
A/P check printing

A/P invoice upload

A/R batch payment list

accepting or rejecting a business-to-business order

adding additional charges to an order

adding additional charges to an order

application servers, what to do when one of them goes down

application settings, determining

Applying changes to form image files

applying coupons in order entry

applying coupons through the generic order API (e-commerce interface)

async jobs

authorization, deposit, and stored value card processing

auto-cancellation of backorders not taking place

automated inventory transactions

backup copy of CWSerenade

brokered backorders


catalog request interface

changes to system control values not taking effect

changing an invoice payment method

company logo does not display correctly

creating two return authorizations for the same Item Location

CWORDEROUT message in customer history API, version number

CWServiceIn web service failing or returning error

data source configuration settings, reviewing database connection problems

Display Active Batch Jobs screen

display issues; screen resolution settings

emails generation

Error occurred on call to program message

file upload processing

forms generation and management

freight by order weight

generating membership orders

generic order API (e-commerce interface) order creation errors

generic web service failing or returning error

Geo Zone not rtv’d error



identifying how orders were deleted

improving performance by reducing needless logging

inbound email history

including barcode on pick slips

inventory download API (CWInventoryDownload)

inventory sharing

inventory transaction upload

item images

item/ship via override logic

Job Management screen (My Jobs)

jobs, monitoring

log file locations and uses

loyalty programs that net returns, cancels, and soldouts

LPN/inventory discrepancies, how to correct

membership order but no associated customer membership

merchandise locator search results

miscellaneous screen format issues

monarch printer errors

MQ Client fails to deliver an XML message to another system

online help search looping

opening DTD, schema, and sample XML files

Order Broker

Order Broker statuses

package insert processing (PIPs)

password, saving

PayPal direct connection integration

PayPal integration

PC manifesting

physical inventory upload

printing picks

processing refunds by order number

properties file change has not taken effect

purchase order receipt in API

QAS communication failures

quantity price matrix pricing

quote restrictions

radio frequency

refund checks

reports generation and management

reprinting pick slips

restarting CWSerenade

resubmitting authorizations

retail item upload

retail pickup and delivery orders (Order Broker)

retail store restock orders, errors

retail store restock orders, generating

retail store restock orders, pick slips

return API

return authorization outbound trigger and message generation

returns integration with Xstore

reviewing the credit card number in the CWSerenade database

RF printer errors

scheduled jobs

scheduling pick slip generation

screen contents cut off

See also Frequently Asked Questions

special characters in XML messages

store pickup orders

stranded orders

tax rate does not apply unless City name is all upper case

the CWSerenade application server cannot connect to the database

vendor upload

version of CWSerenade, determining


voiding pick slips

web service, authentication

XMLFILE job won’t start

zip code (City/State/Zip) upload

masterAML2 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN