Warehouse Management System Integration Overview

Warehouse management systems control inventory movement, such as receiving merchandise, inventory transactions, picking and packing, and shipping merchandise to a customer.

The Warehouse Management System integration allows CWSerenade and a warehouse management system (WMS) to pass inventory information in order to keep inventory information in both systems accurate. The WMS is where the actual inventory is located, but CWSerenade needs to keep track of the changes to inventory that occur in the WMS so that the data in CWSerenade remains accurate. For example, if the WMS adjusts the inventory for an item and does not notify CWSerenade, orders placed in CWSerenade may reserve items that do not have enough inventory in the warehouse.

The warehouse management system integration creates a bridge between CWSerenade and a WMS. This bridge allows CWSerenade and a WMS to pass data between the two systems using XML messages transmitted via a queue or web service.

In this topic:

What Does CWSerenade Send to the Warehouse Management System?

What Does the Warehouse Management System Send to CWSerenade?

Warehouse Integration Summary

What Does CWSerenade Send to the Warehouse Management System?

CWSerenade controls item information, vendor information, purchase order information, pick slip information, and return information. Any time you create or modify information in these areas, CWSerenade sends the information to the warehouse management system.


What Does the Warehouse Management System Send to CWSerenade?

The warehouse management system controls changes to inventory, such as purchase order receipts, inventory transactions, and shipping merchandise to customers. Any time the warehouse management system adds or removes inventory in a warehouse, the WMS sends the information to CWSerenade.

Warehouse Integration Summary


Performed By:

Items: CWSerenade sends new or changed items to the warehouse management system (WMS)

Generic Item Download API

Vendors: CWSerenade sends new or changed vendors to the WMS

Generic Vendor Download API

Purchase orders: CWSerenade sends new or changed purchase orders to the WMS

Generic Outbound Purchase Order API

Purchase order receipts: CWSerenade receives information on purchase order receipts sent from the WMS

Purchase Order Receipt In API

Inventory activity: CWSerenade receives information on inventory activity, such as transfers or adjustments, from the WMS

Generic Inventory Transaction Upload

Inventory overlay: CWSerenade receives updated inventory information from the WMS

Generic Inventory Transaction Upload

Pick slip generation: CWSerenade sends information on generated pick slips to the WMS

Generic Pick Out API

Pick slip void: CWSerenade sends information on voided pick slips to the WMS

Generic Pick Out API

Shipment confirmation: CWSerenade receives information on full or partial shipments; information on carton contents can also be included

Generic Pick In API (Shipments, Voids, and Backorders)

Unfulfillable pick slips: CWSerenade receives information on pick slip voids from the WMS

Generic Pick In API (Shipments, Voids, and Backorders)

Returns: CWSerenade sends updates on customer returns to the WMS

Outbound Return API

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