Generic Customer API

Purpose: Use the generic customer API to add or change customers based on XML messages from an external system.

Note: You cannot use the Generic Customer API to delete a customer.

Relate customer integration: If you use the Relate customer integration, when you create or change a customer through the generic customer API, the new or changed customer information is also sent to Relate so that the name, address, email address, phone numbers, and contact permissions in the two systems are synchronized. See the Relate Customer Integration for more information.

In this topic:

Customer API Setup

System Control Values used by the Customer API

Default Customer for Customer API

CWCustomer or CWMessageIn Web Service

Determining Whether to Add or Change a Customer

Adding a Customer using the Customer API

Required Attributes for Add Requests

Duplicate Checking for Add Requests

Error Checking for Add Requests

Send Response for Add Request?

Fixing Errors and Reprocessing an Add Request

Changing a Customer using the Customer API

Required Attributes for Change Requests

Determining the Customer to Update

Using a Default Customer as a Guideline for Change Requests

Error Checking for Change Requests

Send Response for Change Request?

Fixing Errors and Reprocessing a Change Request

Sample Customer API XML Messages

Customer Message: Successful Add Request

Customer Message: Duplicate Add Request

Customer Message: Failure Add Request

Customer Message: Successful Change Request

Customer Message: Failure Change Request

Customer Message: Failure Delete Request

Inbound Customer Message (CWCustomerIn)

Outbound Customer Response Message (CWCustomerOut)

For more information: See Working with Customer API (WCAI) to review, work with, delete, or resubmit customer API requests that are in error.

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