Setting Up Accounts Payable Values

Purpose: The Accounts Payable section of the System Control table defines parameters that control:

• Column headings for Accounts Payable screens and reports

• Purge criteria

• Aging categories

• Invoice processing

• Statement processing

For more information: For instructions and screen samples on how to create, change, delete, and copy a system control value, see System Control Table Components.

Section note: This section requires you to enter the column headings that appear on A/P screens and reports and the number of days duration for each A/P aging bucket. Although you are not required to complete values for all six aging categories, you must complete the values for each aging category you use, and for each corresponding value.

For example, if you complete A/P Aging 1 Column Heading (C22) through A/P Aging 4 Column Heading (C25), you must complete A/P Aging 1 Days (C28) through A/P Aging 4 Days (C31).

Quick Reference of Accounts Payable System Control Values

This table describes briefly each system control value for the Accounts Payable application area and lists the control value, a short definition, other control values to which you should refer in this section, if necessary, and a column where you can indicate the value that you assigned for your company.

If you are working with multiple companies, make a copy of this table for each company on your system.

Company: ______________________________

System Control Value


Your Value

A/P Files Purge Days (C21)

Defines the number of days after the A/P check is reconciled or voided that it is purged from the system.


A/P Aging 1 Column Heading (C22)

Defines the column heading for the first aging bucket.


A/P Aging 2 Column Heading (C23)

Defines the column heading for the second aging bucket.


A/P Aging 3 Column Heading (C24)

Defines the column heading for the third aging bucket.


A/P Aging 4 Column Heading (C25)

Defines the column heading for the fourth aging bucket.


A/P Aging 5 Column Heading (C26)

Defines the column heading for the fifth aging bucket.


A/P Aging 6 Column Heading (C27)

Defines the column heading for the sixth aging bucket.


A/P Aging 1 Days (C28)

Defines the number of days duration of the first aging bucket.


A/P Aging 2 Days (C29)

Defines the number of days duration of the second aging bucket.


A/P Aging 3 Days (C30)

Defines the number of days duration of the third aging bucket.


A/P Aging 4 Days (C31)

Defines the number of days duration of the fourth aging bucket.


A/P Aging 5 Days (C32)

Defines the number of days duration of the fifth aging bucket.


A/P Aging 6 Days (C33)

Defines the number of days duration of the sixth aging bucket.


A/P Age by Date Type (C50)

Defines whether you will age an A/P invoice by due date or invoice date.


Use Preprinted Checks (C51)

Defines whether you will use preprinted checks or assign your own check numbers.


A/P Check Printing Program (C52)

Defines the program that prints A/P checks.


Max # of Invoices on a Check (C53)

Defines the maximum number of vendor invoices that can be paid on a single A/P check.


A/P Discount General Ledger Account # (C55)

Defines the General Ledger Account Number to be used for posting A/P Discounts.


Apply Total Amount to First A/P Check (D18)

Defines whether the system consolidates payment on vendor invoices to a single check, lists the invoices being paid on multiple check stubs, and voids the remaining checks.


Use Purchase Order/Drop Ship Matching (D21)

Defines whether you will match a vendor's invoice against the actual purchase order or drop ship pick slip on which merchandise was ordered or shipped.


VCB Default "To" Warehouse (D86)

Defines the “To” warehouse to default for items on a vendor charge back.


VCB Default "To" Location (D87)

Defines the "To" location to default for items on a vendor charge back.


VCB A/P Invoice Number Default Method (E34)

Defines whether the vendor charge back number defaults as the A/P credit invoice number to use when processing a vendor charge back.


VCB Reverse A/P Invoice Number Default Method (E35)

Defines whether the vendor charge back number defaults as the A/P invoice number to use when reversing a vendor charge back.


VCB Perform Inventory Write Off During A/P Posting (E36)

Defines whether the system processes a return to vendor inventory transaction for items with a "To" location when you process the A/P credit for a vendor charge back.


Batch Entry of A/P Invoices (F02)

Defines whether you enter A/P invoices in batch mode or have the invoices post to A/P immediately upon entry.


Enter Gross A/P Invoice Amount (F03)

Defines whether you can apply discounts to A/P invoice totals during A/P invoice entry when you are matching the invoice to a purchase order.


Require Entry of Parent Vendor (G31)

Defines whether the Parent vendor number field is required on the Create and Change Vendor screens in Work with Vendors.


A/P Invoice Upload Values (H69)

Defines the system control values used in the A/P invoice upload interface.


A/P Invoice Upload Division (H70)

Defines the division to use when creating A/P invoices through the upload.


A/P Invoice Upload Bank (H71)

Defines the bank to use when creating A/P invoices through the upload.


A/P Invoice Upload Default Detail General Ledger Number (H72)

Defines the default general ledger number when creating A/P invoices through the upload if the A/P Transaction record does not already have a general ledger number.


A/P Invoice Upload Unit Variance Percent (H74)

Defines the maximum percentage that an uploaded A/P invoice line can vary from the purchase order line unit quantity without causing the batch to be suspended.


A/P Invoice Upload Cost Variance Percent (H75)

Defines the maximum percentage that an uploaded A/P invoice line can vary from the purchase order line unit cost without causing the batch to be suspended.


A/P Invoice Upload Terms Code Usage (H76)

Defines whether to use the A/P terms information from the uploaded invoice, rather than checking the purchase order or the vendor terms.


A/P Invoice Upload Auto Accept Batch (H73)

Defines whether uploaded A/P invoices should be accepted automatically if they pass all thresholds and other edits.


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