batch:

1. At the Work with Order Batches Screen, enter the user ID of the person who created the cash batch to display only the cash batches that require order batches, and

2. Look for a blinking number or red batch number and a 0 in the # of orders - keyed field to determine which cash batches need an order batch.

3. Select Change for a cash batch to advance to the Change Order Batch Screen.

4. Enter or verify the number of orders, number of units and dollars received in the batch. These values act as the order controls that you must balance to after you enter each order in the batch.

5. Select OK after completing the Change Order Batch screen. You return to the Work with Order Batches Screen.

6. Select Display order totals for the order batch to display the Work with Orders Within a Batch Screen.

7. Select Create to display the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen. This is where you identify the customer you are entering the order for.

8. See Performing Batch Order Entry and Entering Orders for more information on how to enter batched orders.

If you do not batch cash: Follow these steps if you are creating an order batch and you do not batch cash:

1. Select Create at the Work with Order Batches Screen.

2. Enter or verify the number of orders, number of units and dollars received in the batch. These values act as the order controls that you must balance to after you enter each order in the batch.

3. Select OK after completing theCreate Order Batch Screen. The system assigns the next available batch number and today's date to the order batch.

4. The Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen opens. Here, you identify the customer you are entering the order for.

5. See Performing Batch Order Entry and Entering Orders for more information on how to enter batched orders.

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